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I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...

Posted by Seacreature 
I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 14, 2008
Why in the hell am I subjecting myself to such torture? For a lifetime friend, of course. I love my friend I've known her since preschool. But she is the ultimate people pleaser. She will run herself into insanity for anyone and it is getting old. I'm tired of telling her that she doesn't have to put herself through all this hell for family, friends or anyone else. Still, she feels guilty. It's awful.

So she's throwing a baby shower for her high school friend. The gift grabbing single moo has been a close friend of my friend for a long time so we know each other...but only through my friend. Anyway, friend throwing the shower works her ass off constantly. Her job is very demanding and she works 10 to 12 hour days all the time. Anyway, she's been so constantly bizzy that I offered to help her out with this when she told me about it a month ago.

I don't hear anything about how exactly she needs me to help until the beginning of this week. She sends me a website and asks if I could please buy and make this cute baby sock bouquet. I think, cool...I'll just go get the stuff, make it and that'll be my gift, right? Well, stupid me asks her this and she tells me to please get something else from the baby registry, as this girl doesn't have many friends. Of course, gotta make the gift grab worth her while. At least my friend offered to help pay for the baby sock flower thing.

Anyway, it's the circumstances under which this chick got preggo that makes me sick...she got knocked up by some guy at her work. Some fling, as they weren't even dating. So of course she decides to keep it and move in with her mom for the first few months (which will most likely turn into years) and be yet another single fucking moo. OH but she's so haaaaaaaaapppyyyy....


I feel like such a bitch and I even said something to my friend about how I think her friends situation is disgusting. I tried not to get carried away because my friend doesn't understand. I was saying the whole, "you know how I feel about babies and breeding" thing to her and she showed me she thinks it's just a phase by saying, "IIII still think you should, it'd be great. Wait 'til I get preggo so we can do it together! OMG it would be ssooo fun!" I'm like...okay...never mind. I'll shut up now.

So I'm gonna have to suck it up and be nice tomorrow even though I want to kick the girl in her stupid gut. I feel so evil for thinking these things but I can't help it lately. I'm just so tired of it. SO. VERY. TIRED. I'll get over it, right? I'd better because I'm surrounded by breeders.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 14, 2008
I know exactly how you feel... I've been in a similar situation (a friend of a friend getting knocked up by some gross dude who has a ton of problems). My friend (a people pleaser too) had to organise the baby shower AND her bridal shower, and moo-cunt took total advantage of her generosity. I was invited to both, but I told my friend exactly what I thought of the situation and moo-cunt. I was very, very blunt. It didn't go down too well at first, but my friend wised up later on. She's now child-free... For the moment anyway...

Oh yeah, when moo-cunt finally shat the creature out, my friend told me all the "lovely" details. Apparently the silly bitch had to get over 100 stitches "down there" because the tunnel worm was too big and she refused to get a C-section. It wasn't "natural". eye rolling smiley
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 14, 2008
I have hosted MANY baybee showers and have attended even more. It is a punishment worse than death itself with the grinning from ear to ear, the squealing, and the RIDICULOUS games. I have tried many different ways to make them more bearable by having a sit down dinner instead, by staggering the times for a tea, etc......but it all boils down to the fact that there will be breeders there and a giggly moo to be. I feel so sorry for you, but there are some things we simply must endure for friendship I suppose, but I think I would draw the line at a co-pregnancy with your friend.tongue sticking out smiley
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 14, 2008

Oh yeah, when moo-cunt finally shat the creature out, my friend told me all the "lovely" details. Apparently the silly bitch had to get over 100 stitches "down there" because the tunnel worm was too big and she refused to get a C-section. It wasn't "natural".

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

Just like an attention whoring moo to take advantage of a friend. You're lucky she's still thinking the child free way. My friend is under the delusion that she's going to have a kid some day. She's actually dating a girl, and came out a few years ago. That's fine and dandy with me...but thinking they're gonna have a 'family' like everyone else is so...so... I mean, you chose this different lifestyle and yet you STILL want to be like everyone else. It's so fucking disappointing. Plus, she's a wonderful person and all but I think she'd be a TERRIBLE mother. She is so frazzled all the time and worries about everything. I couldn't imagine a drama queen like her dealing with a child...in a healthy manner anyway.

I wonder if I'm going to be bingoed tomorrow. My friends mom is my moms best friend so she's kinda like an aunt to me. I can totally imagine her asking me when I'm gonna sprog, since I've been married for *gasp* almost two years now! And the lesbian couple will be there with their baby, which is now probably a little sticky toadler. YUCK. I wonder if anyone else is gonna bring their larva. Maybe I should bring my cat or one of my birds. HAAHAHA!!! What a weirdo...
Seacreature Wrote:
> Maybe I should bring my cat or one
> of my birds. HAAHAHA!!! What a weirdo...

Yes! Bring one of your furbabies! If they're cute enough they may outshine the moo-to-be.

My boyfriend and I are getting a bulldog next year and we've decided to introduce him/her to everyone as our adopted 'baby' grinning smiley
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 14, 2008
It's not even YOUR friend having the baybee. Are you going to help with the catering or something? I can't see any reason to go just to help out your friend who is throwing the shower unless she needs you to help with some logistical thing. Doesn't future-moo-to-be have any of her OWN friends that can be invited?

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 14, 2008
Awwww, Soulie, a bulldog! You should definately have a puppy shower for him. Have everyone bring him chew toys and bones... So much cheaper than baby shit.


It's not even YOUR friend having the baybee. Are you going to help with the catering or something? I can't see any reason to go just to help out your friend who is throwing the shower unless she needs you to help with some logistical thing. Doesn't future-moo-to-be have any of her OWN friends that can be invited?

I'm not helping with the catering...as far as I know. I'm going over to the house it's at (my friends moms) and we'll see if they throw anything else at me. I'm going there to hang out with my friend who I never see because she's so fucking busy all the time. I also didn't want to sit at home alone and work on this baby sock rose bouquet thing. No, moo-to-be is short on friends and family. My friend, being the martyr she is, offered graciously to host this shit for her.

Oh yea...and another thing my poor friend has been roped into doing...going to LAMAZE classes! So my friend might have to be in the fucking delivery room!
I dread baby showers. I went to one last month. We just learned that another couple of friends are going down the road. They told everyone as soon as the stick got blue. We'll have to go through the ordeal in a couple of months again.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 14, 2008
Seacreature Wrote:
> Oh yeah, when moo-cunt finally shat the creature
> out, my friend told me all the "lovely" details.
> Apparently the silly bitch had to get over 100
> stitches "down there" because the tunnel worm was
> too big and she refused to get a C-section. It
> wasn't "natural".
> EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
> Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
> Just like an attention whoring moo to take
> advantage of a friend. You're lucky she's still
> thinking the child free way. My friend is under
> the delusion that she's going to have a kid some
> day. She's actually dating a girl, and came out a
> few years ago. That's fine and dandy with
> me...but thinking they're gonna have a 'family'
> like everyone else is so...so... I mean, you
> chose this different lifestyle and yet you STILL
> want to be like everyone else. It's so fucking
> disappointing. Plus, she's a wonderful person and
> all but I think she'd be a TERRIBLE mother. She
> is so frazzled all the time and worries about
> everything. I couldn't imagine a drama queen like
> her dealing with a child...in a healthy manner
> anyway.

Yep, it certainly is. When my friend told me about it I just laughed really, really hard and told her the bitch deserved it "for being a silly cunt.". Yeah... I got a dirty look for it, but I know she secretly agreed with me.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 15, 2008
I don't "get" this bullshit with lesbians wanting kids. If you want kids, then be in a straight relationship. I'm gay myself, so not a homophobia problem. I don't see the need to be "just like everyone else" when it comes to breeding.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 15, 2008
I like the fact that when Susie Bright got pregnasty, at least she did it the old fashioned way. No turkey basters, no fancy medical procedures. Of course, she's bi anyway, not everyone realizes that. I haven't really paid much attention to her once she did that tho. A lot of her writing started talking about the baybee and mawmhood. But she used to be one of my favorite sex writers (when I had the time to read all that; now I am good at sex and I don't have to smiling smiley).
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 15, 2008
Anyway, it's the circumstances under which this chick got preggo that makes me sick...she got knocked up by some guy at her work. Some fling, as they weren't even dating. So of course she decides to keep it and move in with her mom for the first few months (which will most likely turn into years) and be yet another single fucking moo. OH but she's so haaaaaaaaapppyyyy....

Fuck that noise. Never been to one, will eat raw chicken 2 days before if invited to one. Sorry, hon, and to all those who have witnessed this "unpleasantness".

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 15, 2008
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> I don't "get" this bullshit with lesbians wanting
> kids. If you want kids, then be in a straight
> relationship. I'm gay myself, so not a homophobia
> problem. I don't see the need to be "just like
> everyone else" when it comes to breeding.

I think that is strange too and it's not only lesbians. I have known gay men who wanted kyds too and some of them seek (or sought) surrogate mothers to get their own sperm implanted IVF so they could have "one of their own". Maybe I just can't understand because I am not gay nor do I want kyds, but isn't the whole "happy famblee" Norman Rockwell life thing with moomie, duddy, and 3 kyds, a hetero-sexual dream? I have a friend who has a lesbian daughter about 35 years of age and she has been with her girlfriend for about 7 or 8 years. The strange part though is that her GF has FOUR kyds from prior marriages and relationships and she raises them like they are her own and those kyds call her, "Mommy2". Basically, "Mommy2" is a paycheck only without the sperm. Could she not find any other women for a life partner rather than one who CLAIMS to have decided she was a lesbian after several failed marriages and a houseful of kyds?

It's obvious to me from my own observations of that gal and from stuff my friend tells me that "Mommy1" STILL has sex with men, but "Mommy2" is completely oblivious to it. "Mommy2" is goodlooking, funny, witty, and has a GREAT job. I wonder why she would settle for this whore AND take care of all of those fucking kyds while her lipstick lesbian lover continues to swing back and forth from her bed to various mens'? I had always known the gay lifestyle to include NO KYDS, up until the last few years. Only recently has it become trendy for gay couples to turn into breeders and I really do not "get it", but then again I don't "get" why ANYONE would want to breed in the first place.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 15, 2008
Thanks for all the support, guys. You are so lovely...

Well, it's over and it was worse than I thought. The lesbian couple did not bring their loaf, but everything else was as obnoxious as I thought it would be.

Night before the shower I help my friend out by grabbing last minute things for her while I'm out getting my crap, which includes a dozen baby socks, fake rose stems, wire and floral tape. You ever work with floral tape? That shit SUCKS for any other use than what it is intended. Trying to wrap that fucking lame tape around a goddamn baby sock was the biggest pain in the ass! It took me an HOUR to finish TWO damn roses. I asked my exhausted friend and her sister to help and they had an awful time making the two each that they did. We ended up with eight instead of a dozen because no one could take it anymore. Then there was the 'diaper cake' made out of 60 diapers. There were FIVE of us putting together all this shit.

The shower was a nightmare from start to finish. Although the food helped it. My friends mom is a wonderful Italian cook...we had bruchetta and then pasta with this fantastic sauce. There was also a chocolate fondue fountain. But the mother of the moo-to-be was the most obnoxious, retarded bitch I've met in a long time. I thought her daughter was bad. It took so much willpower not to leave after an hour. The thing went on WAY too long. There were FIVE fucking games. I didn't win ONE prize, but my friends sister's 9 year old daughter won THREE. So did two other people. And they were cool prizes. I was like, FUCK. I help with this fucking shit and I don't even get a PRIZE?!

The hilight was when mom of moo PISSED HER PANTS during one of the games. She went to the bathroom and came back with a wet ass, I am not kidding. She was actually the only one who asked if I had any kids. Ah...but almost the whole time I had to hear the fucking baybee talk. I was SO BORED listening to all of these idiots go on about what to expect. WE ALL KNOW. IT'S BORING. And the whole time my friend is running around in a stressed out tizzy to get everything right. I had to leave before moo finished opening the last of her gifts because FOUR HOURS of this hell was all I could take.

Hey, I did get some birdie toys out of it... The stupid plastic pacifier necklaces that were part of one of the games. You know, the key word game where you can't say a certain word like "baby" or you'll get your necklace taken. Ugh. Mine was taken at the very beginning. But I made sure to get it back, along with a few others for the birdies.

What hell...it was so full of bingos and bullshit I could hardly take it. Discovering these sites and realizing that I want to be childfree has really opened my eyes to all the breeder shit out there. It's fucking DISGUSTING. I HATE ALL THESE STUPID FUCKS WHO KEEP BREEDING! AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!:scr

*puff* *puff*

Okay...I'm okay... Hehehe... That's all the venting I have time for now. Hope ya'ller having a lovely weekend.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 17, 2008
Yea, MWR, I'm going to have to try to avoid these things in the future. Speaking of being concious of facts...I'm overly concious of these breeder shit now. I need to stay away from breeder situtions in order to keep my santiy. It's really pissing me off and these feelings make me depressed.

In all my bitching to hubby about the shower, the family throwing the shower, the horrible single-moo and idiot grand-moo, the inevitable "that's why I don't want kids", tumbled out of my mouth to hubby. I got the dreaded, "Please don't bring that up, it upsets me." answer. He's still pretty new to and trying to accept my feelings about this. We were ambiguous about it when we married almost two years ago and we've been together for four. In the very beginning there wasn't much discussion. But the need to breed is in his head. I've managed to successfully get it through to him that I am in NO frame of mind to have a kid anytime soon, not for him or anyone else. I can't let my fear of his resentment or 'not fitting in' to take over. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH NOT WANTING CHILDREN.angry smiley

I must keep up my childfree campaign, but at the same time, resist the urge to talk about it to anyone who will listen. People just don't understand AT ALL. It's beyond their comprehension.sad smiley
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 20, 2008

OMG you guys! She wasn't even due for another TWO WHOLE weeks! I got a text the other day from my friend telling me moo's water broke! I was so excited I couldn't STAND IT! She must be SO PROUD to have her very own DAUGHTER to play with!

I love sarcasm. Mmmm-hmmm, after the text in the morning I got the picture of ugly infant and tired moo in bed behind her. Wooptie-fuckin'-do. It's a fucking prune. Congratulations for doing just what millions of other worthless humans have done. Now comes the hard part...parenting... I just can't understand how someone could actually want to be a single mother. I mean, many fall into it a little later on... This one just ditched the dude and squirted out his loaf. Can't wait for the drama that will ensure if duh-day ever wants to get involved. How fucking retarded.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 20, 2008
Gack. I hate the new mawm hospital pictures. Everyone looks like shit.
Many of these dopey moos think that the sperm donor should drop out of the picture once the allmighty spawn has been conceived. What they fail to overlook is that the sperm donor has legal rights. Moo is on the hook THE REST OF HER FRICKED UP LIFE. I hear them on Dr L, I see them on Judge Judy. There is a co-worker who also picked a piece of shit to sprogg with and has endless grief: not to mention that the little turd is a monster in the making. Needs his little butt kicked thru his teeth.
Poor, poor Seacreature (by the way, LOVE your screen name)!...I don't go to weddings, baby showers or house-warming parties. I know - what a bitch. I also don't shop for Christmas or any other holiday of the year, yea, MORE bitch. Oh well. I refuse to torture myself.

Next time, find a prior obligation and save yourself the agony.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 20, 2008
Yes, I'm sure sperm donor is going to come around sooner or later to cause problems. He's gonna get in the mood to be a father...maybe. If not, his little crotch nugget will surely find him! And by that time, he may have moved on to greener pastures and procreated with another lucky moo. Nothing like a step child you didn't even know you had showing up out of nowhere and finding your spouse...who never told you about it in the first place. Yea, his future wife'll be thrilled...

That actually happened to a family friend. The son found his real mother. She didn't tell her current family of four kids (not even her husband) about this child that she gave up for adoption 40 years ago. Not a word. Needless to say they were surprised, and more than a little upset by it. I'm still weirded out by it because I've known this family my entire life. Never met the odd son, but I know his half siblings very well.


Poor, poor Seacreature (by the way, LOVE your screen name)!...I don't go to weddings, baby showers or house-warming parties. I know - what a bitch. I also don't shop for Christmas or any other holiday of the year, yea, MORE bitch. Oh well. I refuse to torture myself.

Next time, find a prior obligation and save yourself the agony.

Thank you, str8six... I have to start working on pulling away from these things. I'm only 30 and I'm so tired of weddings, baby showers, funerals and surprise parties. I've never thrown an actual, organized party in my life. It's always just random get togethers with me. I'm just not into thoughtful gift giving, party throwing bullshit. Too much stress and trouble for me. Yet another reason I don't want kids...throwing mindless birthday parties and having to deal with mindless mothers. Oh the boredom. Yuck. I'm a party pooper, I don't care! :yeah
I am a party pooper, too. When I worked at my office (I am recently retired), there were always lunches and other parties for people leaving or getting married. I did everything I could to not attend them. I never attended the annual X-mas party in all 23 years I was there. I rarely went to anyone's farewell lunch and insisted on them not having a luncheon for me (they abided by my wishes) when I left 3 weeks ago.

As for my home life, the closest thing I had to a party was inviting two friends (who had never met each other) to watch the Super Bowl with me. I live in a studio apartment so it seemed crowded with 3 people in it. I grudgingly attend weddings and was grateful when my cousins stopped holding seders every Passover. (I was born jewish but have been an atheist for 32 years.) I was invited to another cousin's seder but declined to go.

Being male, I have never been invited to a baby shower (thank goodness!). None of the friends I remain in contact with have kyds so I avoid those birthday parties. My brother (who has a little boy) lives 200 miles away so I go there only once a year for Thanksgiving (next week is my annual visit).
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 21, 2008
The last baybee shower I went to was about 8 years ago and was a nightmare.

I was in a foul mood the way it was because I felt obligated to go, it was an hour away, I was running late, I was STARVING - the day's events had it so I didn't have chance to eat anything decent but figured they'd have food at the shower.

When I walked into the room at the community hall, the place stank like some sort of nasty burned cheese. OK, now I felt sick. The ONLY food they were serving was some gross-assed ham and cheese strata (source of the nasty smell) and unripened cantaloupe.

I do not eat meat. I was in essence, FUCKED. And starving. And pissed off to no end. Plus, I'm a very grumpy hypoglycemic. All I remember is shooting off a few nasty comments to the 3 women who were serving the mess, flinging the gift on the table and storming out. LOL

My first stop? The drive thru at Long John Silver's.
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 21, 2008
Man, I stay away from all that shit. I guess I'm lucky cause my relatives live several hundred miles away. As for DH, he knows how I feel towards most of her baby-rabid famblee and I doubt he'd drag me to anything.

Cool thing is, tho, when we told his father we intend to be CF, he said he understood. So far, her moomie hasn't bingoed her, but I wouldn't discount it happening....moo is baby-rabid...she's past having her own...and she's trying to get her son, who's on disability (ADHD, don't you know) to find a wife and sprog. Jesus Kee-rist! One long episode of "the Breedersons"!!

Glad to hear you survived it, seacreature.friendly hugfriendly hug
Re: I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow...must vent...
November 21, 2008
At least bridal showers and funerals have alcohol.

The last baby shower I attended was 4 years ago and involved women and men (beware gents!) I'll never attend another.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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