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Whiny Gay Breeder on Waynebeson.com

Posted by MerlynHerne 
Whiny Gay Breeder on Waynebeson.com
November 19, 2008
I went to check out Wayne Besen's sight and in a discussion of a possible civil unions bill, a breeder HAD to put in his or her two cents' worth.

I'm torn. Its tempting.

On one hand, the children of gay parents need to benefits of marriage now, not in the future. Since so many gay people don't have children, this is one thing they don't understand. I wish it had been brought out in fight against prop 8. Gay headed families spend much more to try to legally approximate what marriage automatically gives them. They spend more in taxes, legal fees, and their children have less security in many states when it comes to health care, medical emergencies, divorce to name a few. This is all money that could be put into college savings, spent on clothes, vacations, food, etc. Time keeps ticking away and these children need these benefits now, regardless of what they are called.

On the other hand, its clear, that separate is not equal. Also, do 2/3 of people really support this? Or do they just say it because they want to "protect marriage" and don't want to sound bigoted. I guess we'll find out.

I guess I would say I see would see this as a good stepping stone, not as an end.

Jesus Kee-rist! It always has to be about the fucking CHYYYYYLLLLLDREN!

Re: Whiny Gay Breeder on Waynebeson.com
November 19, 2008
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: Whiny Gay Breeder on Waynebeson.com
November 19, 2008
Here is my answer:
I'm sorry but I am childfree and yes, I DO RESENT being told to accept separate but unequal because of the "CHILLLLLLDREN".

The ONLY way I would accept this is if it was made clear that ALL the rights of marriage are included in "civil unions"

More and more I long to move to Canada, where their Parliament saw their way clear to do the right thing and to keep their fundies on a short leash!

11/19/2008 9:36 AM
Re: Whiny Gay Breeder on Waynebeson.com
November 19, 2008
You are 100% right, Merlyn, and I'm proud to say the way Joe Biden came out and said he supported gay rights had a huge influence on the way I voted.

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
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