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Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?

Posted by Rose Red 
Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008

I'm all for equal rights and an end to bullying but this is preferential treatment. I'm glad it gotkilled because it's sexual discrimination and if you are studying to get into college, WHO THE FUCK CARES WHO YOU HAVE SEX WITH?
Sex is not the point, RR. These schools are being proposed because of the homophobia in the general population. It is the straight homophobic fuckers who cannot leave gay people to be themselves and instead, taunt and beat them. THIS is why a gay school was suggested. Maybe when straights stop teaching their kids hatred and bigotry, there will BE no need for LGBT schools.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
We should have separate (but equal) schools for all the dickheads and douchebags out there, regardless of sexual orientation.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

But why not just create a school for fat girls, skinny boys, kids who are goth etc? It's not just gays and lesbians that are targeted by bullies. Bullies will try to find any excuse to pick on a kid.
Just want to get this straight, so to speak...are you saying gay kids are douchebags, or all kids are douchebags? If you are saying the latter, I am inclined to agree with you.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
Dickhead High would at least have an interesting mascot. bouncing and laughing
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
This is my point- why should orientation be an issue when the purpose of the school is for education? Everyone gets picked on at some point- you just have to learn to deal with it.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
I wasn't implying anything about anyone, other than assholes come from all walks of life.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Being pciked on and beaten to a pulp are two different things.

I do agree on douchebags coming from all segments of society.
Straight kids get the shit kicked out of them too.

I have to say though that in high school, one of the biggest assholes I ever met was a gay kid who was more or less out. He had no guy friends but he was in with the popular girls. He was the ring leader of that clique and used to target the scholarship students. I remember him encouraging "his girls" to recreate the "tampon scene" in Carrie on an unsuspecting girl who he hated because she was a suck up.
Well, homophobia certainly isn't dead in this world. Because it is OK for straight kids to get the crap beat out of them, gay kids should just suck it up? Just wondering?
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
There should be a separate schools, but they should be for conformist douchebags, assholes, bitches, dickwads, puds and jerks. Then maybe smart kids who are different, in whatever way, could learn and study in peace with out their stupid peers pressuring them to conform and wallow in stupidity.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
That's what I meant to say, Feh, but you said it so much better.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

I would definitely be in favour of segregating the douchebags, fuckheads and those who aren't interested in learning. I think kids that are motivated to get an education should be able to do so without outside distraction.
No, just get rid of the douches as others have advocated. And it doesn't matter if you are straight, gay, monied, or poor, black or white.

I also don't think creating separate gay and lesbian schools will solve the problem. They will then form their own little cliques and find ways to terrorize other gay kids.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
Look at the second part of the topic of this thread: that is what my second bulletin-board post is about, the one I mentioned in the other thread. I'll just tell you all about it for now; I left the flyer in my car.

It's a flyer that advertises for Hubba-Hubba, which is a BDSM "lifestyle" boutique here in Cambridge, and not only does it feature a caricature of a dominatrix "riding" a large, disembodied penis (or maybe it's just a dildo), but it offers a 10% "student" (or maybe they meant to say "novice") discount.

I'm telling you, I find this a bit disturbing, not because it's sexual, but because there is a time and place for everything. I realize that universities are supposed to promote the free exachnge of ideas, but this was basically a COMMERCIAL for a SEX-SUPPLY SHOP. I bet parents would love to know what kind of education their adult brats are receiving here at arvard-Hay. For good money, I might add.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

A separate school for LGBT people will not necessarily encourage sex...anyhow it is the straights having all the goddamn little bastards.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
Bully targets come and go. Regardless of who the targets now are though, bullying should not be tolerated, period.

Instead of segregating gays, nerds, "weaklings", weird girls, etc.....I think we should ship the trouble makers off to THEIR own schools. Instead of a 3 day suspension, or detention for bullying, I vote that we completely detach them from the other students and get them the hell out of the way. If after spending a year or so in "bully school", they feel ready to come back and act right, maybe then. I think it would further isolate GLBT students to separate them and like someone already mentioned, they will simply break off into their own cliques and a bully or two will likely surface. In addition, if they get "labeled" as a gay school student, it could actually create more problems than it solves. If segregating people into schools based on student similarities worked, then there would never be any inter-student disciplinary problems at all girls or all boys' schools, religious schools, or special studies private schools like Bible College and whatnot. Even retard schools have disciplinary problems among students.

Two other things is that, 1) Transgendered doesn't necessarily mean "gay", so where would heterosexual transgendered students attend school? and, 2)What about GLBT students who wish to stay in "regular" school? Will that choice cause them to be bigger bully targets? I would like to see a survey of the average, heterosexual, non TG teen and find out what they think that transgendered means. There are SO many myths that needs to be dispelled about sexual orientation and gender identity issues, that until our society stops thumping The Bible long enough to find out, I don't think we will see a decrease in the unfounded hatred regardless of HOW many segregated schools we build and for whom.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the subject.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
Why is it ok to acknowledge the fact that children are having sex? If i had kids, i wouldn't care who they slept with- do not need to know- as long as I don't end up subsidizing grandkids.

Working acceptance issues into sex ed CLASS is one thing, separating people according to sexuality while they are minors is intrusive and presumptuous.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> Working acceptance issues into sex ed CLASS is one
> thing, separating people according to sexuality
> while they are minors is intrusive and
> presumptuous.

The kids would have the option of going there, and are not forced to. I wonder if a straight kid who was cool with it could opt to go there as well?

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Why not? I'm sure a category of "straight ally" could easily be added.

BTW sex exists in schools. It's not gonna change. One of the reasons I don't have brats...don't wanna deal with the bullshit and the whole first 18 years IS bullshit in my book.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
I may be interpretting this incorrectly, but I don't think that HAVING sex has anything to do with sexual orientation or gender orientation. The only analogy I can think of which might depict what I am trying to convey is if suddenly a school named "Sunset High", was divided into two schools and renamed, "Sunset Homosexual High", and "Sunset Heterosexual High". It seems like some people think that by usage of the word "sex" or any derivation thereof, it means having it and I disagree. Now, I could understand that if the school were named, "Virginia Vocational school for the Virginal", or maybe, "Oregon High for the Orgie Oriented", or perhaps, "Sexton Academy for the Sexually active", but simply denoting a sexual orientation in the name of the school or a class, doesn't make me think of teens going at it like rabbits regular OR in the back door, or what ever the case may be.

It seems like a bunch of religious fundies would be happier if the word "sex" was never even mentioned or that it is somehow a "dirty word", even if it's in reference to gender and not fuckin'. Religious nuts, and some conservative breeders, do NOT want sexual orientation even mentioned, much less discussed or a whole school or class named after it. It's as if the very mention of the word, regardless of the context, will somehow make their kyds start humping on the school bus. I feel like merlyn on this one and am SO grateful that I do NOT have to put up with that bullshit. Simply put, these breeders' kyds are going to have sex whether they are straight, bi, gay, tg, etc.....makes no difference. If they WANT to have sex then all of the duddy-daughter "purity balls" in the world will not change that. Thank GOD I am CF.
I still think the issue is the safety of LGBTQ students. If you will note in my first reply, I said that sex had nothing to do about it.

I don't the the fact that there is a sex-toy store near a campus has anything to do with the issue, even though I am somewhat in sympathy with RR. However, if the students in question are over 18, there is little parents can do about it.

I do not know why the minute someone mentions Gay High School comes up, sex comes into it, either.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
I think my point has been totally missed.
Which is?
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