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Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before

Posted by CF Uter 
so-called personal emergency. can't wait to hear what it is. Whether or not it is important for real will remain to be seen.

I don't know why anyone has kids. You go from doing things you do plan or want to do and see people, go places, and experience life, to a string of emergencies that are constant. Altho the soccer games and disney trips are never cancelled, funny, isn't it?

I really don't even care. I rather stay home w/ my DVDs, books, and satellite radio than make plans. Less trouble and more dependable. Truly.
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 20, 2008
Yes, a string of emergencies that begin right when you let the little shit out of the cage.
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 21, 2008
Typical. I'm sorry your plans were ruined.

This happened to me ONCE a long, long time ago with one of my first friends who spawned. It was at that moment, that I immediately wrote all current and future breeders off my list of friends. The minute they announced the repugnasty, off they went.

I simply will not put up with that shit.
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 21, 2008
That sounds about right. Even hangnails and hurt feelings are considered family emergencies these days.

What's worse, is the day will come when this friend will be sad about how she lost touch with all her friends over the years and she doesn't know why.

It has happened to me more times than I can count, so I know how you feel. Sorry this happened to you.
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 21, 2008
Git used to it, luv.

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 21, 2008
I have an even better one, CF Uter. One of my childed friends called me recently and wanted to meet me at a local coffee shop SANS children - so naturally, I agreed. I never get to see this woman without her tots tagging along these days.
So I'm at the coffee shop....waiting....waiting....waiting. 20 minutes after the expected meet-up time, she's still not there. She has my cell number. No call, no nothing.

So I call her house, and sure enough, she's still there - she told me that "something came up" with the kids and she couldn't make it. I snapped, "If something came up, you could have at least had the COURTESY to call me and let me know so I didn't sit up here WAITING for you!" She apologized, but it had that condescending air of... "oh, but I have kids to deal with and you don't, so you need to understand." Oh, I understand. I understand completely. Once you have kids, everything gets thrown by the wayside - your friends, your common sense, your manners, everything. Shitney stubbed his toe so Jeebus forbid we actually get upset when the mommies can't even have the decency to take ONE WHOLE MINUTE and inform their friends that plans have changed.
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> I have an even better one, CF Uter. One of my
> childed friends called me recently and wanted to
> meet me at a local coffee shop SANS children - so
> naturally, I agreed. I never get to see this
> woman without her tots tagging along these days.
> So I'm at the coffee
> shop....waiting....waiting....waiting. 20 minutes
> after the expected meet-up time, she's still not
> there. She has my cell number. No call, no
> nothing.

Same happened to me with a friend back in January.

I got up early to meet her at Starbucks. She calls saying she is going to be late as she is picking up one of her moo friends, who I did not like at all. They get there and then chat with each other while I just sit there. The next time she wanted to meet me for coffee, she wondered why I was adamant about not meeting her at this other Starbucks.

CF Uter, I am sorry you got stuck holding the bag but this is how it is with many breeder friends. Rats, the woman not having the decency to call you is galling. How would she have felt if the same was done to her? I can bet she would be having a fit of how you did not care for her time or her children.
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 21, 2008
That is the exact attitude that pisses me off to no end with these cunts. They act as if nobody else's time is valuable, just theirs because they've spawned. As if the childfree have all day long to just sit around waiting for your stupid breeder ass.

THIS is the attitude that loses friends the quickest. As if taking 1 minute to call somebody is such a big deal. If it is, then they obviously are ill-equipped for raising kids, as well.

Christ, I'm pissed off just reading your post. LOL I hope you don't talk to this cunt anymore.

RatsNotBrats Wrote:
"..........So I call her house, and sure enough, she's still
> there - she told me that "something came up" with
> the kids and she couldn't make it. I snapped, "If
> something came up, you could have at least had the
> COURTESY to call me and let me know so I didn't
> sit up here WAITING for you!" She apologized, but
> it had that condescending air of... "oh, but I
> have kids to deal with and you don't, so you need
> to understand."
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 21, 2008
When I was a sprog, my mother didn't just cancel engagements because of whatever. Once I was old enough, if I had the flu or something, and she had to go out, she left the cough syrup by the bed with a spoon with strict instructions NOT to take it until a certain time. The only way
she would have cancelled something would be if I got a ma jor injury, such as a broken bone.

Guess what? I survived. Hell, I loved it...I could lay in bed, listen to my radio, do any homework that was assigned and then sleep or read or whatever. Worked for me!

The OP is why I do not have moos for friends. They are self-centered and you will ALWAYS come last, if at all.
I typically write off moo friends, then make new friends, and suddenly, no matter their age, they sprog, and the vicious circle starts over.

There's no winning. I'm on the same treadmill constantly. As an adult, there are less occasions to make new friends you like and less time to truly nurture the relationship. I don't know what to do.

My mom kept many of her friends. She wasn't a social butterfly, but if she made plans she kept them, and it seemed to me her childed friends did too. None of this constant cancelling for moohood.

I am dizzy thinking about how stupid parunting has become over the years.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo friend just cancelled plans 30 mins before
November 21, 2008
Aside: when I was in 7th grade I fell off a horse and landed on my forehead. Got up, got back on the horse and finished the round. Next day was halloween and I traipsed all over the neighborhood (with a bunch of neighborhood kids... no adults!!!) trick or treating. I felt a funny twinge and pinch in my neck, stopped, but it didn't come back, at least not then so I continued on the T or T rounds. Next day, I went to school.
Thank God, the day after was election day and I was home, and so was my mother. I had subluxed four vertebrae (that was the diagnoses later one) and it finally shifted and pinched the nerve. I started screaming the pain was so horrible, ran around (trying to run from the pain I guess) the dogs were hollering and mom yelled at me to stop it.. I yelled back I couldn't and ended up on the bed, lying flat, which was the only thing that stopped the pain. Mom put a mattress in the back of the station wagon (thank god again we had something like tjhat actually). She tried to help support my neck as I sat up but I coudlnt' stand it, so I got up and walked out on my own legs. I took care not to move my head though.
The scary thing was, I was slowly having to turn my head further and further to the left to stop the pain.. we got to the hospital before I ran out of 'twisting space'.
I don't know who mom was talking to, but I sure ruined that. Mom was a nurse, so I think I must have scared the hell out of her.
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