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Single moms in dental assisting school

Posted by Krishna 
Single moms in dental assisting school
November 21, 2008
I am tired of the selective socialism for certain women to get free schooling for trades. If a woman is responsible and did not put any more mouths on this planet for us to feed or worked, she is not going to get any assistance for school except a heavy student loan.

Here is what I saw online re: the single moms and their friends talking about class:

"hey chica. im going to pull an amelia.
can i copy some of ur clinical notecards tomorrow?"

I gather pulling an "amelia" means cutting class. So, these women copy each other's clinical note cards. Every single time I have been to the dentist, it has been rare for one of these assistants to be competent or even nice. I've worked the service industry so I know dealing with the public can be a drag but these women act as if we owe them something.

Honestly, I do not know how the dentists put up with these single mom employees except the dental offices are in desperate need for bodies to fill those positions.
Re: Single moms in dental assisting school
November 21, 2008
ACK! She can stay out of my mouth.
Re: Single moms in dental assisting school
November 21, 2008
I jusr paid off my thousands in students loans at an unsubsidized interest rate, because I had a full time job while attending college.
I went to school with women who never finished and had no intentions of finishing, they would receive enough grants, scholarships, and funds to not only pay for college but also pay car insurance and buy clothes. I would get so irritated, but I quickly learned life is not fair for those who work.
The single moo who is in that dental program used her student loan and grant $ to buy new clothes, go out to eat, and a laptop. It is not a joke when it is heard of these women and regular teenybopper college students using government money to buy a car or use it for Spring Break rather than for school or living expenses while in class.
Re: Single moms in dental assisting school
November 21, 2008
Some of the single moo twats who go to school to be medical or dental assistants or pharmacy technicians have the worst attitudes! The medical assistant at my Gyno's office acts like she knows more than the doctor and the nurse is constantly yelling at her to keep her opinions to herself. What's worse is she's the town's biggest gossip and she is always yapping on her cell phone.

You know these bitches are gossiping about people when the leave work. I don't think most of them are licensed. Makes me wonder how many times my medical history has been gossiped about all over town.
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