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Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!

Posted by CherryBlossom 
Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 03, 2008

Teachers have been advised that marking students' work in red pen could harm their mental health.

A kit to help teachers address mental health wellbeing in the classroom offers a list of tips devised by experts.

One tip says: "Don't mark in a red pen (which can be seen as aggressive) - use a different colour."

The kit, tabled in Queensland's parliament on Wednesday by Deputy Opposition Leader Mark McArdle, sparked a row between the government and opposition over education priorities.

"Given your 10-year-old Labor government presides over the lowest numeracy and literacy standards of any state in Australia, don't you think it's time we focused on classroom outcomes rather than these kooky, loony, loopy, lefty policies?" Mr McArdle asked Premier Anna Bligh in parliament.

Ms Bligh said the question was trivial at a time of economic crisis.

"Thousands of Queensland retirees for example are seeing their superannuation earnings go through the floor, and the opposition wants to speak about the colour of pens that teachers are using in the classroom," Ms Bligh said.

Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg said there was nothing wrong with teachers using a red pen.

"How crazy is this government?" he told reporters.

But Health Minister Stephen Robertson, whose department devised the kit, said youth suicide was such a serious issue.

"If mental health professionals determine that as one of a number of strategies teachers should consider, then I'll support them every day of the week," he told reporters.

"This is not a matter for ridicule, this is serious."

Oh, fuckin' PLEASE. eye rolling smiley:bawleye rolling smiley
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 03, 2008

Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 03, 2008
They should also probably only use colors which won't confuse color blind kyds too, so that would include ANY shade or variations of red or green. So, that would rule out shades of most oranges and blues. Black ink might be considered racist, so that color is out. Yellow might be considered too "happy" for some of the bi-polar bear kyds IF they are on a depressive swing, so we can't use that either and some of the color blind "green sensitive" kyds may have trouble seeing yellow as well. Pink is too close to red and besides, it could be considered offensive to male children and possibly even be blamed for making them gay or trans-gendered, later in life. That really doesn't leave many colors though as just about all other shades are part of the offending color spectrum.

Maybe they should just stop making corrections or grading papers/test all together anyway, since it can be so upsetting to the good grade challenged kyds.That would probably solve the problem, but who can be certain?
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 03, 2008
The school I student taught at bought into this B.S. All papers had to be marked in green pen for the same reason, that red was too aggressive. eye rolling smiley

All it does is teach the kids to dread the green rather than the red. A mark wrong is still a mark wrong. Kidlesskim hit the nail on the head...maybe we teachers should just fill the papers with pictures of rainbows and unicorns so that none of the snowflakes get their feelings hurt when they do a bad job.
I can remember vividly the day I got an "F" in the dreaded red ink. It was reciprocals homework. You can bet I decided to work harder on reciprocals; never had another "F."

What happened to failure being a motivator to try harder? What a concept!eye rolling smiley I guess Snookums is never, ever, supposed to fail at anything!
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 03, 2008
I always referred the red ink to any other color because I could see it best. Sometimes I didn't notice correction marks in green...I'm not color blind, but sometimes I didn't notice them right off. Red jumped right out at me.

And you know what? Red is now one of my favorite colors. If red is aggressive, then I guess all us red-blooded humans are aggresive bastards then, aren't we? Let's ban blood -- for the childrenz! Won't someone think of the precious children and ban blood and Hawaiian Punch and fire Pokemon and anything else RED?
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 03, 2008
bi-polar bear kyds

Wow! I love this ice floe! It's awesome! It reminds me of that ice floe, do you remember, when we were hunting back when those seals turned up and we were on the floe and then we saw the seals when we were on the floe under that weird low sun last whenever it was and we were hunting them on the floe and it was so AWESOME!!1!!!ELEVENTY!! I hate this friggin' ice. You want me to eat that gross bloody seal? Are you crazy? It's probably full of parasites. Why can't we move to Peru? I hate my life.

no disrespect to any bipolar members.
Fuck...When I was in the Military, exam results were posted for all to see, fail or not, with names next to scores, not SSNs. everyone knew if you screwed the pooch on the exam.

These kids are pussies.
bunch of dumb shits in queensland anyway.all they do up there is drink,ive got cousins up there and they all had kids by the time they were 21.
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 05, 2008
Awww, no wonder today's kyds are as fragile as little snowflakes in burning hell!XD
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 05, 2008
Maybe we simply shouldn't let teachers mark work wrong anymore. Instead, every correct answer on every paper will be duly noted with smiley faces, stickers, cash rewards and lavish praise, sidestepping the ink color issue altogether.

Answers will no longer be referred to as "incorrect" or "wrong," but simply, "in need of improvement." This way, students are then able to make their own choices of whether or not they want to enhance their work, take ownership of their own learning, keep their precious self esteem intact, and parents can all continue to believe how their child will be the next researcher to cure cancer or otherwise save the world.

And if you're wondering what color the sky is in this world, it's indigo. Definitely a delicate indigo.
Putting emotions over knowledge, episode #3,453,247

I think a good many classes would benefit from having a drill sergeant as a substitute every 3 months.
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 05, 2008
Tiquer Wrote:
> Maybe we simply shouldn't let teachers mark work
> wrong anymore. Instead, every correct answer on
> every paper will be duly noted with smiley faces,
> stickers, cash rewards and lavish praise,
> sidestepping the ink color issue altogether.

Well, that just won't work. The snowflakes who get less stickers will feel bad about themselves. We can't have that!!!!!!!!!!!111111!one

> And if you're wondering what color the sky is in
> this world, it's indigo. Definitely a delicate
> indigo.

grinning smiley
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 05, 2008
Let me just jump in here and say that this thread is HILARIOUS. grinning smiley

See, this is why I love Bratfree. :yr
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 05, 2008
roger Wrote:
> bunch of dumb shits in queensland anyway.all they
> do up there is drink,ive got cousins up there and
> they all had kids by the time they were 21.

Haha, very true. I was born in Queensland and moved out of state (to W.A. - the best state IMHO, lol) when I was 8. A lot of the kids I was friends with popped their first out before 18. It's bogan country up there.

Roger, where 'bouts in Australia are you?
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 05, 2008
Tiquer Wrote:
> Maybe we simply shouldn't let teachers mark work
> wrong anymore. Instead, every correct answer on
> every paper will be duly noted with smiley faces,
> stickers, cash rewards and lavish praise,
> sidestepping the ink color issue altogether.
> Answers will no longer be referred to as
> "incorrect" or "wrong," but simply, "in need of
> improvement." This way, students are then able to
> make their own choices of whether or not they want
> to enhance their work, take ownership of their own
> learning, keep their precious self esteem intact,
> and parents can all continue to believe how their
> child will be the next researcher to cure cancer
> or otherwise save the world.
> And if you're wondering what color the sky is in
> this world, it's indigo. Definitely a delicate
> indigo.

LMFAO! bouncing and laughing
Re: Red pen mark could harm students: kit - Baaawww!
December 05, 2008
I was just wondering if the kyds who regularly scored 100% on the tests were troubled by the GREAT BIG RED 100% grade on top of their papers? Maybe it's just the mass quantities of the red marks for incorrect answers that upsets the little snowflakes and if that's the case, I think I have a solution. Maybe the teachers could ONLY mark the correct answers in red, that way the little dummies wouldn't be in much danger from seeing all of those skeery red marks. If I had a kyd, God forbid, and it came to me with a poor grade and claimed it was skeered and did poorly because of all of the red marks, it might enrage me to the point that I would snap and beat it unmercifully. This is CLEARLY an excuse for poor study habits and instead of correcting the problem, THEIR KYD, they are blaming it on the color of ink that the papers are graded?

This "red ink" upsets the dummies is one of the BIGGEST crocks of shit that I do believe I have ever heard of in my life, ever.
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