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MORE Mooing and Lowing!

Posted by MerlynHerne 
MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 13, 2008
Working Women Benefits - earn Paid Time Off for maternity/parental leave

When a working woman turns 18, she would begin earning credit for each hour worked. These benefits would accumulate and could be used for up to three years of PTO for maternity/parental leave.
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 13, 2008
wtf??? this assumes all women are going to get preggo and offers NOTHING to those that make the CHOICE not to shit out loaves.

I thought the feminist movement was about CHOICE? When did we lose CHOICE in feminism? my fucking god. Breed or don't get shit!!! my gawd they sound more and more like christian right Duggar types every day. I hate these whores with every part of my being.
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 13, 2008
I always thought paid maternity leave should be handled thusly...

In Australia, regardless of who you work for, you accrue superannuation benefits (which I beleive is known as 401k in the US). These managed funds are handled by many different private companies and are generally transferrable from one company to the next. This is basically your retirement money. You're allowed to put in extra if you like from your post-tax income, and depending on your employer, you can even put some of your pre-tax income in there, resulting in lower take-home pay, but also less tax.

To get around the whole unfairness of who has to fund maternity leave (ie, current employer or federal government), I think a parallel system should be set up so that those who might think they will need maternity/paternity/parental/carers leave at some time in the future can fund it themselves. They would then put aside a small amount from each pay (pre or post tax, depending on what deals could be arranged), which goes into a superannuation-like managed fund that can grow over time.

That way, if a woman decides to have children and wants to take time off work, she can draw upon these funds for general living expenses while she isn't working.

This has the advantage of it not being any one particular employer's responsibility to fund, nor the governments, and if the "maternity leave fund" doesn't get used (ie, hasn't been touched by the time the woman reaches menopause or whatever) it can be cashed in or transfered into the normal superannuation fund.

Another advantage is that this approach would eliminate scammers who would abuse mandatory maternity leave schemes (ie, working at a place just long enough to get maternity leave and then getting pregnant and taking full advantage of it). What you can get is equivalent to how hard you worked - not some manatory minimum that applies to everyone, regardless of how long (or little) they have worked for the company and whether this is their first or fifth time.

This would be available to men as well, incase they think at some stage in the future they would like to take paid paternity leave (also to stop the feminists bitching about it all being the woman's responsibility, yada yada yada).

Should paid maternity leave ever become a reality in this country, my proposal would solve the funding of it.

As for the issue of having to keep a job open, thats another one altogether...
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 13, 2008
The government would be subsidizing your proposed "breeder fund" because of the lost tax revenue from allowing pretax dollars to be used to fund it. This can be mitigated somewhat if the dollars withdrawn are taxable but the tax collections would be delayed, adding to the current budget deficit and have to be made up by all of us non-breeders.
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 13, 2008
I am an advocate of a "paid leave account" funded ENTIRELY by the employee and if an employer wants to "match funds" like a 401k then that could be up to the individual companies and perhaps used as a perk for new hires. I don't think it's a bad idea to defer taxation on it either, until and unless it is used. However, it should be for ANY employee to take paid extended time off for ANY reason. It is VERY unfair to narrow down a benefit like that to such a small group of people. It would basically be for sprogging females between 21-40 and this is HIGHLY unfair. I know that men are getting more "paternity leave", but it is still frowned upon and they don't get as much time as the whores and it's often not "paid leave" either.

I think that "mooternity leave" should be deleted from our vocabularies and replaced with "Employee funded paid leave". Of course they will have to set parameters about when the whore is expected to return and how long a job should be kept open, or they will most certainly take FULL advantage of it, like they do everything else.
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 14, 2008
Indeed, it should be avialable to anyone who wants it. Even the CF could obtain it and contribute towards it (and treat it as a "kick ass holiday for when I turn 40" fund). However, for us there'd be a big problem if the only way you could access it before a certain age was to have a kid.

Still, something like that would be "too much of a burden" for wannabe-parents to be solely responsible for, so I'm afraid at the end of the day a paid maternity leave scheme would end up being funded by the tax payer. sad smiley
Anonymous User
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 14, 2008
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> Working Women Benefits - earn Paid Time Off for
> maternity/parental leave
> When a working woman turns 18, she would begin
> earning credit for each hour worked. These
> benefits would accumulate and could be used for up
> to three years of PTO for maternity/parental
> leave.

Imagine the toll it would take on a company to pay an employee in absentia for THREE EFFING YEARS! This kind of thing really irritates me, because I'm 27 and in fear of becoming a hiring liability because HR managers think "woman of child-bearing years = pregnant once hired = waste of company time and money"

MerlynHerne, please tell me you got this off a wishful-thinking message board and this isn't actual proposed legislation...
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 14, 2008
It's not proposed legislation--the sight is a site where people can suggest things for Obama to do once he's in office.
Anonymous User
Re: MORE Mooing and Lowing!
December 14, 2008
*minor sigh of relief*

i hope people aren't taking that seriously... not every woman is a uterus-in-waiting!
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