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A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts

Posted by Anonymous User 
This was on ABC just before GMA

A Shoprite (in New Jersey, I think.. I'd like to send them a supporting note) refused to inscribe a 3 year olds name on a birthday cake.

Name of said ickle? Adolph Hitler Campbell
Moo looks like a meth-head, or has some other 'issue'.
Duh is whining 'it isn't faaaaiiiir'.

Is it fair to saddle a child with a name like that you sanctimonious over educated ignorant asshole. What the blue blazes do you think is going to happen when that childs schoomates learn his full name?

More proof it is all about the f'in parents. They did this deliberately so they can show their assholes to the world and anyone else when it becomes a real issue. Amoral jerks.
Re: A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts
December 17, 2008
- their other two children, 1 boy and 1 girl, i think, are also named after Nazi generals.
Re: A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts
December 17, 2008
I read about this today and think it's child abuse. That kid is going to have a hard time doing *anything* in life. School, college, jobs, making friends - it will all be difficult for him. Not to mention being raised by a couple of brainless hillbillies.

You'll probably read about him getting arrested when he's older. I can see no other future for a kid with that name. I hope he proves me wrong.
Re: A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts
December 17, 2008
Given that their other kids are also named for Nazi generals, are his parents members of the Aryan nation?
Duhtards words were 'it isn't faiiiiir'

cry me a river you jerking ass
Re: A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts
December 17, 2008
WTF??!!!! What are these 'tard parunts adherents of? The Prussian Blue school of baybee naming?!!!! What isn't fair is that little Adolph Hitler Campbell got stuck with batshit wannabe Nazis for parunts!
I don't know why duh is whining. Acting 'clueless' that no one is going to react to his nut-job naming..
He probably didn't get enough attention for his other two crotch drops named after other nazis.
Acting stupid eventually comes true: one becomes stupid and/or loses logical reasoning and common sense
Re: A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts
December 17, 2008
It's a fucking birthday cake, not prescription medication. Buy a goddamned cake, a tube of frosting and you can scrawl whatever bullshit you want on it...unless you're an illiterate assclown who can't write, which I guess is probably the problem here. Some people need to seriously be punched in the throat.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts
December 17, 2008
Holland Township man names son after Adolf Hitler
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Express-Times
HOLLAND TWP. | In a living room decorated with war books, German combat knives and swastikas, a 2-year-old boy, blond and blue-eyed, played with a plastic dinner set.

The boy, asked his name, put down a tiny plate and ran behind his father's leg. He flashed a shy smile but wouldn't answer. Heath Campbell, 35, the boy's father, encouraged him.

"Say Adolf," said Campbell, a Holocaust denier who has three children named for Nazism.

Again, the boy wouldn't answer. It wasn't the first time the name caused hesitation.

Adolf Hitler Campbell -- it's indeed the name on his birth certificate -- turns 3 today, and the Campbell family believes the boy has been mistreated. A local supermarket refused to make a birthday cake with "Adolf Hitler" on it.

The ShopRite in Greenwich Township has also refused to make a cake bearing the name of Campbell's daughter, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, who turns 2 in February.

Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, a girl named for Schutzstaffel head Heinrich Himmler, turns 1 in April.

"ShopRite can't even make a cake for a 3-year-old," said Deborah Campbell, 25, who is Heath's wife of three years and the mother of the children. "That's sad."

A director for the Anti-Defamation League in Philadelphia applauded the supermarket's decision. An Allentown psychologist said the names would cause problems for the children later in life.
Re: A REALLY whacko baby name.. and its attention whoremongering parunts
December 17, 2008
"ShopRite can't even make a cake for a 3-year-old," said Deborah Campbell, 25, who is Heath's wife of three years and the mother of the children. "That's sad."

No, you dumb cow, ShopRite can't make a cake for ADOLF HITLER, there's a difference.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
I still think the moo looks like a damn meth-head.
She doens't look normal.
I found out when I went to Yahoo.
Here is the link.

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