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Is it just me, or have you guys noticed a rise in mainstream non-edgy type people getting pissed off at the breeders?

Posted by Idiocrate 
One thing I have taken a real liking to this holiday season is the number of people willing to tell off the goddamned multiple welfare breeders and charity breeders that are trotted out every holiday season for charity purposes.

Like the moo with 10 kids posted here, and the habitat for moomanity moos with flat screen tv, etc. but it doesn't stop there, i have seen LOCAL welfare/charity moos trotted out in local papers and when that is published online.,.. oh jebus on a hockey stick have mercy... people literally SCREAMING for sterilization and editors having to "shut the comments down." It has been happening everywhere there are any open comments about these broodsows..

Listen, 5 years ago + you did not see this. When they would trot out the charity broodsow, the idiots would gather round to congradulate her and bend over and ask for another. Comments like "get your tubes tied! no more welfare for you! no charity for you!" were almost always removed by newspaper moderators.

I think what is going on is that the economic situation is so fucking dire... so severe now, and actually has been for a couple of years for many people, that the welfare sow with a flatscreen just completely sends the average mainstream joe and jane with kids even, over the fucking edge. we are not alone. we were the first, and years ago, you could pick out the one or two hardcore cf comments in stories about "helping the welfare whore" which were resoundly drowned out by a sea of mindless mooing, but NOW, NOW, they must lock comments altogether due to the absolute FLOOD of people that are saying the same things now, we've said for years.

I am lovin it.
I have analyzed this n' that in my mind since I first noticed this as well and I believe that I understand why it's happening. The WORKING lower economic class to the WORKING middle class breeders have always "paid their own way", had that "American pride" thing going on in that they never took "hand outs" or needed public assistance, state funded medical care, or help buying groceries. They had the attitude of if they couldn't afford it, then they didn't buy it. They also generally lived within their means and did the "right thing" as far as limiting their famblee sizes and paying their bills first before treating themselves or their kyds to new electronic gadgets, fancy vacations, new clothes for every season, a car for all drivers in the household, etc.....They didn't mind too terribly much that there were welfare whores, but that was mainly because it gave them someone to be above (as far as socio-economic class) and probably because of that, "But for the grace of God, there go I..." philosphy.

HOWEVER, with our recent economy and the immediate future not necessarily looking much better, many of them, having lost their jobs or having had their hours cut, haven't been able to afford to continue their group health coverage, pay their ever rising utility bills, and they simply do not have enough left over to buy enough groceries or gas, much less pay for health insurance or buy a house. Some may have sought financial assistance for the first time in their lives and got turned down because, they "made too much money". Then they see a 29 y/o woman who has ten kyds, no known or named baybee daddy, never held a job in her life, yet SHE has a place to live, clothes and toys for her kids, food, and free medical for herself and her brood FREE OF CHARGE, and it PISSES THEM OFF. Perhaps they have been taking the bus to work FOR YEARS, have been hauling laundry down 2 flights of stairs in their apartment building for 15 years, etc.....yet this welfare whore has the AUDACITY to ask the public for a car and a washer and dryer, and she will likely get it too.

Then you have lower middle class tax paying American citizens who have worked for 30+ years and who have NEVER been able to qualify for a decent home loan due to their income level. Yet, enter a single moo Mexican with some illegitimate kids in tow, and the government pays their down payment and GIVES them a 200k home loan, interest free. THESE whores slide into our country for a coupla of years, get a new 2 story 3 bed/2 bath house with a HUGE backyard and a "courtyard" to boot with BBQ's and a playground, while Mr and Mrs Smith are approaching age 60, their kyds are raised and gone, and they will likely spend out their golden years in a cramped water closet of an apartment with nowhere for their grandkyds to run and play. Then, this SAME welfare whore brags about dressing the place up with an expensive wide screen tv and fancy decor.

It's enough to make otherwise calm, decent, law abiding citizens madder than hell and it's about time. I too, would like to see this new attitude replace the former complacent one. Maybe, if these papers who publish this crap start getting SO many negative comments before they can delete them, MAYBE they will stop considering this shit "news". Better than that though, maybe public outcry might make their "freebies" a bit tougher for these welfare whores to get.
kim i think you have hit the nail on the head so perfectly here. but believe me... i never thought in my lifetime I would ever see joe and jane average fambly person speaking like a dyed in the wool hardcore childfree like i have seen this holiday season toward these charity welfare whores. never in my wildest dreams...

10 years ago i was an "evil" cf too, and i so remember the number of times i would be the lone voice of sterilization on news articles with comments section when the articles were about charity for some breeder cause or third world cause.

i was so floored reading that article about the 29 year old moo of 10 and the flood of comments that followed. DH commented tonight to me that you can tell the people in those comments section that still have it good, or that never have to deal with this stuff because they've never and will never live on the edge due to their good financial position that has stayed intact... so far. But there were few excuse makers there and I suspect the majority of the excuse makers and whiners are actually welfare moos that also do not have to live on the edge like a working person.

One thing the bleeding hearts never had to live in the real world types love to do is compare these welfare whores to the Duggars.

But you see, even though the Duggars suck up tax dollars and get what now, almost a 100k tax credit for all those kids every year,
is not the in your face welfare moo begging for shit she doesn't need and a media outlet helping her. They like to say, "oh it's racial, the Duggars are white, that's why!" Bullshit, it's just that the Duggars are not out in the open about the amount of money they cost all of us with all those kids. As far as I am concerned the Duggars are no different than a detroit welfare whore, they just take from us in a different way. Plus, Jim Bob actually works, if it's worth mentioning, although it really doesn't matter when you consider the size and scope of their use of resources, child tax credits and so on. But this is why I believe people do not express a lot of anger at the Duggars, because Jim Bob works they fail to see the bigger picture that applies equally to the welfare whores and the Duggars.
My late stepdad was a police officer in upstate New York in the late 1950s to mid-1960s before going into the Navy fulltime (he was in the reserves before that). He and his family barely scraped by on the low pay at the time. But years later he remembered—and was still livid about—responding to some trivial call by this welfare moo who had had 10 kids and had been given a fully furnished apartment complete with color TV. That was at a time when color sets were still relatively new and very expensive—too expensive for my stepdad to afford. So none of this is really new, but it's good to see that more people are willing to express their feelings against such excess.
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