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A religious fundie moo's strange perspective on famblee size

Posted by kidlesskim 
A religious fundie moo's strange perspective on famblee size
December 25, 2008
This strange story was entitled, "When is Your Family Complete?", which sounds like a common enough theme for them, but the story takes on some strange twists, screwed up logic, and wreaks of mental illness, IMHO. It was so long that I had to edit out some of it due to length, but it was mostly repetitive stuff anyway. I highlighted in bold some of what struck me as the most odd, within the context in which the article was written. My comments are in parentheses:

When is Your Family Complete?

"After having three babies in less than four years (no twins!) I felt pretty “complete” and was not at all interested in being pregnant again any time soon. I was also in a season of struggle, fighting depression, failing in my roles as wife and mother, thoughts of suicide, life in a new area far from friends, family, or support systems, overweight and unhealthy.

I also had a list of other things that I felt were more important that I couldn’t do while pregnant or dragging infants and small children around all the time. In a way, I felt like I was compromising my health and wasting my life away by being pregnant and nursing all the time. What about Quality vs. Quantity?
(eye rolling smiley She is depressed, fat, unhealthy and suicidal, doesn't want any more kids and probably doesn't even want the ones that she already has, yet we ALL know what she will go on to do)

I approached the marriage bed with panic for fear of getting pregnant again. We tried barrier contraception but it caused me a lot of pain. Other methods were not an option, especially since I was still nursing and hadn’t had my return of cycles yet. In lieu of abstinence I cried out to God for a solution, “Lord! Please help us! What contraception should we use!?”
(confused smiley A condom is a barrier method, why would a rubber cause her pain? Why couldn't she use gels or inserts? So, she asks GOD what contraceptive to use? I am sorry, but that's fucked up)

"He answered, “Trust Me.” That was not the answer I wanted. The last time I trusted God I got pregnant right away, and I wasn’t interested in being tricked into that again. I griped back to the Lord, “Aren’t my reasons good enough for You?” But who am I to argue with God? After some deliberation I decided to trust Him again and do nothing to prevent a pregnancy."
(shrug Now THAT makes perfect sense, First, God has answered her and I am HOPING she didn't claim that "the answer" was audible. Then, after "arguing" with God (If only I could have been a fly on the wall), she does NOTHING to prevent a pregnancy. Gee, I wonder what happened next?)

"It sure was worth it to trust the Lord! I celebrated by taking a late Spring excursion to an amusement park to ride roller coasters all day while I still had the chance. I was supposed to get my period that day, but it never came. Two days later I took a home test and found out I was pregnant again.I was so mad! Shaking my fist at the Lord I yelled, "You told me to trust You, and I DID! Now look what You've done! Why do You insist on keeping me down and miserable? You are NOT the God I thought You were!""
(shrug WOW. This is downright bizarre what with the "celebrating" not being knocked up and riding roller coasters all day and what not, and THEN blaming God in an outright tantrum, because she didn't use birth control and got knocked up)

"As evil as it sounds, and as evil as it truly is, deep down inside I was half hoping for a miscarriage. I felt horrible, my life was a mess, I hated everything and everyone, I was seeing a counselor, my circumstances only got worse, and I just wanted to end it all! "
(confused smiley The truth comes out. They "hope" for miscarriages but wouldn't consider abortion)

" It says in the Bible, "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior so are the children of one's youth. Happy is he who's quiver is full of them." At a ladie's bible study, we were discussing family sizes, ........."

I piped up and said, "Well, if I were out in the woods when suddenly surrounded by a violent grizzly bear four times my size ready to eat me up in one gulp, I would want more than three arrows in my quiver to fight him off. In fact, I'd want as many as I could get!"
(bouncing and laughing What a LUDICROUS analogy!)

I know many older families who stopped at three children because they decided their family was complete with that many. Three beautiful young adults, all in a row, praising the Lord, standing up against abortion, encouraging youth, and doing mighty things for Jesus. If they hadn't stopped at three there could have been twice, or maybe even three times the amount of children in their family added to the Army of God.
(shrug Hence, their excuse for having 10 kids is to add to God's "army". I didn't realize that GOD would need an "army", afterall he is all knowing, all powerful, and all being)

When the next generation of children rises up to run my country and make decisions on my behalf, and on behalf of my children, grandchildren, and so on—a generation of God-less, self- indulgent, misdirected, unloved, spoiled rotten, traumatized, numb, lazy, video-gaming, immature, fatherless children with little sense of moral obligation—how many God-fearing, Christian young adults would I want to balance it out?

Should I contribute only three, stop there, and then carry on with my life of vanity and grasping for the wind? Or should I look beyond my limited, present view, and make an investment into the future of generations that will follow after me?
(confused smiley She refers to having kyds as an "investment", and I don't understand what that even means. How can people be an "investment"? Also, why is living her life "in vain" and she thinks she is "grasping for wind", just because she "only" has three kyds? Aren't they important, or is it the QUANTITY of kyds that are the measure of her worth? This is just strange to me)

Now I hug my tummy and bless the Lord for this pregnancy. I sure wasn't thanking Him the first four months! But I was obedient. And in the end I'm so thankful I didn't make the mistake of ending it all (not just my life, but the lives of future children).
(eye rolling smiley Oh for sure. The lives of the unborn "future" kyds she might have had are FAR more important than her own life or having left her LIVING children motherless, for sure)

Did the United States only train up 1,000 soldiers? Or did we not become the strongest military in the world, with hundreds of thousands of able men? As a military family I see where our military is going from an insider's perspective.

Even the military is buying in to “Sangerism” by scrapping ships, shutting down military bases, selling off their military housing to private management, and even paying some servicemen to leave to downsize areas that seem too full. All this in the name of “saving money.” But the military is birth-controlling and aborting itself into weakness. And so is God's church.
(confused smiley In four short months, she went from being depressed and suicidal, wanting a miscariage, being overweight and miserable, to giddily hugging her tummy and spouting off a bunch of religious rhetoric about filling her quiver and armies of Christ rising up against the sinful. She also was suddenly giving testimonies to OTHER women. This sounds like she was either brainwashed somehow in the interim, or maybe she suffers from bi-polar or other mental disease or disorder. . At any rate, the woman has some very serious issues, sounds delusional, and is a "drown em' in a bathtub, locked in hot car....." moomie, waiting to happen.. Personally, I honestly believe that she and her childrens' safety and welfare are in grave danger. What do I know though, I am just a mean old childless woman who is filled with hate eye rolling smiley .)
Re: A religious fundie moo's strange perspective on famblee size
December 25, 2008
shrug WHY are mental cases like her allowed to walk freely in the community? You just know that she'll be sending "angels to God" anytime now... And we'll be hearing about it on every news station across the country.
Ok, as far as the military aborting itself into weakness--as a Veteran, I can say with authority that TRICARE does pay for the pill (it's a readiness issue), for The Snip, and for Tubals, but does NOT pay for abortions unless the woman's life is in imminent peril.

As far as birth control--the Dept of Defense is not there to be a Evangelical organization...It's there to defend the country.

And as far as shutting bases, Some bases only exist because of infrastructure issues (ICBM bases, arctic training, flight test ranges) and there are other installations that only exist because of Senatorial clout. A good 70% of the bases slated for closure are not actually closed because the States' Governors or Congresscritters pulled enough strings to keep their money pits open.

She just wants to keep on the Olive Drab DoD tit so she can breed herself a baseball team...

Follow the money! The rationale will be along shortly.

Merry Christmas, Campers!
Re: A religious fundie moo's strange perspective on famblee size
December 26, 2008
Other methods were not an option, especially since I was still nursing and hadn’t had my return of cycles yet.

Oh, nonsense. Ensure feminine inserts are painless, inexpensive, and easy to use, and combined with condoms are extremely effective. Methinks the lady just want to star in her own drama.
Fundy conversations with God just crack me up. If there was such a thing, why the hell would you think he takes orders from the likes of you?

At least they say please, I suppose. Sometimes.
"After having three babies in less than four years (no twins!)"
Gee whiz

"But who am I to argue with God? After some deliberation I decided to trust Him again and do nothing to prevent a pregnancy."
OK Contraception don't work and if nothing prevent pregnancy. It's simple - get your f-ing tubes tied so you stop breed completly. Well that wasn't so hard.
Re: A religious fundie moo's strange perspective on famblee size
December 27, 2008
What a fucktard. Yeah, one of these days we'll probably hear about her pulling an Andrea Yates. Several less fundie brats on the planet, but still...People like this need mandatory sterilisation.
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