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The three breeder words that send you right over the edge

Posted by That CF Chick 
What are your top three (or more, if you're feeling particularly disgusted) most hated breeder vocabulary words, and why? Here are mine:

1. Mommy: I hate this one so much because it's awful to hear to adults speak of themselves so childishly. There are different degrees of obnoxiousness with this one, the worst being its inclusion in adult conversation. It's one thing for a woman to say to her kid, "What do you want Mommy to make you for lunch?" and another for her to say to a group of her peers, "I'm so glad to finally be a mommy!" Seriously, it's like she's unable to act her age. It's pitiful.

2. Latch: I hate hearing any of the details about breastfeeding, but this word makes my stomach heave. I'm sure moos everywhere would vehemently disagree with me, but I think there's something so cold and mechanical about the sound of it. And heaven forbid that she should feed the baby with a bottle! She must get her child to "latch" at any cost, or else risk exclusion from the cult of breastfeeding.

3. Preemie: I hated this one even as a child. I'm sure it's meant to sound cute and delicate, but I think it's pretty gross sounding. I can't really put it into words why I feel this way, but it's just always bugged me. It's one of those words that breeders will mindlessly use just because everyone else does. Why not just say "premature"?
Pretty much any word related to breastfeeding makes me want to vomit in terror. "Latch" is pretty bad, but "suckle" or "suckling" makes me feel like I'm going to pass out.
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
Good ones, That CF Chick. smiling smiley Allow me to add to those.

In line with the "mommy" title - I can't stand the new, 'hipper' version of this - "mama". Every time you read posts on just about any board from one mother to another (i.e. the gals at TMC), it's always: "Don't worry, mama! Everything will work out fine!" Or, "Congratulations, mama! I bet you're so thrilled that Mis'tayk will be getting a little sister soon!"

What you said about 'preemie' made me laugh - the word 'preemie' always reminds me of when I was a little girl and they used to advertise those horrendous Cabbage Patch Kids dolls. They had the regular version, and the 'Preemies'. I used to wonder, why in the hell would any child willingly want to play with what is essentially a toy version of a premature infant? Is a premature birth something we're striving for these days? "Oh, but those little, extra-tiny infants with potential health problems are so darn cute!! Oh, I really want a preemie!" *pukes*

I also abhor the word 'preggo'. The mothers who use this term need to be forcibly rounded up, shoved onto a short bus, and taken far, far away.
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
We are pregnant - no we are not pregnant, the woman is. The man is not knocked up.

Peanut - when they call the little mass inside them peanut and refer to peanut in conversation as if he is standing right there.

baby belly - I am getting such a precious baby belly,or 5 years after spewing out the kid, they still talk about their baby belly. Helloooo, you are fat.

Poopsies or wee wees- need I say more?

toesies - no they are toes

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Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009

I also abhor the word 'preggo'. The mothers who use this term need to be forcibly rounded up, shoved onto a short bus, and taken far, far away.

Ugh. Preggo, preggers, and any variant of those. It's like they start with the baby talk before they have even shot the thing out.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
The phrase "baby bump" really irritates me.
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
Soccer mom and NASCAR dad are also stupid.

As well as domestic engineer.

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I thought for sure they were going to be "As a parent..." (or "as a moo" or "as a duh"). That phrase drives me batshit insane because it's always said in order to elevate the breeder to some sort of knowledgeable or more superior status AND is almost always irrelevant to the situation being discussed!! GAH!
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
Is "NASCAR Dad" when your kid becomes a NASCAR driver?

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
Is "NASCAR Dad" when your kid becomes a NASCAR driver?

Same thing I asked. I was in a market segment presentation a couple years back and the presenter used this term in regards to men that take on their fair share of raising children.

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Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
I just took a look at Antigone's blog because someone said she's now calling her kid Percy, and then found this timely post. My new loathed parenting word is:


Why not just call it what it is? Sleeping together?

No, they have to make up a spayshul word for it. :crz
Some good ones y'all. Mine would have to be 'sipee cup'. I fucking HATE that stupid word, the stupid cup and the kids who turn it all the way upside down and suck on the tip like an alcoholic funneling the last of their liquor. God I hate those goddammn things!!!
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
Good ones, That CF Chick. smiling smiley Allow me to add to those.

In line with the "mommy" title - I can't stand the new, 'hipper' version of this - "mama". Every time you read posts on just about any board from one mother to another (i.e. the gals at TMC), it's always: "Don't worry, mama! Everything will work out fine!" Or, "Congratulations, mama! I bet you're so thrilled that Mis'tayk will be getting a little sister soon!"

I also abhor the word 'preggo'. The mothers who use this term need to be forcibly rounded up, shoved onto a short bus, and taken far, far away.

OMG- I have a breeder in law who refers to herself as 'mama'. She's "hip". I had no idea.
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
Rose Red

OMG- I have a breeder in law who refers to herself as 'mama'. She's "hip". I had no idea.

My SIL who hasn't spewed forth her welfare baby, refers to herself as sexy mama. I don't see stretch marks, fat, and cankles as sexy.
MIL calls herself hot grama, again 37 year old stretch marks and cankles are not hot.

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Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
I'm also adding to the pile with 'M.I.L.F.'. I know way too many mothers who now refer to themselves as a 'M.I.L.F.'. Oh, puh-leeeeeeze.
(When I tried to post M.I.L.F. without the periods, the board posted it as 'NASTY MOO'. Ha!)


"The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be its parent." -- Mel Lazarus
"Women who miscalculate are called mothers." -- Abigail Van Buren
"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." -- Chinese proverb
Is "NASCAR Dad" when your kid becomes a NASCAR driver?

Same thing I asked. I was in a market segment presentation a couple years back and the presenter used this term in regards to men that take on their fair share of raising children.

To me that makes no damned sense at all. I thought a "NASCAR dad" just meant a redneck breeder of some kind (I'm tempted to add the word "ignorant" to that, but I won't because it might make me look like one of those effete elitists the conservatives hate so much).
Suckle. Engorged. Any cutesy words used by older kids to ask for breast-feeding (milkies, nummies, mum-mums...).
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
1) "Nursies, Binkies, Num nums, ..", or ANY "pet name" given by or called by their "nurslings" (that's another word I hate) in reference to their udders.:gross

2)"TTC". Whenever they start up about how they are, "trying" to get knocked up, I can picture them fucking :sx and it makes me sick on my stomach.two faces puking

3) "Potty" shrug

4) "poopy" or "tee tee", as in "Do you have to go...?"eye rolling smiley

5) ANY babified variation on the kyds' name that isn't a REGULAR nick name like, "Tadders or Tadpole"" for Tad (which btw, is a stupid name to begin with). Also when a small kyd can't pronounce an aunt's name such as in "Kim", (JUST an example, lol) and they call her "Mims" at age 11 months, but rather than gradually allow the child to say it correctly as it's able and old enough to form words correctly, they re-enforce the mispronunciation until pre-school and it becomes a habit, because they think that it's cute. 'Aunt MIMS is here!",...or "Look what Aunt MIMS gave you!". This is confusing to a kyd because they are hearing "Kim" but can only say "Mims" and even when they CAN say "Kim", by then with all of the prodding, they say what brings them the most attention and it pisses me off, HIGHLY. this happened with my niece. My inlaws are doing this right now with my 4 y/o nephew, who called my husband "Kim" at one point. All of their prodding and re-enforcement like, "Uncle Kim is here!", has kept that alive. So NOW he still calls him "Uncle Kim", which I find HIGHLY annoying, but they think it's "cute".ranting

There are many more, including the ones already mentioned, but most everything they say that has a silly kiddie name twist to it annoys the shit out of me. "Go night night", "Say bye bye", "It's a choo-choo", "Do you want some pink milk?", "Do you have a boo boo?".....and of course equally as stupid exagerated actions that go along with idiotic baybee talk annoy the hell out of me as well. Words, actions, tone, the baybee talk, and related sounds ALL annoy me. :baybie1
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
The term "Yummy Mummy" makes me want to vomit with rage. Also, "Baby Dance", "Baby Gravy" (two faces puking), etc. RAAAGE. There are a few more, but those three especially stand out for me.
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
I know I made a topic about this before, and I still hate that "word". Yay for the moomies who tit-feed their uncircumsized girls.

I think everyone else covered the other terms I can't bloody stand. I especially hate the "baby dance" and other cutesy names they give to sex. Yeah, if it's not for the sake of trying to have a welfare check, it's dirty naughty sinful BAD carnal indulgence. But if you're trying to get yourself or your partner knocked up, then it's the A-OK Gawd-approved blessed miraculous BABY DANCE. If you tell people you had hot sweaty sex every night the past week, at least *one* person will get offended. But if you say you're trying to conceive, it's the mot wunnerfull thing in the world and everyone has to know about it.
I think most of the worst ones have been mentioned. People who refer to themselves as Mommy should be eliminated, but "preggo" and "preggers" take the cake. I had a friend who was pregnant last year who always said she was "preggers" and I swear to God I thought I was going to rip out her face if she said it one more time.

Now, with this same friend I am so sick of hearing how her baby is a "miracle." How so? What makes pregnancy a miracle? It's about the most mundane thing I can imagine. Two horny people have sex, and accidentally their egg and sperm meet on a drunken date. Nine months later a human pops out of your vagina. This happens every day, millions of times. This would probably not qualify as a miracle. Try again.

"Baby bump" is disgusting to me. It sounds like some kind of growth, which I guess it is. This is always used when speaking of celebrity pregnancies. "Ooh, aww, look at J-Lo's baby bump! Twins!" It's like the celeb whores don't want to admit that they actually have an enormous freak show of a stretch mark belly, so they call it a "bump." That's not a bump. It's a boat.

This one never seems to bother anyone but me, but I hate, hate, HATE when people refer to their child sons as "Little Man." This seems to be big with the redneck crowd. "Did you see Little Man?" "There's Little Man!" UGGGGH. I also puke every time I hear a parent refer to their kid as "buddy." "Good job, buddy!" Is he your kid or your fucking dog? Call him by his name. Or call him some better term of endearment. Buddy is the worst.

M.I.L.F. is truly barforiffic. I once saw a 20-something guy with a shirt that said "I Heart Hot Moms." Sorry, I'm pretty sure hot moms don't exist. Once a woman pops one out, she is officially off the hot list. All the things in this category are super annoying, like "sexy mama" and "hot mama." It's just another way to try to cling to the lives they had before they got knocked up.
Play date drives me up a wall. It's so fucking weird how they make appointments for their kids to play. I just don't get it. When did people stop "visiting" someones house. Now everything is so scheduled. Strange.
Re: The three breeder words that send you right over the edge
January 09, 2009
I hate "play dates". Maybe if Moo didn't overschedule their brats. there would be no need for "play dates". Idiot breeders!
I hate every cutesy-pie term that refers to small kids clothing or possessions, eg: "onesies", "binkies" and "sippy cup" (that was mentioned by someone else).
When parents refer to their toddlers first bed as their "Big boy bed" and "Big girl bed"
And I hate hearing small kids being called "tot".
The one i cant stand is when my brother and his wife call each mummy and daddy..
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