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When Does Baby Rabies Peak?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
So I'm finishing off Law School. In the past 18 months, a full 20% of my class has gotten engaged, married, knocked up, or some combination thereof.

I remember only a handful of my contemporaries getting any of the above in 99 when I finished Undergrad. Mind you, the majority of these people are 25-26. I'm guessing that 1/2 are starter marriages, and will be dissolved within 3-4 yrs.

Now I see people, particualrly female classmates, with a delusion that within the same 1-year period they can graduate, pass the Bar Exam, get married, and sprog. What I do not understand is that they marry blue collar Duhs, and then get preggers, thereby nullifying the salary potential of the Law Degree they just earned, because you know a great portion of them will suddenly want to become SAHMoos.shrug

So my question is, what age/life stage/circumstance do you believe is correlated with the most severe stages of Baby Rabies? I see 31-32 at the peak, because this is when most professional degree/PHD students finish their degrees.

Your take on this?
Anonymous User
Re: When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
i think it varys from person to person. I think under normal circumstances its the 30's. My SIL got the baby rabies at 42. but my neice in law is 25 and wants another. Ugh, The one she has is already spoiled rotten. we don't need two entitled brats running around at X-mas. But he's a whole different story.
Re: When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
So I'm finishing off Law School. In the past 18 months, a full 20% of my class has gotten engaged, married, knocked up, or some combination thereof.

I remember only a handful of my contemporaries getting any of the above in 99 when I finished Undergrad. Mind you, the majority of these people are 25-26. I'm guessing that 1/2 are starter marriages, and will be dissolved within 3-4 yrs.

Now I see people, particualrly female classmates, with a delusion that within the same 1-year period they can graduate, pass the Bar Exam, get married, and sprog. What I do not understand is that they marry blue collar Duhs, and then get preggers, thereby nullifying the salary potential of the Law Degree they just earned, because you know a great portion of them will suddenly want to become SAHMoos.:shrug

So my question is, what age/life stage/circumstance do you believe is correlated with the most severe stages of Baby Rabies? I see 31-32 at the peak, because this is when most professional degree/PHD students finish their degrees.

Your take on this?

I don't know the answer to your question, but your comment I placed in bold reminded me of what Leslie Bennetts wrote in her recent book, "The Feminine Mistake". Blue collar or white collar hubbies, when they get married then sprog right away, they have basically "wasted" their costly and time-consuming higher education. If their intention was always to get married then sprog, then they deprived someone of a slot in the law school (or any similar type of grad school or med school, for example) who could have gotten an education and actually done something productive with it, like become a lawyer or doctor or other high-level white-collar professional. Or was their only reason to get a higher education was to make themselves more desirable to potential mate than if they had not done so? Pretty expensive way to make oneself more attractive, huh? Wouldn't a regular 4-year degree have been enough?

And, as Bennetts pointed out, they are denying themselves a vital "insurance" policy - their own earning potential - should the husband's earning potential not work out for any reason (divorce, disability, death) and the woman actually has to go to work. Being out of the workforce for a while (or never being in it) after getting the degree does not assure someone of just being able to jump (back) into it after several years.
Re: When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
Funny you should mention this, Marzi. I was watching a (schedenfraude) TV show the other day about dieting, and one of the women on the show was a former prosecutor. She'd only been doing the job for a couple of years, and then she left to become a SAHMoo. She then proceeded to have two sprogs. Her days were then spent watching the kiddies, cleaning laundry, and shoving the kids outside when she decided to eat a daily meatball sub so they wouldn't have the audacity to ask for a bite of it. Her husband was active in the army and was never around. She made the comment, "I always knew I wanted to be a mom." And then underneath her face on TV, they gave her the caption, "LONELY MOM". eye rolling smiley
I thought, why in the world did she even bother? Who would go through the trouble and the time to get a degree only to decide to have a couple of brats and sit on their ass? There's no way I'd ever trade a good career to become something like she became; a complete shadow of her former self. And yes, she was in her early 30s.

I'd say that's pretty much when it really starts to peak for a majority of people - when I turned 30, that's when the bingos REALLY began.


"The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be its parent." -- Mel Lazarus
"Women who miscalculate are called mothers." -- Abigail Van Buren
"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." -- Chinese proverb
Re: When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
You know, with the ever-expanding age of breeding, I don't think there is such a thing as a peak. It used to be the mid to late 20s or early 30s, but thanks to IVF and other fake-breeding technology, not to mention surrogates, the upper age limit seems to know no bounds. We've heard of broodmares in their 60s and 70s. It's just a matter of time before some great-granny in her 80s gives birth in a nursing home. On the other end of the spectrum, there are the high schoolers and younger who want to have a baybee so they can have someone to luuuuuuuuv them. sad smiley

The whole thing is just so depressing. :chug
Re: When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
Marzipan, congratulations on such a stunning achievement. You'd think I'd dislike the profession since my ex was a (shitty, inept, skin-of-his-teeth) lawyer, but I have some idea of the intelligence and mental discipline needed to nail this achievement and I have respect for anyone who can achieve that major of an accomplishment.

I think baby rabies peaks at the decade birthdays; 30 and (these days) even 40. 30 is the wake-up date for life reassessment and 40 is really the last hurrah and last call, for women.
Re: When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
I think that baybee rabies strikes at different times, in various age groups, and for different reasons. Depending on the individual, I have observed that no particular age group is less vulnerable, given a certain set of circumstances. I also believe that there is a "baybee rabies gene" and that if you do not have the gene, then you are immune to this disease, much like caucasian people are generally immune to Sickle Cell Anemia, people of non Jewish ancestry are generally immune to Tay-Sachs, females are "immune" to color blindness, and males can't get various "female" cancers. Like other hereditary traits such as eye and hair color, I think that people (usually women) are predisposed to the baybee rabid gene, or perhaps just a marker or something. I also think that the baybee rabies gene DIRECTLY corresponds to the genes which determine intelligence too. One example of this would be a comparison of the number of instances in which MENSA members made headlines for having baybee rabies in relation to the various ongoing struggles of the mentally retarded and their rights to procreate. The mentally retarded (and their breeder friends/famblee) have fought for (and won) the right to have children, "of their own". This of course is just one example as there are many others.:fmbl :bdid

In general, women get seriously baybee rabid when they are approaching their mid thirties and have yet to sprog, usually because they have gone the "college-career-marriage route" (TM) first. However, I have noted SEVERE cases of baybee rabies in unmarried teen girls (and younger) who don't have a pot to piss in too. In the older woman's case, she generally had always planned on self replicating all along and it's more likely that she will be a PNB than the teen, although of course her advanced age isn't a guarantee against becoming a plain old breeder. In the teen girl's case though, VERY little (if any) realistic thought is put into getting knocked up and NO THOUGHT is made regarding AFTER the baybee arives. It appears to be some romanticized fantasy they have of "being loved unconditionally", of "being special", and " loved by someone, no matter what....",. Then of course there is the stereotypical baybee rabies that immediately follows, "I do", which happens commonly in the 20's. Although ANYTIME and regardless of prior sproglets, when someone ELSE in her circle announces a pregnancy or has a baybee, even dormant baybee rabies can become full blown.:hs

If a woman who carries the baybe rabid gene gets lucky and doesn't get knocked up by age 16 or 17, and has the self control to wait until she has finished college and married, she will just about ALWAYS get knocked up as fast as humanly possible and be a SAHMoo. IF the baybee rabid disease becomes activated through circumstances, much like a recovering alkie who has that first drink. the carrier will likely succumb and not clock in at the new law office for more than a few months after graduation. She always (it seems) has this delusion that she will continue her career "later on", which hardly ever arrives. Most professional careers require continuing education, ongoing experience, and a strong customer/client/patient base which can take YEARS to successfully build. EVEN IF these stupid women try and get back into their tossed aside careers 5, 10, even 20 years down the road, then chances are they will NEVER be at the top of their game, will NEVER earn as much, will NOT be considered a desirable new hire at an entry level at ages 40-50+. ,They may no longer have the proper qualifications or education for their orginal careers anyway..eye rolling smiley

If they PLAN on getting married right after college, get knocked up on the honeymoon, and then do the SAHMoo nonsense, then the least that they can do is choose a trade or profession that can easily be re-entered with the least amount of trouble AND that will cause the least problems/inconvenience to co-workers and employers when they up and leave to play house for a decade or so. Baybee rabies may lay dormant after they re-enter the workplace or continue to "stay at home", but sadly, the disease will once again raise it's ugly head when their CHILDREN become spawning age. Then, the re-activated baybee rabies will start ALL over until all of their childrens' and inlaws' wombs have closed or their dicks have dried up, whichever comes first. It's a nasty disease and I am thankful, that for whatever reason, I am immune to it because at present, there is no known cure or method of prevention..bouncing and laughing
Anonymous User
Re: When Does Baby Rabies Peak?
January 11, 2009
I'm 29, and in the last two or three years, I've gone from having no friends with kids to almost all of my friends having a baby now. And they all keep waiting for me to "join the club." Ain't happening. I think 30 is still and will remain the official "oh my god time to reproduce" age. People see 30 coming and just start to get antsy. I'm no longer a fun-loving early 20s kid, time to have a kid of my own to prove my own adulthood. Or they hear the biological clock slowly ticking. Something happens at that age to people, like others have mentioned here. And it's all downhill from there to more desperation.
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