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"Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
"Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
Over at girlmom.com there's a treasure trove of "reasons" it RAWKS to get knocked up in high school then deserted by the babydaddy (bd). My comments in bold.

I'll still be super young when they are adults Why is this a positive thing? Vying for the title of M.I.L.F while your son is still in diapers?

I love the fact that I will only be 35 when Kaden is 18!!! Nevermind the triple exclamation point and the fact that her lil' bastard is named Kaden. WHY is it good that you'll be less than twice his age when he's a legal adult?

If I'm lucky, I'll still be young enough to babysit my great grandchildren. You mean, if your child and their child is as irresponsible a slut as you are. Way to set an example!

I can still act all goofy about it, play on the playground with her, run around all silly, and just be a kid myself. Because you're still a kid.

After she's in bed, the remote is MINE. The remote is mine all the time.

I can leave hair in the plug in the bath if I don't feel like cleaning it So can I, if I feel like being a pig.

Kiddo and I can do whatever we want at weekends without having to fit someone else's plans. I don't know what it is, but something about "kiddo" makes me shudder. Anyway, doesn't she have a job to support "kiddo"? How are her weekends so open?

I can do things for ME! I can talk a super long bath, put some Kaia on, light up some candles and read my Harry Potter book. I can do all those things too, without a screaming shit demon to bother me.

I can take a bath with my kiddo without someone saying its innapropriate cause hes a boy. In other words, you're glad no one is around to notice you being wildly inappropriate. You sick bitch.

I can walk around naked all the time. In front of the bastard, I assume. Sick.

I can not worry about snoring because the only person in my bed is my kiddo. They really do love the quasi-sexual "bonding" with Lil' Bastard, don't they?

thje only reason I get out of bed is for my kid and knowing that I dont do it for any other person is awesome. I get out of bed (or stay in it :sx ) for my husband. Knowing that he's the most important person to me, and I to him, is awesome. So much better than spawning something and swearing it's true love.

I dont have to "eat like a lady", cuz it aint no man here watching me Good to know you're trying so hard to teach Lil' Bastard some proper table manners.

I can just be me, and listen to the kind of music I want and dress the way I want to dress. Thats the best part about being single I think is that you don't have to be like, so and so's girlfriend or boyfriend you can just be you. That's the best part of being single and childfree. But this teenage slut isn't childfree. She may not be so-and-so's girlfriend but she'll forever be tied down to the label of "Lil' Bastard's Moo".

Nobody else spends my money. Except all those child-related expenses that take your last dime, but I'm sure you would've blown all your money with or without the brat.

i dont have to share my little man. (i think this is my favorite part) Once again with the quasi-sexual wording.

i dont have to fulfill demands from anyone other than myself. Right, 'cause screaming shit demons don't have any influence on you at all.
Anonymous User
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
The amount of this shit that's just glorifying how her "little man" is so close to her own age is just creepy as hell.

$20 says she's already thought about how it won't be nearly as weird for her to date her son's friends...

"Hey Junior... who's that cute boy you go to school with? Why don't you invite him over for a friendly game of Twister with momma?"
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
This whole new trend with moomies in general of bathing with their kyds, sleeping with their kyds, calling their boys, "Lil" man", saying that they are "in love" with the boys (it's almost ALWAYS the boys) is downright incestuous and unhealthy. This whore here acts as if her son is just a miniature version of a MAN boyfriend, but she can do "whatever she wants" because the kyd isn't old enough to scold her, look down upon her, or be digusted by her HORRIBLE manners and piggish lifestlye. He is however, able to copy her poor examples and be steadily confused by the mixed signals he will surely get as he gets older what with all of this "moomie togetherness". Do they not realize that while this boy may be their "widdle pweshush", that overbearing, controlling and covertly sexual moomies are the things which "Psycho" movies are made??? shrug
Anonymous User
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
Mostly what it is is that these little brats finally have a littler brat of their own that they can foist all their sexual energy upon (either overtly or not) without fear of getting dumped again.

They've finally got the perfect boyfriend: one they can boss around all they want and never have to worry about him leaving her because they're a captive audience.

It's amazing how many seriously fucked-up relationships exist for no other reason than the fear of rejection.
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
How stupid and naive can they get??


He is however, able to copy her poor examples and be steadily confused by the mixed signals he will surely get as he gets older what with all of this "moomie togetherness". Do they not realize that while this boy may be their "widdle pweshush", that overbearing, controlling and covertly sexual moomies are the things which "Psycho" movies are made???

Of course not. Just so long as they are happy and getting attention from the little person they just had to bring into the world. The more I read this shit the more frightened I am for the future.
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
I can do things for ME! I can talk a super long bath, put some Kaia on, light up some candles and read my Harry Potter book. I can do all those things too, without a screaming shit demon to bother me.

Yeah, she can do things for ME probably because her parents are caring for the kid. Sorry, but when you're a REAL parent, there's no time for ME things. You can't take a super long bath or read a novel when there's a kid underfoot. Either that, or the girl locks herself in a room where her snookums can't get in and just ignores the kid while it screams while she reads or bathes.

It's easy to love being a mom when you treat your kid like a baby doll. And as far as the cow who was happy that she's still be in her 30s when her kid was an adult...once my friend and I got bored in study hall and were figuring out how old our mothers were when they gave birth. My friend was horrified when he realized his mum was 17 when she had him. it's nothing to be proud of and when the kids learn to count, they're gonna realize what a slut their mommy was to get knocked up at 15 or 16. Or are these teen Moos hoping they'll look young enough to appeal to their sons? A lot of them already do semi-sexual things with their sons, so whose to say they wouldn't try and raise the kid to think incest was okay?

Blech...I think I need to go puke now.
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
Mostly what it is is that these little brats finally have a littler brat of their own that they can foist all their sexual energy upon (either overtly or not) without fear of getting dumped again.

They've finally got the perfect boyfriend: one they can boss around all they want and never have to worry about him leaving her because they're a captive audience.

It's amazing how many seriously fucked-up relationships exist for no other reason than the fear of rejection.

I have observed that more times than not when the boy grows up or even reaches puberty, that he COMPLETELY detaches from moomie and often times resentment sets in. If that doesn't happen then they wind up with a sissified mama's boy who is worthless to himself and others. RARELY does he live any semblance of a "normal" life and his relationships with women are generally unhealthy ones. My brother in law has an overbearing and controlling, moomie who I believe practiced a little Munchausen's by Proxy as well when he was a kyd in order to gain control of him when he started pulling away as an adolescent. He has all but completely detached from her and probably wouldn't see her at all if it wasn't for the fact that he has kyds and of COURSE she plays martyr meemaw-moo. Her "visits" are only for a few hours at the time a few times a year now, so it's not too unbearable. He only has recently learned, as he approached aged 40, that he in fact NEVER had epilepsy which his mother (an RN) had him diagnosed with (among other "disorders) and treated with numerous psychotropic drugs for much of his life. This may sound extreme, but it's hardly uncommon.

Just in my small world I know of two other similar cases (and I suspect many others) of the attempted controlling by moomares over their sons. One of my ex husband's mother is guilty and another ex husband's ex wife did the same damned thing to her boy, who USED to be "normal. He is about 22-23 now, quit school at 16, and has been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Bi-polar, and he legally changed his name from Jason to Mike (?), he weighs about 350lbs, and dyed his blonde hair to black, among some other weird stuff. Of course he STILL lives with moocow. Oddly, in all three cases, these women were nurses, these were their only or oldest sons, and they were divorced from the fathers who had little to ZERO contact with their boys.confused smiley
Anonymous User
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
It's just a universal truth. Whatever you fear most controls you most.

If you're mortally terrified of clowns your life will be largely dictated by whether or not the next thing you want to do might be visited by a clown.

If the worst thing you can imagine is a particular person leaving you, you'll either look for ways to keep them attached to you or you'll find a way to preemptively leave them.

So when these moomies get ditched by the sperm donor and their egos completely crushed because the "oops" didn't turn boyfriend into husband and they suddenly find themselves fat, pregnant and unfuckable, they snatch up the little poopzombie as their surrogate life-partner.

No big surprise that they'd go to great lengths to try to convince others (and themselves in the process) that this is the way they really prefer it. No, no, I wouldn't want to be healthy. I LIKE having cancer. Really. It's fun.

Wanna white-wash a fence anyone? It's loads of fun.

And like you said, they're also very prone to trying to find reasons to make the kyd more and more dependent upon moomie. Damn things just won't stop growing, so if you don't hobble them early on the next thing you know they can walk. If they can walk they can walk away. Can't have that. No, no, moomies self esteem can't take another blow, she's got to have someone validate her.
Anonymous User
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
^ Amazing, Kim. I happen to know a nurse of whom I suspect MBP with her son as well. Obviously, not all nurses are crazy cunts, but there is definitely an attraction to that profession by women who are Narcissistic and desperate for attention from authority figures (doctors), and being a nurse gives them the means and knowledge to get away with abusing their children in this way. Sick.
Anonymous User
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
So when these moomies get ditched by the sperm donor and their egos completely crushed because the "oops" didn't turn boyfriend into husband and they suddenly find themselves fat, pregnant and unfuckable, they snatch up the little poopzombie as their surrogate life-partner.

Well put.
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
It's just a universal truth. Whatever you fear most controls you most.

If you're mortally terrified of clowns your life will be largely dictated by whether or not the next thing you want to do might be visited by a clown.

If the worst thing you can imagine is a particular person leaving you, you'll either look for ways to keep them attached to you or you'll find a way to preemptively leave them.

So when these moomies get ditched by the sperm donor and their egos completely crushed because the "oops" didn't turn boyfriend into husband and they suddenly find themselves fat, pregnant and unfuckable, they snatch up the little poopzombie as their surrogate life-partner.

No big surprise that they'd go to great lengths to try to convince others (and themselves in the process) that this is the way they really prefer it. No, no, I wouldn't want to be healthy. I LIKE having cancer. Really. It's fun.

Wanna white-wash a fence anyone? It's loads of fun.

And like you said, they're also very prone to trying to find reasons to make the kyd more and more dependent upon moomie. Damn things just won't stop growing, so if you don't hobble them early on the next thing you know they can walk. If they can walk they can walk away. Can't have that. No, no, moomies self esteem can't take another blow, she's got to have someone validate her.

That is the absolute truth. One of my MAJOR pet peeves, which I think is related to this line of thinking, is when people who I affectionately call, "Sunshine Sallies" say shit like, "I am so GLAD that Fred had that accident and lost both of his legs! It has really brought us closer together as a couple, it must have been God's will"..........."If I hadn't gotten breast cancer and had the double mastectomy, then I wouldn't have been on my way to the doctor to get the stitches out and I would have been at home instead and probably would have been killed in that gas explosion!".........."If he had not been paralyzed from the neck down then he would have never written all of those wonderful books! It happened for a reason". Some people want to rationalize everything and find the "good" in outright SHITTY situations. If they were the least bit honest, they NEVER would have wished any of those things upon themselves, REGARDLESS of the lemonade made out of the lemons or rationalize that it was "meant to be". I think it's healthy to be pissed off when bad shit happens. Sure, it has to be accepted and made the best of, but it's unnatural to claim that having limbs ripped off in a car wreck, being burned over 80% of the body, or getting a cancer diagnosis is the BEST thing to have ever happened, for whatever whimsical reason. IMO.
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 19, 2009
I could care less if these teenage mommas enjoy their version of "parenting" or not and if they can justify becoming a momma at such young age. What worries me is that our society if failing, we are lacking decent people and there is nothing decent this momma can teach or offer to her boy. I hope he does not grow up to become a criminal. If this momma thinks she is raising the next policeman, firefighter, doctor or any other productive member of our society, she certainly needs to change the environment for her young one or he will grow up with some serious problems. This man may not be able to understand right from wrong.
In the words of Frances McDormand from "Fargo":

"I think I'm gonna barf!"
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 20, 2009
When you really think about it and look at the backgrounds and family lives of these teenage whores, they, themselves, have NO father figure. No responsible male adult whatsoever.

And why?

Because their mothers are whores just like they are.

And the cycle continues.
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 20, 2009
Teenage moms are the worst. TMIJITW isn't not.

lab mom
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 20, 2009
Funny, I didn't read "Everyone celebrates me for being a stupid cow! Now I'm part of the Moo Club!"

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: "Why we LOVE being single teenage moms!"
January 20, 2009
I almost forgot the second part of the Truth of Fear.

First part: "Whatever you fear most controls you most."

Second part: "The greater your fear the more likely you will cause it to come true as a direct result of being afraid of it."

Take the moo who desperately tries to fill what she thinks is the hole left by the absence of a man with a child.

She's mortally afraid of being left or rejected by a man and mortally afraid of being completely alone. Well the creepy obsession she fosters with her spawn pretty much assures that no real man is going to step in to fill that hole. And the creepy obsession she fosters with her spawn pretty much guarantees that the mother-child relationship is doomed to explode spectacularly at some point (probably right around puberty).

By trying to hold on too tight, she drives the kid away. And by trying to substitute a child for her need for adult companionship she guarantees that no adult will want to be her companion.

Her own fear becomes self-realizing.

This is true in many situations. If you're terrified of a certain race of people you're going to give off that vibe. And if you do, you're likely to annoy and enrage certain members of that race because you're being racist. Which makes it much more likely you'll have violence visited upon you by a member of that race.
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