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Of course I know she's throwing a gang sign...

Posted by Seen on my mommy blog 
Seen on my mommy blog
Of course I know she's throwing a gang sign...
April 30, 2006
...and so the issue is, what? Kids always goof on pictures. What's the big deal?

Peace out,
From a mom who grew up among gangs,
And knows what's going on.
You grew up among gangs and you can't see the big deal?
Either you're full of crap or you think that perpetuating the violence is ok. Which is it? I scrape up the victims of gang violence. Either you support it by allowing gang sign or you educate to eradicate. The only other choice is to continue to attend the funerals of children.
Attention lurking Mommy Bloggers: You put blogs out there, people are going to see them. People are going to comment on them. Yes, an obviously well-to-do suburban teenage white girl throwing a gang sign is pretty silly if not downright tacky. But I guess if you're trying to be a "hip mom", you probably let your kids get away with all kinds of things.
Hey, Moo-Wreck, go back to your blog! Like GreenGrass, wrote, ou put blogs out there, and people are going to comment. If you don't like the comments, then block it so people are not able to comment, dumb-ass, but don't come up here on Bratfree forums like you have something to prove. Take that shit to BabyCenter or some other moo-site where there are members on there who might appreciate your ignorant-ass ramblings.
Wow, you're not a regular mom, you're a cool mom. I'll bet your daughters probably sound just as gutter as you do. Great job, mom!
Yay! A moo-troll!
Re: Of course I know she's throwing a gang sign...
April 30, 2006
Another reason why I chose the moo-free life...
I'm confused.... How did she know to come to Bratfree?
Guest, that is a good question. I did not email her or post any comments on her site. I would never do that, trolling is pretty lame. However, she posted to the Bratfree message board within a couple of hours of my post to the main page.
It's like Tammy and her super-speed troll powers. Maybe people like that are so self-conscious that they google their own name every 5 minutes.
Website owners can check their server logs to see where visitors come from. That is how she knew to come here.
This 'mother' is actually ok with her daughter doing this? This is the problem with today's parunts. But I did just have a peek at her blog and read about the death of a teacher. The parunt used this terminology to describe how her daughter and friends handled the death: "Her posse has gone into survival mode and closed ranks." Great discription. Anyone else see potential incarceration in the future for her kids?
Re: Of course I know she's throwing a gang sign...
April 30, 2006
Well, that explains why I can't access the site. You see, I have referrer logging turned off on my firewall software. It ensures that people can't see from where you came. She must have it set up so people can't view her page unless they give that information.

As for what she said,

"...and so the issue is, what? Kids always goof on pictures. What's the big deal? Peace out,
From a mom who grew up among gangs,
And knows what's going on. "

All I can say is, NEAT. REALLY NEAT. I think I'll go find my eyeballs now. They rolled back so far in my head, I'll probably need a search party.

As far as Moos coming here, a lot of them do it. Some of the infertiles are regular readers. (Shout out to D. from the Dark Side! Have you see the wisdom of living CF yet? How many of your formerly- infertile friends have dumped you cold, just because they are smug Moo bitches now? The Dark Side isn't so bad.)

I really don't care if Moos and WannaBes read here, as long as they don't troll. I don't condone CF people trolling Moo blogs either.

If parents come here and read or post without mentioning their parenthood, which is apparently REALLY DIFFICULT even though it adds nothing to anyone's story, I don't have a problem with it.

Maybe they'll learn something.
SOunds like a real breeder slut to me.

From a mom who grew up on gangs and knows whats going on???

You only think you know what is going on you you cluless moo..
These mommy trolls are so pathetic. And I bet they're their kid's best friends, too. Perfect. We need more "best friend" pahrunts. If I had made any inappropriate gesture during a photo, my ass would have gotten a good whack. And NOT because my parents were assholes, but because they knew what was right and what was wrong, and raised well-behaved kids with successful lives.

Oh and she grew up around gangs, WOWIE, she is JUST SO KEWL now, ain't she??? And like "peace out" from a KEWL mom. Gang moo, go back to your little blog and blither to the rest of the lifeless moos out there about what a great pahrunt you are. Gag me with a fucking spoon.
Why do all today's moos shrug their shoulders and always say what is the big deal about my kid's behavior?

Gawd, do kids do *anything* wrong these days, or did they come out of the womb perfect and never do anything that isn't innocent?
Re: Of course I know she's throwing a gang sign...
May 01, 2006
The problemis that today's parents try to act like the cool mom & dad. Kids don't need "best buds" but require responsible adults who are going to prepare them for adulthood. Most parents who try the "best friend" route end up with major problems once their kids become teens.
Re: Of course I know she's throwing a gang sign...
May 01, 2006
This reminds me of pahrunts who smoke dope or drink with their kyds. Their logic is "hey, they're going to do it anyway", like that makes it OK. But I think they just want to be seen as "kewl".

Also reminds me of that time I caught Dr. Phil's show and some idiot breeders had hired a stripper for their sons' 16th birthday party. And I think there was free access to porn, or maybe that was another couple. Seriously, what the hell?!?
And, I was thinking, if she knew it, why did she post it, instead of taking another photo and posting the new one?

Is it sooo okay w/ her that her daughter is doing that, even as a goof, that she wants to post it for the world to see?

And, if "all" kids do this, why aren't the other 2?

My mom would of kicked my ass, but then again, she wasn't a kewl mom, dude.
Yeah about 40 kids up here in NYS (Potsdam) hired a bus, got drunk and in trouble. So the school banned them from going to the prom. Guess what? The fucking parents are pissed cause they got banned!
Unbelieveable. I hope when their little darlings start working and get fired for stupid behavior, ie on computer all day, showing up late yada,yada, they will let them move back into the house.
Yeah gangs are real cool mom.
P.S. It was sad about that teacher. He looked like a decent person. It always bums me out to hear shit like that,even if I didn't know them.
pPs reminds me of scene in movie Office Space where they kill the fax machine to the song It's good to be a gangster.
I think she's lying.
I don't believe she's ever had anything to do with actual "we don't have responsible adults around so we're going to band together and protect our neighborhood 'Lord of the Flies' with guns style" gangs. If she did she'd know that gangs aren't the happy-go-lucky, kid's fun time clubs she seems to think they are. She'd teach her kids that gangs aren't "cool", "fun" or an "appropriate thing to spend your time emulating".
Well, I'm just SURE the staff at the emergency room just LOVE taking care of victims of gang violence (other gang members) due to negligence on someone’s lazy, poor parenting skills. We don't need any more gangs out on the streets causing ruckess, but, from my understanding, it seems like breeders do not care.
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