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1312 Devil's Advocate Movie

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 02, 2006
I saw this movie, I also hated the whole baby-rabies thing and the breederific comment towards the end. Totally unnecessary.

No, Keanu Reeves cannot act but seeing him makes me want to be naughty all over his hot ass is such an unspeakable way. Anyone see him in "The Replacements?" Delicious.

Anyone know if he is damaged goods?
Re: 1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 02, 2006
I just rented 2 movies that had kyd related story line (did not know) and I felt it KILLED the movie. I hated the movies.

The first one I rented was "Transporter 2" which shows him in a more sedate story line caring/driving/transporting a fucking sprog. The moo is throwing herself all over him because her marriage is miserable. The kid looked black and not the product of 2 blonde haired and blue eyed parents. Hello, casting department? The movie sucked - none of it's bad-ass action like in the first installment.

Next movie was the sequel to Zorro with Antonio Banderas (who definitely got oopsed by Melanie). God, the kid was butt-ugly and annoying. What a fucking famibleeeeee movie. I wish this shit came with warning labels!!!

Finally - Keanu. Yeah, I'd totally do him if he kept his mouth shut (Excellent!!!). I have a serious thing for Asian men and married a man from Japan. God damn. He is hot. Ok, moving on. ::::Fans self::::

Keanu was actually supposed to be a father but his fiancee gave birth to a still born child in her 8th month. Their relationship fell apart after that and sadly, she was into drugs and died in a car accident. So, is he damaged goods? He dated Carrie Ann Moss from his Matrix movies who then later went on to become a moo with some other sperm doner. Who knows how the whole dead baby incident affected him? If I was dating him and he mentioned it, I would be turned off.

Anonymous User
Re: 1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 02, 2006
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> I saw this movie, I also hated the whole
> baby-rabies thing and the breederific comment
> towards the end. Totally unnecessary.
> Keanu Reeves cannot act but seeing him makes
> me want to be naughty

I don't know, I just can't get into Keanu. He's not beefy or rugged enough for me.

Anyway I saw DA and totally agree with you on the annoyingly breederific wife. I kind of expected the breedrish ending though, since most "devil" movie plots go down that road eventually. Wasn't the wife even pregnant at the very end?

The king (or queen) of all breeder plots has got to be Rosemary's Baby, though. I mean, she bears satan's spawn and STILL ends up bonding with it at the end!

And Jurassic Park is another one that pissed me off, too. The paleantologist (sic) played by Sam Harris, doesn't like kids. So he's portrayed as this brilliant scientist/misfit and kind of humored for not liking kids. His partner/collegue/girlfriend longs for him to be "normal" since she has breederlike intentions, of course.

Throughout the movie he realizes the error of his child-hating ways and becomes all dad-ish by the end. I liked the book, I just hate it when someone's dislike for kids is shown as trivial or easily changed.

Oh yeah, I'd start loving kids after a few days in a prehistoric jungle running for my life! It'd go more like this: "Sorry Timmy, it's either you or me..." hehehe.
Re: 1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 02, 2006
Though I do find Keanu very delicious indeed, I hated that movie too. I loved when that breeder cunt got locked away in the loony bin. Didn't she die there, too? Anyway, I cheered.

One ending I hated was "Minority Report". The movie was OK, but they had to end it with a knocked up bitch as the symbol of "hope for the future". Gag me.
Re: 1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 03, 2006
And that movie "Dogma" - the bitch was knocked up at the end by some divine intervention. Gag me with a coat hanger.
Re: 1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 05, 2006
lv67 Wrote:
> Throughout the movie he realizes the error of his
> child-hating ways and becomes all dad-ish by the
> end. I liked the book, I just hate it when
> someone's dislike for kids is shown as trivial or
> easily changed.

See, I didn't really see it that way. It was more like the Fire Rule being invoked.

As for Keanu. I used to have a huge crush on young Keanu. I liked his kind of shaggy surfer look he sported in movies like Bill and Ted and Rivers Edge.

Let's not forget about Point Break. Keanu in a wetsuit. Nice. grinning smiley
Re: 1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 05, 2006
"Point Break" is what made me a Keanu Girl to begin with. Rwoarrrrr!
Anonymous User
Re: 1312 Devil's Advocate Movie
May 06, 2006
lv67: I loved Rosymarys Baby! That look of horror she has when she sees it for the first time! Mia Farrow got the better end of the deal when Woody Allen left her for her adopted kid. Unbeiveable!!
Anyway, I think she is a good actress.
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