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Duh Gives Moo A Wake-Up Call.

Posted by Banshee 
Duh Gives Moo A Wake-Up Call.
February 03, 2009
Here's what I found at the AP board of the silly kellymoo forums!moo with baybeem

"My husband and I are having extreme difficulties getting Rowan to sleep. I don't necessarily need him to be sleeping through the night, but he has a problem going BACK to sleep once he wakes up.

My husband says that because we immediately responded to Rowan's every cry and whimper, that we've taught him to cry, and taught him that he NEEDS us with him 24/7. In essence, we've taught him to be a needy baby. He says that when Rowan was born, he was a clean slate, a blank sheet of paper and we are the ones that have written his needy-ness onto it.

Is there some truth to this logic?"

AHA!!!bouncing and laughing
Re: Duh Gives Moo A Wake-Up Call.
February 03, 2009

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Duh Gives Moo A Wake-Up Call.
February 03, 2009
It's brilliant, but of course the kellymoo and all of her moo-ettes will no doubt rip that man's logic to shreds. I have seen how they attack before when a man DARES to challenge their attachment parenting prowess. They generally bingo him to death with how they couldn't possibly understand because they aren't a "moooooooooom", or that they know best because they and ONLY they can "bond" with baybee due to their having milk bags, or they will accuse him of being insensitive or not caring about what is best for baybee, among other similar nonsense. Usually the other moos will circle the topic like buzzards and then zero in on the target, which is of course the male. They will give her all kinds of advice of things to say to him such as, "What if I ignored YOU if YOU were sick, afraid, or hungry? How would YOU feel if you were scared, helpless, and crying and no one came?", etc.......... Then sometimes they accuse her husband of having been raised by a harsh, insensitive, or otherwise uncaring mother and that it's up to the kellymoo to teach him the error of his ways so their kyd won't grow up with a complex or anything. eye rolling smiley
Re: Duh Gives Moo A Wake-Up Call.
February 03, 2009
Poor Duh. He's got it right...but for most of these heli-mommies "Cry It Out" is practically child abuse. eye rolling smiley
Re: Duh Gives Moo A Wake-Up Call.
February 03, 2009
She really doesn't understand this simple concept? gotta take a test to drive a car, but any idiot can breed.

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