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Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)

Posted by kidlesskim 
Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
Pro Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Guest blogger Gina: I respect women's right to choose, but I have little tolerance for pro-choicers who expect sympathy when they have a miscarriage. (shrug Then she is Pro-Choice)

"These are women who put pro-choice buttons on their backpacks in college and ridiculed pro-lifers for being backward, repressive religious freaks who want to control the world's uteruses.
(eye rolling smiley A lot of people wore flowers around their heads, donned lovebeads, dropped LSD, and lived out of flowered vans too, but changed their views later on.)

Ten years have passed and lo and behold, these women have grown up, gotten married, and now have the itch to have a baby of their own. Suddenly the monthly visitor that they were relieved to get when they were 20, now, at 32, plunges them into the depths of depression.
(:bdid Yeah dummy. Maybe getting knocked up by her cousin in the 9th grade wasn't as happy an occasion for her as being 30, married, and actually wanting the kid and able to raise it and care for it properly)

Like vegetarians who eat chicken but not beef, many pro-choice advocates want it both ways. It's a baby when they want it to be, it's a bundle of cells when they don't.
( hysterical laughterz My God this woman is stupid and full of sterotypes. Not ALL pro-choice people think it is only a "bundle of cells". They simply believe in reproductive freedom among a variety of other reasons for their stance on abortion, that's all. What does vegetarianism have to do with this anyway?)

If you believe that pregnancy doesn't produce a baby until some magic number (13 weeks? 20 weeks? 40?), then you must also agree that it's ridiculous to break down in hysterics, set up a memorial website for your "angel," and seek out a grief counselor when you start bleeding in your first trimester. After all, you're simply talking about the loss of a conglomeration of microscopic cells, right?! That's hardly something to cry about.
(shrug I sorta agree with her on that one point, but then I think it's ridiculous for ANY woman to set up memorial sites, cry, whine and carry on after a 1st trimester miscarriage, regardless of her pro-life/pro-choice stance. She sure presumes a lot by demanding to know or dictate how someone should feel or grieve about what they consider a personal loss. Even feeling the way I do, I can understand (and respect) how someone might feel a loss IF they wanted a baybee and miscarried. It is none of my (or her) business how or even IF a person grieves. What is important to me might not mean shit to someone else.)

Advocate all you want, but don't come crying to me when your hypocrisy hits you like a ton of bricks. If you are going to defend the right to abort babies, you don't have the right to be upset when yours dies."
(eye rolling smiley The woman who she is so apparently angry at MAY have been a pro-choice woman who believed in and STILL believes in the right to choose, but who would not have had an abortion herself because there are plenty of people who feel that way. MANY women who can not get pregnant due to infertility, sterilization, or advanced age are "pro-choice", but they have never had an abortion and medically can't conceive, so their only motive for being "pro choice" is because they believe in reproductive rights for all. Equal rights for gays doesn't personally affect me, but that dosesn't mean I don't take a stance on it and have emotions about the issue, among many others. This woman sounds angry and like a hateful bitch.)

eye rolling smiley This moomie blogger obviously is one of the most selfish types of the breeder society who can't even muster any compassion for other people if they don't believe or feel the same way that she feels and who are otherwise unworthy of her mercy. I would bet dollars to donuts that she knows about these "Angel" dead baybee memorial sites because she has suffered miscarriages and likely has presided over many a backyard Kotex burial of her own. She is angry because she has fertility problems and here these "pro-choice" women go aborting at will and then immediately getting knocked up later when they are "TTC" on the first try. It makes her livid when they mention the earlier abortion as if they somehow don't even deserve to EVER get pregnant again. I think that this is what it's all about;They can get knocked up easily and she can not. I can not BEGIN to imagine giving a SHIT if someone could get knocked up, or not.hysterical laughterz

One other thing that pissed me off about her saying that the pro-choice women who later miscarried was "hypocrisy". It isn't hypocritical in the least to be pro-choice and also desire to have a baybee. What IS hypocritical though is to be a staunch sign carrying pro-lifer, but then abort an unwanted pregnancy, but be back just in time to participate in the anti-abortion march in front of the very clinic where the abortion took place. This has happened on NUMEROUS occasions, but of course the clinic staff can't make it public for patient confidentiality reasons. Many of them think that in their case it was "different".ranting
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
Miscarriage is NATURAL.

Abortion is DELIBERATELY KILLING the unwanted kyd, which those pro-choice moos supported.

Cry me a sad river.:bawl
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
One other thing that pissed me off about her saying that the pro-choice women who later miscarried was "hypocrisy". It isn't hypocritical in the least to be pro-choice and then later desire to have a baybee. What IS hypocritical though is to be a staunch sign carrying pro-lifer, but then abort an unwanted pregnancy, but be back just in time to participate in the anti-abortion march in front of the very clinic where the abortion took place. This has happened on NUMEROUS occasions, but of course the clinic staff can't make it public for patient confidentiality reasons. Many of them think that in their case it was "different".ranting

This happens way more often than one would think. How do you think all those "good white christian teen girls" get through high school and college without getting knocked up? They ain't abstinent and they ain't using condoms....

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Miscarriage is NATURAL.

Abortion is DELIBERATELY KILLING the unwanted kyd, which those pro-choice moos supported.

Cry me a sad river.:bawl

Are you calling me a murderer for having a legal and safe medical procedure that I discussed before hand with a competent and compassionate clinic counselor?

If so, you can just fuck right off.
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
".....Many anti-choice women are convinced that their need for abortion is unique -- not like those "other" women -- even though they have abortions for the same sorts of reasons. Anti-choice women often expect special treatment from clinic staff. Some demand an abortion immediately, wanting to skip important preliminaries such as taking a history or waiting for blood test results. Frequently, anti-abortion women will refuse counseling (such women are generally turned away or referred to an outside counselor because counseling at clinics is mandatory). Some women insist on sneaking in the back door and hiding in a room away from other patients. Others refuse to sit in the waiting room with women they call "sluts" and "trash." Or if they do, they get angry when other patients in the waiting room talk or laugh, because it proves to them that women get abortions casually, for "convenience"........ "

Thank you This is from a very informative article called, "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion". with several anecdotal stories from health care professionals and some of their experiences with staunch pro-life women who seek their services.

Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
i have to ask why are they so bothered about another persons life/choice. are their lives so sad and meaningless that they need to poke their noses into other peoples business.

i am tempted to start a group up to harrass these pro lifes, get 15 bike hairy fat bikers, just standing there and the clinics, and see if these idiots really would have a go at them.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
The Phan
Miscarriage is NATURAL.

Abortion is DELIBERATELY KILLING the unwanted kyd, which those pro-choice moos supported.

Cry me a sad river.:bawl

Are you calling me a murderer for having a legal and safe medical procedure that I discussed before hand with a competent and compassionate clinic counselor?

If so, you can just fuck right off.

She said "deliberately killing" not "murdering". Two different words, with different meanings. Don't put a loaded word in her mouth, please. Did you not deliberately kill the thing when you had an abortion?
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
thats one of the big problems about online, misunderstandings can be easy a little comma in the wrong place, sarcasm doesnt translate all that well, plus other things.

we deliberatly kill viruses and bacteria, we dont murder them. murder is an emotive word meaning its morally wrong. deliberatly killing isnt morally wrong it depends on the morals of the person doing it. its a very grey area.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
The Phan
Miscarriage is NATURAL.

Abortion is DELIBERATELY KILLING the unwanted kyd, which those pro-choice moos supported.

Cry me a sad river.:bawl

Are you calling me a murderer for having a legal and safe medical procedure that I discussed before hand with a competent and compassionate clinic counselor?

If so, you can just fuck right off.

She said "deliberately killing" not "murdering". Two different words, with different meanings. Don't put a loaded word in her mouth, please. Did you not deliberately kill the thing when you had an abortion?

Portiabella has admitted to being "pro-life" for herself but "pro-life" for others because she doesnt' want to associate herself with the pro-murderer crowd. So I can see why she's all up in arms. It's one of those "consider the source" type of things.
Ooops. As you were. I meant she's "pro life" for herself and "pro-choice" for others.
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
The Phan
The Phan
Miscarriage is NATURAL.

Abortion is DELIBERATELY KILLING the unwanted kyd, which those pro-choice moos supported.

Cry me a sad river.:bawl

Are you calling me a murderer for having a legal and safe medical procedure that I discussed before hand with a competent and compassionate clinic counselor?

If so, you can just fuck right off.

She said "deliberately killing" not "murdering". Two different words, with different meanings. Don't put a loaded word in her mouth, please. Did you not deliberately kill the thing when you had an abortion?

Portiabella has admitted to being "pro-life" for herself but "pro-life" for others because she doesnt' want to associate herself with the pro-murderer crowd. So I can see why she's all up in arms. It's one of those "consider the source" type of things.

I am pro-choice, BTW. And, I chose not to use the word, "murder".

Are you one of us or a trollmoo?
The Phan
The Phan
Miscarriage is NATURAL.

Abortion is DELIBERATELY KILLING the unwanted kyd, which those pro-choice moos supported.

Cry me a sad river.:bawl

Are you calling me a murderer for having a legal and safe medical procedure that I discussed before hand with a competent and compassionate clinic counselor?

If so, you can just fuck right off.

She said "deliberately killing" not "murdering". Two different words, with different meanings. Don't put a loaded word in her mouth, please. Did you not deliberately kill the thing when you had an abortion?

Portiabella has admitted to being "pro-life" for herself but "pro-life" for others because she doesnt' want to associate herself with the pro-murderer crowd. So I can see why she's all up in arms. It's one of those "consider the source" type of things.

How exactly am I "up in arms" because I asked you not to misquote Banshee? I really don't understand what my stance on abortion has to do with you going off on someone else. Why are you "considering the source" because I asked you to be respectful of Banshee?
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
What I hate about picketer types more than their ignorance, self righteousness, and arrogance is the fact that they are VIOLATING patient confidentiality by their mere presense. They have NO IDEA why that woman is coming out of that clinic, (not that it's any of their fucking business) yet they stand there and harrass her and accuse her of aborting her baybee when she comes out and pleading with her not to "kill" her baybee as she goes in. I have known women who were going into planned parenthood for a variety of reasons that were NOT abortion related and had to put up with that shit. Many feel the need to tell the picketers WHY they were in there and they start telling them to go someplace else and not support the abortionists. eye rolling smiley Can you IMAGINE how long this shit would go on outside of any other medical facility? How long would a fertility clinic put up with Green people toting overpopulation signs and enlarged photos of homeless children and starving terd worlders? How long would a psychiatric practice put up with Scientologists touting the ills of ant-depressants and other common psychiatric drugs? What about Cosmetic surgery clinics being bombarded by groups who oppose this obsession with beauty like some of these eating disorder fundies and fitness nuts?confused smiley

NO OTHER medical clinic has or does put up with their patients being harrassed OR put up with their patients' confidentiality being violated. WHY THEN is it acceptable for women patients at clinics where they also perform abortions to be treated like shit and have their basic patient right to privacy violated? It should be ILLEGAL to picket a medical facility solely due to patient privacy, if for no other reason. Let's not also forget how some of the bigger protests wind up on the 6 o'clock news and they ALWAYS show patients coming in or out, along with the protesters. They don't stop and think of the repercussions of an abused woman going home after having had an abortion in secret to her asshole husband sitting on the couch with a loaded shotgun, and watching the 6 o'clock news.
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
Guest blogger Gina: I respect women's right to choose, but I have little tolerance for pro-choicers who expect sympathy when they have a miscarriage.

"These are women who put pro-choice buttons on their backpacks in college and ridiculed pro-lifers for being backward, repressive religious freaks who want to control the world's uteruses.

Advocate all you want, but don't come crying to me when your hypocrisy hits you like a ton of bricks. If you are going to defend the right to abort babies, you don't have the right to be upset when yours dies."

eye rolling smiley This moomie blogger obviously is one of the most selfish types of the breeder society who can't even muster any compassion for other people if they don't believe or feel the same way that she feels and who are otherwise unworthy of her mercy.

One other thing that pissed me off about her saying that the pro-choice women who later miscarried was "hypocrisy". It isn't hypocritical in the least to be pro-choice and also desire to have a baybee.

The cruelty of this particular blogger is what hit me. She wouldn't even say one kind word of sympathy to a pro-choice mom who lost a wanted child?
Re: Pro-Choice? Quit Crying About Your Miscarriage (article)
February 04, 2009
NO OTHER medical clinic has or does put up with their patients being harrassed OR put up with their patients' confidentiality being violated. WHY THEN is it acceptable for women patients at clinics where they also perform abortions to be treated like shit and have their basic patient right to privacy violated? It should be ILLEGAL to picket a medical facility solely due to patient privacy, if for no other reason. Let's not also forget how some of the bigger protests wind up on the 6 o'clock news and they ALWAYS show patients coming in or out, along with the protesters. They don't stop and think of the repercussions of an abused woman going home after having had an abortion in secret to her asshole husband sitting on the couch with a loaded shotgun, and watching the 6 o'clock news.

Because they believe it's the sin of murder (or killing), which is not something that happens in other elective medical procedures. They don't care about privacy, and they don't care if women are entering the clinic merely to take a shit. If you are entering the clinic, you are supporting murder and therefore they feel they have the right to protest legal and elective murder.

They do not believe that an unwanted growing clump of cells that will eventually attain a human form is anything but a complete human. To them an abortion is the exact same thing as taking an already born baby and killing it. Except of course, one NEVER sees such people protesting at the trial of a parent who tortured their (unwanted) child to death to encourage the court to prosecute that evil bastard...and THAT'S what I don't get.

Why are they sooooo fucking concerned about a clump of cells that would not survive outside the body, but could seemingly care less that actual, living, breathing, sentient children EVERY DAY are tortured and murdered by their own parents?

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
"Like vegetarians who eat chicken but not beef, many pro-choice advocates want it both ways. It's a baby when they want it to be, it's a bundle of cells when they don't. ( lol My God this woman is stupid and full of sterotypes. Not ALL pro-choice people think it is only a "bundle of cells". They simply believe in reproductive freedom among a variety of other reasons for their stance on abortion, that's all. What does vegetarianism have to do with this anyway?)"

First of all, the vegetarianism bit was used as a comparison to show the logic fail. Second of all the ideal of "bundle of cells" one moment and "precious baby" the next is waaaay more prevalent than you think. It's the oldest trick in the book of degrading something/someone in order to make getting rid of them/it easier. (Just ask the army; they know all about that.)

I've seen people making the magical switcheroo with my own two eyes and the mental gymnastics involved are jaw-dropping. Much like breeders who condemn the CF as selfish while demanding McMansions and Hugh-Jass SUV's. It is the height of hypocrisy to apply the label of 'bundle of cells' or whatever selectively. Wanted or unwanted, call 'em the same names.
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