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Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 05, 2009
My first post. I was moved to sign up because of this story:

Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 05, 2009
Toddlers in the golden years...could anything be worse than that?
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 05, 2009
This woman and her husband have wasted decades of their lives with various artificial fertility attempts, paid for expensive trips to India including the time that they got swindled, and have spent countless tens of thousands of dollars for this shit and the kyds aren't even biologically theirs anyway. WHY in hell didn't they spend that money and time and adopt a kyd (s) from among the many orphans in their own country? The ONLY possible reason has got to be because SHE wanted to experience pregnancy, unless I am missing something. These kyds aren't self replicants, they could still end up "special needs" since they were premature, so WHY the need to actually give birth at age 60 rather than starting adoption proceedings at age 40 or so when she SURELY had to have known that her womb was CLOSED and that her dairy case was OUT of eggs?confused smiley

She makes some stupid comment about how 60 isn't old or something since she has squatted, but I hate to inform her that 60 IS too old to be birthing baybees. Hell, FORTY is too old to be squatting IMO. When will these people learn that having a self replicant does NOT make them immortal ("we will live on forever now that we have a chyylllllddd"), and it does NOT make them any younger? If that pic of the woman is any indication of how she usually looks, she looks EVERY BIT her age and then some. She looks tired, swollen, and unhealthy. At 60, there is NO WAY she has near enough elasticity in her skin or enough collagen to bounce back from having been knocked up. Her abdominal skin is likely just hanging on her like so much wrinkled baggage and of course she has a BIG UGLY purple c-section scar as the cherry on top of the Sundae. eye rolling smiley

I hope that she is proud of herself because if she thinks that this is the pot of gold at the end of the fantasy rainbow, I am afraid she will be SORELY disappointed when she finds a potty full of shit at the end of a raw baybee ass instead.moo with baybeem This is just completely ridiculous and it SHOULD be illegal.
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 05, 2009
ANOTHER old bag new mother? More money wasted on creating yet another disgusting human being.
Anonymous User
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 05, 2009
What doctor in their right mind would even agree to help this stupid old hag? Menopause happens for a reason and if a bitch is to stupid to get that reason she shouldn't be spawning anyway.
Anonymous User
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 06, 2009
Gross and utterly irresponsible two faces puking. Selfish, anyone? Besides, probably they will be long dead before their new pair of anklebiters hit their twenties. Good work! shrug
Anonymous User
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 06, 2009
Sorry, but the only thing I noticed was the advertisement in the lower right-hand corner of my screen regarding bear-baiting, and I got sick to my stomach. How could people do this? Human beings aren't compassionate, they're sick things not created by God (the ones who engage in sick practices such as this). So sad...so, so sad sad smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 06, 2009
In the article, one of the old moos said that no one thinks she's the kid's grandmoo. She's deluding herself. My mom was 36 when my sister was born and my dad was 40. Kids ALWAYS asked if those were her grandmoo/duh. She was very embarrassed because her moo and duh were so much older than everyone else. Once again, these jerks only look out for what they want and not what's best for the kyd. It makes me sick.
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 06, 2009
I hope those twins enjoy seeing their parents die in 10 -15 years. I'm sure it'll make them very happy to know they won't have to be caring for them when they're in their 20's.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Sixty-year-old woman gives birth to twins
February 06, 2009
I hope those twins enjoy seeing their parents die in 10 -15 years. I'm sure it'll make them very happy to know they won't have to be caring for them when they're in their 20's.

That's a good point. It sort of extends the old bingo, 'Who will take care of you in your old age?", because if these people live to be 90 and get ill and need to be cared for throughout the duration of their 80's, they will be relying on these boys who will just be getting out of college, starting their careers, possibly even getting married and having test tube babies of their own. Generally, it's thought that the kyds doing the caretaking will be in the 50-70 age range and presumably nearing or in retirement themselves with the time, money,and resources to caregive for their parents. Does it not bother them that they will possibly rob their sons of their youth due to their selfishness? It's entirely possible that these two old bags will be laid up and need round the clock care by these boys (and/or their wives) throughout their ENTIRE twenties. They have already admitted spending every available dime on this RIDICULOUS quest to make a baybee, so if they DON'T die and live on and get ill, then what? I hope these boys have the good sense to ship their asses off to a state run facility or maybe they will get lucky and euthanasia will become legalized by then.
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