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Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board

Posted by nosilla 
The “Easy” Gene
July 31, 2007 | Filed Under Parenting

What is it with men*? Why do so many of them think that because we are women, we have some built-in, innate, genetic wiring that makes it easy for us to work full time, keep the place clean, feed the rugrats and then load the mess of them in the car along with diapers, toys, change of clothes, drop the daughter off at dance practice and get to that little league game on time? Oh, and pick up coffee along the way while we are at it.

Yep, if you are a woman, this sort of activity is a breeze. Effortless. Sweatless. Stressless. But for a guy, WELL. You get him to pick up the slack and it’s a major ordeal. It needs to be recognized for the herculean effort it is. It’s deserving of a medal or at the very least sympathy and appreciation for all he’s just done. Never mind that you do that shit almost every single day.

It’s like when they expect praise and thank-you’s for washing the dishes, never mind that you bought the groceries (on your way home from work), after picking up the kids from daycare, picking up the drycleaning, dropping off the recycling at the depot, and made dinner. That was easy for you. You’re female. Doing dishes is HARD WORK. If you are a man, apparently.

I remember the summer I decided to ride my bike to work and actually get some exercise. For a whole 12 or so weeks, my husband had to get the kids off to daycare in the morning, complete with diapers and bottles, clothes, and lunches (I still rode back in time to pick them up after work - so he only had the morning routine). Basically, he had to do the same thing I had been doing for the last 3 years EVERY WEEKDAY. After just one week, I got an exasperated, “Do you know how STRESSFUL this is for me?!” As if, somehow, I had NO idea how much effort was involved. As if it was easy because, you know, I have breasts and a vagina and that magically makes those kinds of parental activities a breeze.

I recall the first time he said, “The kids don’t have clean pants for daycare.” I replied, “You know where the washing machine is. If they need clean clothes for tomorrow, then make sure they get washed.” The same went for food for lunches. Make a list and give it to me before I go to pick them up so I can get things at the grocery store, or get your ass out there and buy them yourself after work.

Unfortunately, mine was not an isolated experience. I hear similar stories from female friends and family all too often.

I find it ironic, (Ok, ok, I find it fucking FRUSTRATING) that guys whine and moan about women treating them like children, and yet, when it comes to playing an equal role in parenting - and I mean truly equal - all of a sudden it’s just too much work and too stressful. Guys, how about if YOU figure out how to make 5 nutritious (non-boring) lunches in a row, that they will actually eat. Oh, and make sure you actually go out and buy the food too, since you are taking on that responsibility. How about if YOU volunteer at the school for headlice check? How about if YOU check their backpacks every day after school for rotting hidden sandwiches (oops. Didn’t like THAT one), or juiceboxes that are about to explode, or homework that the child “doesn’t have” but has somehow been scrunched into an unrecognizable ball in the bottom?

How about if you notice the floor crunching under your feet before she hands you a broom, and actually sweep under the table before the baby consumes last week’s Kraft Dinner and stale dog food, has the runs for the next 24 hours? Why is always her job to notice these things and do something about it?

I remember cooking for a large family gathering. My brother walked by as I was juggling two items on the stove, pointed at the floor and said, “You spilled some food”. Ah yes, the one bearing the vagina should clean up the spills. Even if the one with the penis is doing nothing more than holding his magnificent dick in his hand and watching TV.

It took every ounce of personal restraint not to immediately CLOBBER him with the sauce spoon.

While I spared his head from the receiving end of a hot and heavy spoon, I did however, verbally REAM him out and told him that it was obvious to me why he wasn’t getting laid by his wife.

If you see a mess, FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don’t point it out to the woman.

I also can’t fathom how men can be so oblivious as to think they have just discovered something amazing about the kids, or are the only ones who find things stressful, when you’ve been hauling and feeding and cleaning and clothing the rugrats, er, I mean “little darlings”, day in, day out, for years. I remember with my first son, I had to go to an appointment when my son was 4 weeks old. I left him with my husband for an hour while I went to the doctor’s. This was his first time actually having to change the baby’s diaper. When I got back he said, “Do you know how much that kid shits!? Oh my god! I saved it for you so you could see!” As if I hadn’t been changing, oh, TWELVE of those a day since the kid was born.

And don’t even get me STARTED on the whole “single father” as a martyr thing. Nobody rushes to the aid of a single mother, but the moment a guy is the custodial parent, well! People are bringing over casseroles, offering to babysit, offering to “help out”. The double-standard is sickening.

I don’t think men are from another planet. I just think many men don’t INHABIT this one most of the time. I think it’s time they put their feet on terra firma, preferably in their spouse’s figurative shoes, and stopped thinking that women have some “easy” gene that makes domestic chores and childcare effortless. They need to notice when shit needs to get done and step up to the plate without having to be asked, or heaven forefend, nagged. They need to quit whining and stop looking for a medal every time they hold up their end of the stick and do something we have been doing, unappreciated, every damn day.
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
I sort of feel for that woman, but isn't it her own damn fault for marrying such a useless human being? And why, why did she have kids with him if she knew (and I'm sure she did) he wouldn't hold up his end? Good lord. eye rolling smiley

My fiance works, and I stay at home and do all the "woman stuff" and get the groceries (usually in excess of 50 pounds- with no car, so they are carried home). It's easy, though, because we (gasp!) don't have any shitlings to care for! Anyway, I know that if I worked and he didn't, the roles would be reversed. If we both worked, the labor would be shared. And that's the way it should be in any equal relationship.
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
Hell, you could take the kids out of the equation and still have the same situation.
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
I find it interesting that she says...

"Nobody rushes to the aid of a single mother"

What world is this woman living in? Seriously? Nobody rushes to the aid of a single mother? B**** Please. We all know that is the biggest load.

She can vent all she wants, but she's not going to get any sympathy here.
Anonymous User
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
I hate all this man bashing crap. It's the whore's own fault that she picked a lazy ass to spawn with. Not all men are useless lumps, in fact, most men I know are just the opposite. If you pick a shitty spouse, and breed with them, 9 times out of 10 it's your own damn fault.
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
as a man, we get told women can do all this stuff, that they are superwomen. and yet when we accept them at their word. we are wrong then as well.

how many times have you been told that you can do it all. and this is by other women. and we beleive it when you yourselves say it.

sorry but men have a tendency to trust someones word. its the way we are built. so forgive us if we cant read your minds, and that you are not perfect (even though you tell us you are)

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Anonymous User
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
Nobody feels for the single mother because the majority of them got that way because of their own irresponsibility. 90% of single fathers got that way through no direct fault of their own, or because the mother was being irresponsible.
"Nobody rushes to the aid of a single mother..."

STOP. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 worth of food stamps. That right there reveals you as a liar on par with Pinocchio. Everyone from the local government vote-buying apparatus (sometimes called a welfare office) down to bleeding-hearts of all kinds will RUN to the aid of single moms. Unless you are a truly trashy slut (and even sometimes then!) you can play almost always play the public like a freaking violin for emotional and financial support.

The rest of this overblown, sexist screed is jam-packed with other lies just as bad, plus revealing the author as a shrill harpy I wouldn't wish as a wife on my worst enemy.
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
This woman probably bitches about everything 24/7.

T wo
H ousehold
I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
I sort of feel for that woman, but isn't it her own damn fault for marrying such a useless human being? And why, why did she have kids with him if she knew (and I'm sure she did) he wouldn't hold up his end? Good lord. eye rolling smiley

My fiance works, and I stay at home and do all the "woman stuff" and get the groceries (usually in excess of 50 pounds- with no car, so they are carried home). It's easy, though, because we (gasp!) don't have any shitlings to care for! Anyway, I know that if I worked and he didn't, the roles would be reversed. If we both worked, the labor would be shared. And that's the way it should be in any equal relationship.

Hear, hear. If she's frustrated by "doing it all," then why not sit down and have a respectful discussion and decide how to divvy things up? He's not a mind-reader, and I get the sense that she's exaggerated his cluelessness in the above application for the Martyr Medal. As far as the brother pointing out a spill in a host's house--does he have a magic ability to know where she keeps her cleaning stuff? Should a guest clean messes in a host's home? Maybe he was trying to help and just didn't want her to slip and get injured, or get in her way in a kitchenwide search for the cleaning products. But no, it's all about the fact that he's a MAN and therefore, to her, clueless. I pity the men married to whiny, complaining women like this one.
Re: Editorial from the Heartless-Bitches board
February 13, 2009
Have to say, hear hear.

Sprogs or no sprogs, ladies ought to know that is what you get in a man. Unless (and that's a big unless) you dictate otherwise.

Back in the '90s, week one of my marriage. I do laundry ("oh how cute it all is! how domestic!"). When it's done and dry, I stack it up into His n Her piles. I transport His and Her piles onto the big dresser.

Not long, and He has a great big frown on his great big face. He doesn't like the fact that Wifey only went so far as to select, wash, dry and stack His underpants and socks -- that clearly falls short of expectation. Because Mummy did all that AND automatically put them into drawers! Opening two drawers all by himself and putting half of His stack into one and the other half of His stack into the other was suuuuuch haaaard wooooork.

Well, that kind of nonsense was a one-time-only happening, because my response was that if I ever heard any kind of talk like that again he'd be pulling his precious freshly-washed socks out his bum-hole for days afterwards. I had no trouble from him on that account for 15 long years.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
My obseravation is this: Women belives and taught is BS about they are only in this world for one thing: Making babies and be slaves to kids. Women has a choice not to by not having kids simple. In this case she chose to have kids. As for the man-thing, he is either a loser duh or a sensible dad has to put up with this whiny moo. Either way why don't she just make the best of it because the duh is a sperm and paycheck.

What is it with men*? Why do so many of them think that because we are women, we have some built-in, innate, genetic wiring that makes it easy for us to work full time, keep the place clean, feed the rugrats and then load the mess of them in the car along with diapers, toys, change of clothes, drop the daughter off at dance practice and get to that little league game on time? Oh, and pick up coffee along the way while we are at it.

What about this moos: men are sperm and paycheck in return.
Again, women can say 'NO' by not having kids and my assumption this moo must of 'oops' this man like they 80% of them do and marry a loser anyway.
This is just another Trainwreck.
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