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#1336 -- Single mothers and self- & sex-esteem

Posted by india_darshan 
#1336 -- Single mothers and self- & sex-esteem
May 07, 2006
I hate to disagree with this "study". Almost every single mother I have known usually has the worst self-image even if the lady is physically very beautiful.

Most single moos I have known ended up with the worst men for boyfriends or husbands. I recently ended a friendship with a woman - who is once-again a single mother - who had a very successful husband from Jamaica. Chris filed for divorce within months of getting his final green card. He could not work in his field -- banking -- as an illegal and had to work sh*t under-the-table jobs until he met this pretty single mother at a church.

Now, this woman is overweight. Her husband has been disgusted by her for months even before the weight gain. Chris only wanted to marry this single mother for US citizenship so he could work in his field. Since getting even more success than he had in his own country, he wants out of this marriage and is tired of that stepchild. His goal is to find a gorgeous trophy girlfriend WITHOUT a kid since he can afford a "better" woman.

My ex-friend thought she was moving back to her mom's in another state so she quit her job. Once she decided to stay with that nasty sister, Alicia, she asked to be retained on her job and was told, "NO!" She actually said this was good since she would have earned too much for subsidzied housing in a single moo apartment complex. Can anyone actually imagine wanting to earn less money to live in nasty subsidzied apartment housing??? No, this woman's self- or sex-image is not good.

This is not an isolated incident. I have worked jobs with too many single moos to know that that breeding out-of-wedlock or being a divorced mother is not good for a woman's self-worth.
Being a teacher, I am exposed to so many different family situations. The one situation that always sickened me is the slut single moo. These are the moos who can't live without a man in their lives. They go from one short-term relationship to another, often moving in with the guy until he gets sick of her and her kids. These poor kids are dragged from one home to the next, often being late for school because they spent the night at mom's "boyfriend of the week's" house. The kids often have to sleep on the livingroom floor, and are frequently exposed to things they should have no knowledge of at 3rd grade age. I had a really sweet student last year whose life was like this. She would share what was going on in her life with me during recess. I would let her know that what her mother was doing was wrong and selfish (something I could probably get in trouble for) and that she didn't deserve to be treated like she was. I also reported her mother to CPS, but they did nothing. I was even called into family court to give testimony last summer because dad wanted custody, but the moo still won the custody case! Our family lawmaster here is a fucked up bitch! This poor girl is destined to feel horrible about herself and will probably repeat the ways of her disgusting mother.
So true, India. These single moos are so desperate for a man, any man, that they don't see what should be staring them right in the face.

Or...perhaps your ex-friend knew deep down inside that Chris only wanted her for the green card, but she didn't want to admit it. Maybe she thought that getting a man this way was better than nothing. So sad.

I had a single moo friend who was screwing a married man. Yes, that was all she did with him...screw. Yet she kept going on and on about how he was going to leave his wife for her. Of course, it never happened. Sex was where that *relationship* began and ended.

Then there's this other single moo I know...she had two kids with this loser guy, and finally divorced his sorry ass. She would go on and on about how happy she was to be rid of the loser, what an asshole he was, and all.

About a year after the divorce, on her birthday, loser duhddie came over to see the kids (court-ordered visitation). She was feeling down and lonely on her birthday, so after the kids were put to bed, she fucked the loser again when he came on to her.

And guess what? Now she has THREE kids to raise on her own! Duhddies is still a loser asshole, according to her, and she is really through with him except for things to do with the kids. That is, until the next time she feels lonely and fucks his sorry ass yet again. I honestly hope she doesn't sink that low again, but who knows?

Sometimes it is better to be alone.
Sherz, this reminds me of yet another single moo I used to know. She was what I call a *welfare rabbit*, and she lived downstairs from me. When I first moved in, she had two kids by two different fathers, and the father of the younger one was living in the apartment with her. This guy would beat the shit out of her and the kids on a regular basis, and the police were regular visitors.

Anyway, the guy finally went to jail on a drug offense, and about five minutes later, Moo had moved some other guy into the apartment. She got knocked up by him, and he headed for the hills. So she found yet some other guy to move in with her.

None of these guys seemed to have any form of employment...they all seemed to live off of the welfare check. She would lie to the welfare people about who was really living in the apartment. And they were all losers who were contantly drunk or high.

Then, the father of the second kid got out of jail, and started hanging around our building. He wanted to move back in with Moo (since he had no money and he wanted a free place to live, no doubt). She was still shacked up with some other schmuck and wasn't interested, but she was still letting him come and see his kid.

Anyway, this loser started hitting on ME...he was also trying to get me to keep some marijuana in my apartment for him. I was not interested in any of this, and told him so.

Yet the Moo downstairs caught wind of his interest in me, and started giving ME shit for honing in on *her* territory. I told her that I was not interested in him at all, and she said that he wasn't really interested in me, either...he just felt sorry for me because I didn't have a boyfriend (actually, I DID have one at the time, it's just that I don't shack up with every single man I date like she does).

I moved a few months later, when I could finally afford a better place. Moo was by this time knocked up with #4, and who the duhddie was, I have not a clue.
Re: #1336 -- Single mothers and self- & sex-esteem
May 07, 2006
Sherz, I knew a little girl like your student when I had my condo in the SF Bay Area. The child was about the same age as your student. Very nice kid! My heart broke when she said, "Don't you hate it when your mother has a new boyfriend who acts like he can order you around?" For once, I was speechless. I did not know what to say because there was nothing that could be said to comfort her. Yeah...a lot of these nasty single mothers are that....NASTY!!!

I worked a retail job to supplement my income in 2000 when the work I was doing slowed down. There was an attractive divorced mother. Her ex did pay his child support but this woman took him to court for more money since he refused to see the little girl as often as the ex-wife wanted...probably because this woman was such a b*tch. My former co-worker bragged how she would have her young daughter call the latest boyfriend-of-the-month "daddy" just to make her ex-husband angry. The little girl was being made to suffer all for the ego of her moo. Effing sick!

Back in the 1980's, I worked as a bagger in a supermarket. I hated WIC and food stamp week. The single moos would come in with the kid(s) and their latest boyfriend. The loser men chose what to get with the food stampes and WIC coupons even though these benefits were meant to feed the children. One welfare cow and her man actually got live Maine lobster on food stamps. Don't get me started...

I do not have sympathy for these bitches who can't live without a man. They are weak, worthless members of society, and unfortunately their daughter's will learn how to be victims just like their mom. Their sons will learn that using and disrespecting women is the norm. These are children that I feel sorry for, up until they repeat the cycle.

India, that poor girl isn't being taught how to be a woman.

Cat,ewwww, the marijuana loser! I'm amazed by women who actually think they've bagged a real prize, just because the guy has a dick!
Also once these welfare moos have one child and then another, the oldest is forgotten, and often neglected... Very sad.
Re: #1336 -- Single mothers and self- & sex-esteem
May 08, 2006
The awful thing is that most children of single moos usually end up seeing sexual activity in the "home" -- if you can call it that! I hate to say it but many of the single mothers are "slags". I also notice that most children from a household with no father tend to badly in school.

As for my former friend, many people warned her about her soon-to-be ex only wanting a green card marriage. A decent woman, who was also hoodwinked by a man from the Islands only wanting to marry an American for a green card, warned my ex-pal but was told she was "jealous".
This is SUCH a load of bullshit. Single moos better lovers than Childfree women? I THINK NOT!! It's the same old story: single moo will play the part of the sex kitten trying to impress her man because she wants to be "rescued" and have a daddy for her bastard child. The minute the guy moves in and commits, he can say good bye to sex.

Childfree women, on the other hand, have all the time, mental and physical energy in the world. There's no squalling loaf on the other side of the door. We don't have to worry about finding a man to rescue us or our baybees.
KidFreeLuvnLife...EXACTLY! And let's not also forget that single moos like to have sex only to get knocked up by the new victim/wallet, in order to trap him. And then the legs are shut again until SHE decides it's time for yet another loaf.

Not that I have much sympathy for the guys who choose to fuck these single moos. They need to learn to think with the big head, not the little one!
Re: #1336 -- Single mothers and self- & sex-esteem
May 08, 2006
KFLL, if I had a dollar for every time a single moo co-worker said she was looking for a man to be a mate to her and to "help" her with her out-of-wedlock child or kid by her ex-husband, I would not have to go to work today since I would have PLENTY of money!!!! It is offensive when a single moo feels that she is entitled to have a man "help" her with another man's offspring.
Re: #1336 -- Single mothers and self- & sex-esteem
May 08, 2006
well i am staying with my fiance, for a while, and her dad has moved in a "homeless" woman, basically, this MOO, had 2 kids by 2 different fathers, and moo's dad says if she has one more kid, as she couldnt cope with the 2 she has, then she is out of the house. guess what, yes 3rd kid, now she is "homeless" so fiances dad takes her in temporarily, for 2 weeks, but its gone to indefinatly.

moo, has no idea of self worth, the latest duhd (no longer around) left her (om here own words) a gift of a baybee.

so we have a moo, with 3 kids 2 of which have problems, aggressive moments when they beat up fiances dad, and the newest screams all the time, and moo just feeds it more, she doesnt sit reading to the kids, she just bought a book that reads the story.

all she does is wait for the WIC check, ($150 of baby formula, size 1 nappies etc)..

she dumps her kids in front of the tv, and watches the soaps (and she complains of back aches i say bed made lie witch)

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
I can only say I hope my brother and SIL never get divorced. I cringe at the thought of what man may be around my nephews or how he may treat them.
If there are any good single mothers out there, I bet you they are probaly too busy to care about what labels them.

But I see too many single mothers who are very haggard.
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