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One last update on my no longer pregnant teenage coworker

Posted by Anonymous User 
H was in today.

Since I'd had no contact from her all week I was very concerned.

This morning she told me, and I quote, "I'm no longer there."

Turns out she'd told her mum early on this week about the pregnancy and while she didn't tell me how her mum reacted, she seemed neither angry nor happy that H had miscarried on Friday. Apparently she said little more than "Well at least that's a weight off your shoulders, and you don't have to make a difficult decision now." and there was no mention of wanting to throttle H's pro-abortionist coworker (aka me).

I can only hope that this little cock-up (pardon the awful pun) has taught H about the importance of contraception; hopefully she will be more dilligent about preventing any further accidents that may force her to be either a teen mum or a 'murderer'.
Re: One last update on my no longer pregnant teenage coworker
March 28, 2009
Your story is quite similar to one an online friend of mine went through a few months ago. "R" was 20 years old and got knocked up. She had some medical problem "down there" which required her to abort the baybee in order to save herself from a good chance at death. While I was supportive of her choice not have an elective abortion originally (I did suggest one, however), I was greatly relieved to see her end up this way so she could continue her progress (she had been improving her life after some various setbacks) toward becoming a valuable and productive person. She also sees her new "lease on life" to continue getting her act together (and avoid getting preggy again, among other things).


"I thank god I'm an atheist!" -- Mike "Meathead" Stivic (from All in the Family)
Re: One last update on my no longer pregnant teenage coworker
March 28, 2009
Do you think it's possible that she never was knocked up in the first place, but that this was just a late period, and this was all a publicity stunt? Possibly an attempt to keep the boyfriend from breaking up with her?

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: One last update on my no longer pregnant teenage coworker
March 28, 2009
Do you think it's possible that she never was knocked up in the first place, but that this was just a late period, and this was all a publicity stunt? Possibly an attempt to keep the boyfriend from breaking up with her?

That's a good point... Hmm...
Do you think it's possible that she never was knocked up in the first place, but that this was just a late period, and this was all a publicity stunt? Possibly an attempt to keep the boyfriend from breaking up with her?

Now that you mention it, I don't recall her ever taking an actual pregnancy test. Maybe you're right - it might've been an attention-seeking thing, but I'll never know for sure.
Re: One last update on my no longer pregnant teenage coworker
March 29, 2009
Re: One last update on my no longer pregnant teenage coworker
March 29, 2009
Your co-worker H will be knocked up again. This time it will be on purpose. I've seen it many times. Once a woman thinks she is pregnant, her mind, hormones and chemical start to work. H has discovered that she can be pregnant, now she will be baby rabied and she will try to do anything to get there again. There is no way stop it. I feel sorry for the poor bastard who is with her. If I was him, I'd be washing my hands, packing my stuff and getting the living fuck out of there. He better not even think about getting fresh ever again. Just go.
Re: One last update on my no longer pregnant teenage coworker
March 29, 2009
Your co-worker H will be knocked up again. This time it will be on purpose. I've seen it many times. Once a woman thinks she is pregnant, her mind, hormones and chemical start to work. H has discovered that she can be pregnant, now she will be baby rabied and she will try to do anything to get there again. There is no way stop it. I feel sorry for the poor bastard who is with her. If I was him, I'd be washing my hands, packing my stuff and getting the living fuck out of there. He better not even think about getting fresh ever again. Just go.

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