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"As a parent, I... "

Posted by AbracaDeborah 
"As a parent, I... "
March 12, 2005
Christ. I hate that phrase. My mind yells, "Stand back, someone's about to pontificate on a topic that they know nothing about whatsoever!"

Really. You can say, "I have had this experience and it taught me... " or it can say, "Given my education in this matter..." but people, people, being a parent means nothing to me at ALL except that you're too fucking stupid to A. Use birth control and B. Back up your point of view with facts and have to rely on spurious "achievements" to bolster your position.


Anonymous User
Re: "As a parent, I... "
March 12, 2005
I've actually asked someone who prefaced their statement with that comment what exactly it had to do with the subject. They couldn't give an answer that made sense, it was all 'well when you a parent you are more aware of things'. Oddly enough this came from a person that didn't read a daily paper, watch the news or read news sites on the web. They had not idea what they were talking about and thought that the parent angle would put the rest of us to shame with emotion rather than fact. Idiot.
CF Uter
Re: "As a parent, I... "
March 14, 2005
As a parent, I really want people to give me credit and respect for something whether or not I actually have earned it or really know anything about anything. So, as a parent, hear me out, shake your head and agree w/ me and don't debate my position w/ any facts.

Anonymous User
Re: "As a parent, I... "
March 14, 2005
I hate that too. My involuntary reflex is rolling my eyes whenever someone says that. Yeah, yeah...I know. You're doing TMIJITW and that just makes you sooooo smart. moody smiley Whatever.
Anonymous User
Re: "As a parent, I... "
March 19, 2005
That is one of the most condescending breeder comments, and I cannot stand it either. Do we go around saying "as a NON parent, I....."?? Of course not! But usually breeders have nothing to back up their positions (which generally don't make sense to begin with), so they play the tried and true breeder card.
Re: "As a parent, I... "
March 20, 2005
Aviana, you have a great idea!

If a baby factory ever has the nerve to use that fucking remark on me, I will respond, "As a non-parent, I..." and then say something that makes sense! Yes, breeders will say or do anything to make themselves think they are superior and saintly.

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