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1447 Bring brats and dogs to work

Posted by CF Scorpio 
CF Scorpio
1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 25, 2006
I honestly don't know what to think of this.

At least it sounds like they're trying to be fair:

"We made sure employees who couldn't stand the sound of crying babies didn't sit near the "romper room." "


"The only unexpected hitch came when an employee told me the program wasn't fair. She never planned to have children, but her elderly dog was like a child to her. I decided to let her bring him in."

So as breederific as it sounds, at least it sounds like they're trying to accommodate the CF.
Lady War-Dog
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 25, 2006
I like the fact that she doesn't let the kids stay beyond 9 months-old, since that's the age they start to become mobile.

Well-behaved doggies and kitties should be allowed to stay all the time, though. smiling smiley

--Lady War-Dog
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 25, 2006
My dogs and cats are SO much better behaved than any kid I've ever met. My dog is a 13 year old dobe/lab mix and totally ignores kids. If they come around him, he is just like his mommy - pretends not to see them and turns athe other way. When corned by them, he just sits down as if to say, "Let's get this over with." SO's little dog is terrified of kids, she runs to the nearest lap she can find! LOL
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 27, 2006
I have often wished I could bring my kitties to work. They always bring a smile to my face. And they're so cute! And yes, very quiet and well-behaved, unlike kids - even though they like to do the Cat Wrestling Federation thing sometimes...
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 27, 2006
If I brought my bunny rabbit to work, all h*ll would break loose. Sure...everyone would think he is cute because he is just the most adorable creature. I don't think management nor the clients would like it since the bunny loves to chew on wires. A call center full of computers and phones would be Nirvana to the little guy...
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 27, 2006
I'd love to bring my cats to school with me. Caspurr and Kip are both very social and get along with anyone who will pat them on the head or scratch them on the back. Rolly is a little more withdrawn, but sometimes he likes to be a lap cat and snuggle on your legs and drool all over you. Needless to say, my cats are definitely more behaved than any kid I've ever come across.
My cats are MUCH more well behaved than even the most well behaved child! My tabby, Sophie, is always trippy with love and full of purrs and meows for her family, and any new person she meets. Her adopted sister, Pixie, is a bit more reserved with new people. She can usually be found on my lap, or lying on her back like a human on my bed! Would kids ever do anything as cute as our pets do?
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 27, 2006
I prefer animals to small shits of human waste. *If* they think they need to bring some baby, put the damn thing in a play pin. Sheesh.

lab mom
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 28, 2006
Sherz Wrote:
> My tabby, Sophie, is always trippy with love and full of purrs and
> meows for her family, and any new person she meets.

OMG! My first cat was an adorable tabby named Sophie! My Mom would hold her like a baby and she would sleep in her arms while Mom watched TV. And she loved chocolate pudding!
Anonymous User
Re: 1447 Bring brats and dogs to work
May 28, 2006
I spent a lot of yesterday organizing pictures of cats for a CD I wanted to make for my mom. She remembers the Felix kitty nicely you see at the beginning of my web page. Contact me if any of you are interested in a copy.

Felix liked to be vacuumed, Tieu would lick the air when I scratched around his tail, Salem was feral but still let me pet him rarely.

One time, one of my friends suggested a "Bring your cats over" type of party. We all nixed that on account of kitties not liking car rides, the possibility of them not all getting along, etc.
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