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1602 If CEO stands for...

Posted by BillyC 
1602 If CEO stands for...
June 27, 2006
...constant entitlement obssession, then SAHMoos would definitely qualify.

Chief Everything Officer is such a bullshit way to sell products to the SAHMoo crowd.

I thought we had truth in advertising laws in this country. It should be "chief lazy-assed entitlement bitch milking the bratcare shit for all it's worth". It might be too long for the banner, though.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 27, 2006
Gee, I can't wait for the first time I see a Chief Everything Officer teeshirt. It'd better be freakin' machine washable because I will projectile vomit all over it.
Anonymous User
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 27, 2006
Here's the title of one of their "aritcles": 10 Smart New Uses For Plastic Bags.
I kid you not. Real female CEOs everywhere are vomiting already. No, wait. They're too busy being real CEOs to have the time to read that crap. If only I had been so lucky...
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 27, 2006
i got one smart use not on that list, something to stop kids screaming all the time.. wink put it over their heads

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 27, 2006
Hey, you beat me to it, merc winking smiley
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 27, 2006
Maybe they could try to use them as a condom. It might work.
This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw today. The message:

I can deal with any crisis...
I have children!

Talk about causing your own troubles!
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 28, 2006
I didn't see the OP about this topic but day-m, that is vomitrocious.

I guess advertisers aren't dumb; they put out all this self-congratulatory schlock and Breeders can't open their wallets fast enough. I'm so sick of everything being targeted to Moos and Fambilees with Keedz.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 28, 2006
I say "Sell 'em boys! Sell it all to 'em!" as long as they keep their advertising claws out of my demographic, where I hang out, how I dress and keep my favorite songs out of it, I'm good to go. If you're a stupid breeder who has to buy everything under the sun to "keep up" with the rest of the stupid breeders, then good for you. You go spend all your money on worthless crap to make yourself look better than you are. Go CRAZY! Just keep it out of my life.

Gah, I'm kind of sick of advertising, but glad it's not really targeted at me.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 29, 2006
SAHM moo bitches need to get off their high horses.

lab mom
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
June 30, 2006
WaterLily Wrote:
> SAHM moo bitches need to get off their high
> horses.

You are absolutely right, Water Lily. I know someone who is married to a woman who does not work. She brought into the marriage a child from her former husband that this man supports. Yet, she often does not want to cook supper when the man comes home from work and will pout unless he takes the entire crowd out to eat. The kid is a brat and has caused a lot of problems. How hard is it to put a decent meal on the table if the wife is not working?
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 01, 2006
a marriage/relationship should be about division of labour, he works to pay for everything, so she should do things to make his life coming home easier. making a meal, etc.. he is out working, using his energies to pay for her clothes her meals her kids that isnt his.. she should be doing stuff apart from looking after the brat. its only fair.

its like those sahm who expect the man to work, then come home and look after the kids, while she does nothing.. there is no division of labour. its about what can i get, which is usually free time to watch her fav soaps

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 01, 2006
I totally agree, Mercurior. I feel that a stay-at-home wife does not have the right to complain about not wanting to cook dinner....EVER! It is one thing if she is truly sick and needs bed rest. If the husband decides that the housewife needs a break, he is the one who should suggest going out to eat or ordering take-out since he is paying for everything. Back in the Day, Donny Osmond for flack when he said that a SAH-wife is to do all of the housework and childcare if the man is supporting her financially 100%. I am a feminist & so not into religion but I agreed with this Mormom celeb.

The husband in the situation I mentioned still goes to work DAILY despite his health not being the best. He has had two bypass surgeries and other health issues. Never does this man take a "sick" day and he works hard. Wifey gets a lot material-wise but still complains and gets more. I think Husband is just too worn out to do anything but cave in. This woman contributes nothing financially to the household. I also think of those men who got stuck in the mines during their workday. How many of these guys took on dangerous jobs to support their non-working wives and kids?

I think most men are fools to marry and take on the hassle of a stay-at-home wife. It is the same as taking on a child. I would be too proud to live off of a man. Besides, it is not practical. I know from my own as well as other people's experiences how even the best of marriages fail. Romantic love dies. Most love dies within time. If the couple can somehow stay together, that is great but women do themselves a bad service by taking on a non-working role as well. I got to add that this woman I mentioned in my post does not read anything but the tabloids or watch those reality "talent" shows. What a real winner...tongue sticking out smiley

Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 01, 2006
SAHMoos constantly need to invent new accolades for themselves and remind the public how important they are because they feel worthless deep down inside. People who are truly happy and content don't feel the need to be recognized or applauded. As many of you have said before, if raising children were TMIJITW, then teachers and daycare workers would be respected and paid more. Whenever I read about SAHmoo mooing that "your life isn't complete until you have children" or "being a mother is TMIJITW," I just smile and think "You just keep telling yourself that."

Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 01, 2006
Grace, you are right about the issue of teachers and daycare workers not being paid enough. Here in Central Florida, it is becoming very hard to find substitute teachers. The counties are now using Kelly Services to recruit. A sub can earn up to $100 daily but that is only if a mega-degree is held by the applicant. Mostly, people working this horrid job may get paid $60-80 daily. Not much to deal with a bunch of brats who have no respect for those who are trying to teach them. The slap-in-the-face is the applicants must pay $60 for the background checks. Why don't our tax dollars cover it? Anytime I have to pay to get a job unless it is to take classes or renew a professional license, it shows that the position is not worth much.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 02, 2006
India, I worked as a substitute teacher about six years ago. I had just finished my bachelor's degree, and my pay was $65/day. If you actually had a teaching certificate (I did not), you only earned an additional ten dollars per day. I have heard it is still the same today. This is in a big city too. Pretty sad. I know there is a sub shortage all over, and that teachers are fully taking advantage of their time off because it is such a stressful job so subs are very much needed.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 02, 2006
I totally agree that a stay at home wife should NOT be lazy and should have a nice meal ready for her husband when he gets home. I'm now a stay at home wife because I just couldn't stand my teaching job ANY more! My house is spotless, and I cook everyday. My husband works really long hours, and would do anything to help me out, but I try to have everything done and as nice for him as I can because I so love and appreciate the hard work he does for me.
I taught for 15 years and all I have to show for it is an anxiety disorder and very severe asthma. The administration didn't care that my pulminologist wanted me in a mold free classroom, or that I could no longer go outside on 90 degree humid days to teach gym and do recess duty for an hour. I would often have to go to the ER for breathing treatments after school. During my own asthma problems I would have to bend over backwards to make accomodations for any children in my class with asthma, or any other disorder. The admin. could have care less if the teachers were falling down dying on the job. As far as furthering your degree as a teacher it is worthless. I have a masters, and all it did for me was give me $600 taxed dollars a year extra. It really was only about $420 after taxes. THat work certainly wasn't worth it!! We have the same problem in our area with substitutes. It's not worth 60 bucks a day to be disrespected and tortured by the shitty, bad kids in our area, or in any area.
I could obviously rant on and on about what a sucky job teaching is. I feel that it actually shortened my life!!! Sorry to go on about it. THe venting helped a bit! smiling smiley
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 02, 2006

I have seen many, many pulmonary patients (asthma, COPD, etc.) have their underlying lung diseases exacerbated by the never-ending series of respiratory viral and bacterial infections that you were exposed to courtesy of your former students. The constant stress on the lungs, particularly from allergens, infections and other stimuli, may have allowed you to file for disability.

I hope you are okay!
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 02, 2006
Sherz, I am no M.D. but know how stress can cause a lot of medical issues. Look at these guys who drop from heart attacks after working crazy hours for years in the corp world or on a blue-collar job. Teaching kids had to be hell.

When I still tried to believe in Roman Catholicism, I taught CCD. The six-year-olds drove me batty. No wonder CCD teachers did not last. After all, it was a volunteer position. Even getting paid would not have been worth it. Teachers are looked at as public servants and no one would care if one dropped on the job.

Green Grass, My husband actually wants to try his hand at substitute teaching thinking he will make such a difference. I advised him that he is living in fantasy but he wants to do it. Rock on...glad it ain't me! eye rolling smiley

I am glad you got out of teaching, Sherz, before something even worse happened to your health. Your husband is lucky to have wife who truly appreciates his hard work to provide a good life for the both of you. Most stay-home wives don't appreciate their husbands' efforts.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 02, 2006
its like those sahm who expect the man to work, then come home and look after the kids, while she does nothing.. there is no division of labour. its about what can i get, which is usually free time to watch her fav soaps

Exactly. I've known SAHMoos who, the minute hubby walks in the door from a long day at work, thrust the brats at him and screech "It's YOUR turn now!" while they go do something else sans kids. Excuse me?? Yes, they're his kids too, but goddammit, he's paying for the roof over your head, you ungrateful cow.

Whenever I read about SAHmoo mooing that "your life isn't complete until you have children" or "being a mother is TMIJITW," I just smile and think "You just keep telling yourself that."

Yeah. If it is really alllll woooooorrrrrth it, why do we hear these ridiculous SAHMoo "salary" stories every freaking Mothers Day without fail?? They're a bunch of damn liars, and we all know it.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 03, 2006
I hear you, Cheese Louse. When a stay-at-home wife tells the husband that it is "his turn" to take care of those children or that he needs to "help out" around the house, the man SHOULD say that it is now "her turn" to go out and get a job to support everyone while it is HIS turn to sit back and relax. Housework is a bore and a drudge but it is nothing compared to having to get up, go to work, and deal with nasty people on the job. The housewife has NO right to expect that the husband do ANYTHING at home other than act respectful or kind. He is already paying his dues by working to support the woman and kids. It is the same as children expecting to be paid to do chores around the house. They are already being paid with the roof over their heads, food, clothing, education, medical coverage, and those toys/Cds/Game Boys/whatever.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 03, 2006
DrDanCorelli Wrote:
> Sherz:
> I have seen many, many pulmonary patients (asthma,
> COPD, etc.) have their underlying lung diseases
> exacerbated by the never-ending series of
> respiratory viral and bacterial infections that
> you were exposed to courtesy of your former
> students. The constant stress on the lungs,
> particularly from allergens, infections and other
> stimuli, may have allowed you to file for
> disability.
> I hope you are okay!

Thanks, DrDan. You are so right about the constant infections. Now that I'm home I haven't been sick nearly as much, but heat and humidity are big triggers for me and I'm stuck inside most of the day. I have constant shortness of breath. I asked my pulminologist about disability. He doesn't think I would be eligiable for full benefits. He did say that I could possibly eligiable for money for schooling to change careers. I really don't know much about the process for getting disability. I do know that I've taught many redneck kids whose parents sit around the house all day on disability for whatever reason. I can't understand how many of them are able to get it, and I'm not. Maybe I need to change doctors? This one doesn't seem too interested in helping me pursue benefits.
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 03, 2006
india_darshan Wrote:
> Housework is a bore and a drudge but it
> is nothing compared to having to get up, go to
> work, and deal with nasty people on the job. The
> housewife has NO right to expect that the husband
> do ANYTHING at home other than act respectful or
> kind. He is already paying his dues by working to
> support the woman and kids.

Ya know, India, I HATE hearing women complain about how hard being a housewife is. They're nuts! Being a housewife is a piece of cake compared to dealing with the work world. These women who complain have never had to spend a tough day in the work force. These are women who have either always had a man taking care of them, or have only worked for "fun money", knowing they could quit anytime they wanted to.

Your husband will find substitute teaching a real eye opener. I hope he's tough, because the kids around here eat substitutes alive! :kill

Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 03, 2006
When I worked that auto loan account in the other call center, I got calls from states like -- Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana -- where the callers stated they were on disability. It seemed that the majority of the people calling in were claiming to be disabled. I hate to judge in those instances because I know some people who are truly disabled and it took FOREVER for Social Security benefits to be granted. Yet, I had to wonder how many of these callers were truly not able to work.

Oh yes, my husband will find out what teaching is like when he starts subbing. He went to do the fingerprint and photo ID thing today. I would almost rather work at McDonalds over substitute teaching because of how nasty the kids are in today's world. tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Re: 1602 If CEO stands for...
July 03, 2006
Sherz Wrote:
> have only worked for "fun money", knowing they
> could quit anytime they wanted to.
> Sherz, I despise those MOOS who only work for "fun money" or to "get out of the house" when they don't need to!!! They should leave those jobs for people that need them and go do some volunteer work or something for gawd sakes.
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