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That's nice

Posted by Anon 
That's nice
April 01, 2005
Blah, blah, and more blah.

P.S. I don't want kids either. But for some reason, that doesn't make me an asshole the way it's made you one.

But it has made you banned. Also, I wouldn't be so sure about you not being an asshole.

Re: That's nice
April 01, 2005
What's with the troll fest?

I'll start with the obvious: This is a rant page. Whether you or I agree with this ranter is immaterial. It looks like he/she/it posted HERE, rather than go to the blogger's page and start shit there.

If CF people post hostile shit on infertile blogs or argue and try to convince people that they REallly don't want kids, then I'll be the first to throw stones. That's totally pointless. Does the CF person really think they can harass a parent Wanna be into NOT having kids?

Is that what's happening?

If someone dying to have dozens of kidlets comes to this page, she is probably going to get her feelings hurt.

You stay in your place; we stay in ours. Dig?

kat (dumbass) breeder
Re: That's nice
April 02, 2005
BratfreeGirl?! How neat! What a neat name! Tell me something I don't know
You must be a really neat person! And your facinating blogs blah blah blah! Well, you read it.
Ugly girl, go get a real life. Maybe having kids would give you a purpose in life, as you obviously have none. Oh my gosh but you're lame. If you're going to be a troll, you'll have to flame better than that, hon.

Re: That's nice
April 02, 2005
Yo, Kat, for someone who claims to be shocked by the posts here, you continue to remain here and make an ass of yourself. And you are reading all the posts with rapt attention to detail.

If you are so offended, what are you still doing here? And venom? Nice comment to someone whose mother is dying of cancer. You look like a hate-spewing nutcase who doesn't have a life except to troll where you aren't wanted.

I'll ask the question again: is a CF person trolling someone's journal? If so, please provide DETAILS. I suspect SCG doesn't want cross-posting flamewars any more than any other blogger.

If not, I suggest you approach your internet surfing with maturity. Not everybody thinks children are the be-all and end-all of existence. Some people can't have them. (Nice comment about that too, BTW...why does an infertile person get sympathy, but not an infertile person who embraces the childfree lifestyle?)


Re: That's nice
April 02, 2005
I have seen pictures of Spacecowgirl. I assure you she is not an ugly girl. Very very pretty!

And to those who offered their sympathy to my dying mother, Thank you.
Re: That's nice
April 02, 2005
yes, as a matter of fact, bratty girl is trolling Danae's Hardscrabble blog.....and she's VERY fascinated about Danae's attempts to get pregnant.....how's that for betrayal of your little, shameful, hatefilled group of losers.

What the fuck ever. I could give a shit about what someone else does to get pregnant. As long as they aren't spending my money, using my eggs, or trying to stuff an embryo in my uterus, more power to 'em.

CF people rant on the rant page. Some CF people don't like IVF. They rant about it here. If you don't like it, don't read it.

kat/psychotic breeder
Re: That's nice
April 02, 2005
you're so ashamed of yourself you can't even give your name! How SAD are you? Oh, and it seems to me that you and your hate group HATE mothers, so why do you care yours is dying?

You know what? I'm leaving this one up so the next time someone points at the CF and calls us evil, I'll show them that we don't have shit on the breeders. They've definitely cornered that market.

Re: That's nice
April 02, 2005
Anoon, (double Os ) NOT anon is my username for about 3 years now. I am not anonymous in the MB world. Look up my posts on other childfree boards before you leap off the cliff of assumptions.

As for what it seems to you, I am not here to educate you, and I doubt that it would make a difference. It sounds as if you have already made up your mind about everyone and painted us all with your broad brush. So be it. What do I care? I haven't even done or said anything to attack you. The fact that you just brought a dying woman into it, in such a vicious, way speaks volumes. I can't even be angry at something so pitiful.
no surprise there.....
April 02, 2005
I just googled "Danae's hardscrabble blog" and found the place of interest.

Nobody is trolling that blog. Someone named "Heather" brought up an obvious question, which was why an infertile person is re-posting an entry from a childfree rant page. She didn't identify herself as childfree. See point above.

That's hardly trolling. Even if she called herself CF and trolled the blog, there are many of us who wouldn't dream of trolling an infertile's blog. It's called being an asshole, which, as Kat has shown us, isn't the sole purview of the CF or the childed.

Kat, I'm having a hard time believing you are childless. You sound like a Grade A Hostile Nutcase Moo to me. note: Not all mothers are hostile Moos. Mine certainly isn't.

And you are truly pathetic for trolling where you don't belong and after you've been asked to leave, just as a CF person would be if he/she did the same thing.

As an aside: Methinks the blogger is being disingenuous by re-posting the bratfree entry without comment and ADDING THE LINK to this spot. VERY SUBTLE, NO? (" James, release the hounds!" )

She knows nutcases like Kat can do her bidding for her.

If you blog, there are always people who will step in and critique your life choices. It's best to just ignore them and go on with your life, otherwise you start looking as if those comments are getting to you.

We've been through this before. Some people don't agree with ART. Some people disagree with the childfree lifestyle. Things works out better if people stay where they aren't wanted.

Re: That's nice
April 02, 2005
I saw that too Bell flower. I didn't see any trolling either.
Anonymous User
Re: That's nice
April 03, 2005
anoon Wrote:
> I have seen pictures of Spacecowgirl. I assure
> you she is not an ugly girl. Very very pretty!
> And to those who offered their sympathy to my
> dying mother, Thank you.

Thanks for the compliment, anoon. I'm very sorry for the pain you're going through. I know from experience that it's very hard to watch a loved one suffer. Add me to the list of people sending my thoughts and prayers your way.

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