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Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 22, 2013
I utterly hate pro-lifers (read: pro-birthers. They don't give a fuck about babies.) In fact I will bet you they are the very same people who will bitch and holler about a woman who ends up on welfare because of having babies. Sorry, you can't have both. Either give her easily-accessible abortion, or shut it. This doesn't include the stupid women who birth to get welfare in the first place.

I'm sort of tired of arguing with them. It doesn't seem worth losing my temper anymore. So I decided I wanted to try a better approach and perhaps donate some money to a feminist organization or a pro-choice organization. Maybe for every stupid argument I see them doing, I can donate a dollar or change it as I see fit. Instead of wasting time arguing, I can spend my energy helping women get what they need.

Do any of you have any suggestions on where I can donate? I know some charities are sleazy. Perhaps some of you have other suggestions on what I can do to help? Thank you.
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 22, 2013
Whenever our Catholic church gave me a hard time (unfriendly priests and music directors) I would tell them that I send $50 to Planned Parenthood. I have had to do this several times. One music director who was a Knight of Columbus told me: "As a friend and a brother Knight, they are all about abortion!!" and that he would pray for me. So far, his prayers haven't helped, PP still gets my money.:1welcome

That's because the Neptune Foundation only supports causes that help improve life on this Earth.
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 22, 2013
NARAL Pro Choice America, Planned Parenthood are great ones for getting pro birther panties in a wad.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 23, 2013
Two years ago, my favorite comedian did something like this. Lisa Lampanelli had westboro baptist church jerks protest her show in Kansas. She obviously has lots of money. She pledged $ 1000 for every protester, to Gay mens health crisis organisation. She ended up giving them $ 50 000. As we do not have her means, we cannot give this much. The video of that confrontation is available on the net and awesome. I like to give 25 to 50 every couple months to Naral, which is the only human charity I support, along with PP.
Yes, forced birthers suck.cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 25, 2013
I have a forced birther in my friends list and we were mixing it up yesterday and today and I WISH I had thought of this!

PP or NARAL are great choices. You can also donate to RH Reality Check.
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 26, 2013
Can't edit to add: I donated $25 to PP and told the fundy I was arguing with that I did made a donation to them in his honor. HAA HAA! Made my fucking day.

I was unfriended by the person on whose page the discussion was happening less than an hour later; after she accused me of being obsessed with death I told her that her religious cult was based on a gory human torture and sacrifice that taught there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood.

Fucking idiots.
Anonymous User
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 26, 2013
If you really want to piss off an anti-choicer, tell them you'll be helping to fund an abortion in their honor: https://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/6713/donate_page/donate
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 26, 2013
You know what's weird to me???? I am pro-life because of religious reasons, but all that did was make me CRAZY about being responsible with birth control. And why my husband got snipped and I got a hysterectomy. It's not rocket science. We knew that having a baby was out of the question and we were not willing to take any unnecessary risks. We knew that if an accident happened, we would HAVE to live with the consequences. So we made 200% sure it would never happen either between us as a married couple or if I were to be raped. Done and done. (after my husband's vas, I was actually terribly afraid of getting raped once I was off BC. I worked in a crappy area at the time second shift, so it was dicey walking to my car sometimes. I did have a medical reason for a hyst, thankfully) We were both abstinent before marriage.
Anonymous User
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 27, 2013
You know what's weird to me???? I am pro-life because of religious reasons, but all that did was make me CRAZY about being responsible with birth control. And why my husband got snipped and I got a hysterectomy. It's not rocket science. We knew that having a baby was out of the question and we were not willing to take any unnecessary risks. We knew that if an accident happened, we would HAVE to live with the consequences. So we made 200% sure it would never happen either between us as a married couple or if I were to be raped. Done and done. (after my husband's vas, I was actually terribly afraid of getting raped once I was off BC. I worked in a crappy area at the time second shift, so it was dicey walking to my car sometimes. I did have a medical reason for a hyst, thankfully) We were both abstinent before marriage.

Do you mean to tell me you support forced birthing for other women who are not you?
Re: Another Anti-choicer Rant and a Question
February 27, 2013
We were both abstinent before marriage.

Well at least you practice what you preach. Most "Christians" are the first ones to squeak about honoring old people and parents when it is to benefit them. But, they just ignore the no sex before marriage verses. If you're going to follow a religion, fine, then follow it. But I hate hypocrites and that's the majority of Christians today.
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