Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! September 28, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 5,716 |
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! October 05, 2013 |
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! October 05, 2013 |
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! October 07, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,035 |
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! October 07, 2013 |
Yes, my bed vibrates when Agnes comes to visit me.
I've recently moved, and the activity has slowed down a little. When she's there, she makes her precense known by shaking the bed, blowing on my face and even throwing objects off of shelves. The vibrating usually comes with the feeling of being watched as well, which can be a creepy, intense feeling. Sometimes I hear a woman whispering my name, which I've captured on audio.
I was always a little freaked out by it, until I finally understood who was haunting me. Suddenly, she didn't seem so scary anymore.
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! October 07, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,035 |
Yes, my bed vibrates when Agnes comes to visit me.
I've recently moved, and the activity has slowed down a little. When she's there, she makes her precense known by shaking the bed, blowing on my face and even throwing objects off of shelves. The vibrating usually comes with the feeling of being watched as well, which can be a creepy, intense feeling. Sometimes I hear a woman whispering my name, which I've captured on audio.
I was always a little freaked out by it, until I finally understood who was haunting me. Suddenly, she didn't seem so scary anymore.
...huh. So do you think I was being visited at those times? I wish my spectre had been as sociable and forthcoming as yours was... that would've nicely removed the "wtf" factor!
Your story is amazing, by the way
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! August 29, 2014 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,035 |
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! August 31, 2014 |
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! August 31, 2014 |
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! September 01, 2014 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,035 |
@Mo6B: aww, poor thing Do you think, considering your rapport with her, she'd be receptive to a little reassurance? It's always awkward when one girlfriend gets married and the other doesn't...
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! September 01, 2014 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 5,716 |
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! September 04, 2014 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,608 |
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! September 06, 2014 |
You wanna hear something really scary? ~
I've seen (large) displays of Halloween candy at two different stores already! :eyebrows
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! September 08, 2014 |
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! November 15, 2014 | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 6,607 |
mistress rotwang
I have mild empathic abilities.
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! October 30, 2015 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 271 |
Has anyone else had experience with vibrating/shaking beds?
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! November 23, 2018 | Registered: 6 years ago Posts: 108 |
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! November 26, 2018 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,035 |
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread! September 16, 2020 |