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How about another PARANORMAL thread!

Posted by Zzelda 
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
September 28, 2013
Ooops! Lost on edit.

Net is failing on me. Will try this one later or tomorrow.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
October 05, 2013
I though I didn't have any paranormal experiences, but looking back and connecting the dots, I have a few.

One experience happened when I was in my room alone. It was quiet as well. I was relaxing when all of a sudden, I felt this stuble vibration that lasted for several mintues. It kind of freak me out at first, but once I calmed down, I never really though of it.

Another experience was when I was in the living room and getting ready to take a nap. My eyes had been closed for several mintues when I heard this clicking sound. I was the only person at home at the time, so I knew that clicking sound was not caused by something in the house.

At times, I hear a low buzzing sound and someone calling my name (who isn't really there).

I'm also empathic and very intuitive about people, especially guys.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
October 05, 2013
Has anyone else had experience with vibrating/shaking beds? It used to happen to me at the house where I grew up, which I'm pretty sure was haunted. Typically in the wee hours (about 3 AM or so), I'd awaken to this subtle vibration in the bed, like there was a really low-level earthquake happening (or maybe a bit like one of those old-school vibra-beds :sx ). I could never ask anyone else if they could get into the bed and see if they could feel it too, because everyone else was always asleep, so my insomniac ass would just deal with it. It wasn't violent or scary-- I'd just notice it, say "ugh, this again. Whatever" and eventually go back to sleep. The front of the house was also very uncomfortable to be in at night, as well. I also hated even going from the car to the front door at night, convinced something disembodied and not very friendly was nearby. That feeling waxed and waned, I eventually figured out, along with the moon's phases-- even when it was cloudy.

Many years ago, on a family vacation, I woke up to see a guy standing next to my hotel bed. He was about 6', with a blond bowl cut, wearing what looked like a darkish sweat outfit. He was standing with his upturned hands a little out from his sides, had an expression of half-deranged pain and rage, and was covered from the neck down in blood. Pretty sure I lost a few years off my life that night.
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
October 07, 2013
Yes, my bed vibrates when Agnes comes to visit me.

I've recently moved, and the activity has slowed down a little. When she's there, she makes her precense known by shaking the bed, blowing on my face and even throwing objects off of shelves. The vibrating usually comes with the feeling of being watched as well, which can be a creepy, intense feeling. Sometimes I hear a woman whispering my name, which I've captured on audio.

I was always a little freaked out by it, until I finally understood who was haunting me. Suddenly, she didn't seem so scary anymore.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
October 07, 2013
Yes, my bed vibrates when Agnes comes to visit me.

I've recently moved, and the activity has slowed down a little. When she's there, she makes her precense known by shaking the bed, blowing on my face and even throwing objects off of shelves. The vibrating usually comes with the feeling of being watched as well, which can be a creepy, intense feeling. Sometimes I hear a woman whispering my name, which I've captured on audio.

I was always a little freaked out by it, until I finally understood who was haunting me. Suddenly, she didn't seem so scary anymore.

...huh. So do you think I was being visited at those times? I wish my spectre had been as sociable and forthcoming as yours was... that would've nicely removed the "wtf" factor!

Your story is amazing, by the way smiling smiley
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
October 07, 2013
Yes, my bed vibrates when Agnes comes to visit me.

I've recently moved, and the activity has slowed down a little. When she's there, she makes her precense known by shaking the bed, blowing on my face and even throwing objects off of shelves. The vibrating usually comes with the feeling of being watched as well, which can be a creepy, intense feeling. Sometimes I hear a woman whispering my name, which I've captured on audio.

I was always a little freaked out by it, until I finally understood who was haunting me. Suddenly, she didn't seem so scary anymore.

...huh. So do you think I was being visited at those times? I wish my spectre had been as sociable and forthcoming as yours was... that would've nicely removed the "wtf" factor!

Your story is amazing, by the way smiling smiley

I can't be certain, but it's quite possible. If there was no reason for the bed to vibrate, and it happened at the same time in the night, chances are you could have had a visitation.

I must say, if I saw a spectre like the one you saw in the hotel room, I would have lost some of my hair, along with many, many nights of sleep! :hs
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
August 29, 2014
Bumping the thread, because Agnes is back. After I moved, she was rather quiet and didn't bother me for quite some time. I thought she had gone dormant because of the move.

After getting married, she seems to be back and bothering my husband. He saw a fully formed human shadow in our bedroom, which just took off through the neighbor's wall. About a week after that happened, I saw a shadow figure in the hall by the bedroom. I thought at first it was Conner flying by, but when I looked, Conner hadn't moved. He also looked as if he saw something weird, because his body posture was long and his head was cocked.

I also saw a person peeking at me while I was watching TV in the bedroom. It looked like the shadow of a head looking around the corner. When I got up, it was gone. It kind of freaked me out, because it was very solid. I was also alone in the house during my two 'shadow people' incidents.

Not long after that, husband was woken up out of a deep sleep, to see what we believe was an apparition trying to form in front of him. It was reddish in color, orbish in shape, and it hovered in the air for several minutes. He looked away and back at it, and it was still there. I was fast asleep and didn't see it.

Our television is turning itself on late at night, and things in the house are going missing...only to return to their original spot minutes later. It is getting quite baffling. My husband is starting to believe that Agnes is focused on him rather than me, and we can't figure out why.

Maybe the presence of a man is upsetting to her? I think she's used to me living alone, and was quite comfortable when it was just us girls. Now, with a man in the picture, she doesn't seem to be quite as happy.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
August 31, 2014
Ooohhh, a paranormal thread!
I have always had a huge interest in everything alien and UFO! I still remember that one incident in which my brother woke me up in the middle of the night, asking if he can crawk into my bed and sleep with me. We both were little children and i didnt need to ask him what the matter was, becuase i just saw this huge... ball like structure hovering right before our window. It didnt have any lights, but was also not caused by shadows of the nearby trees, because those were swaying in the wind, while this thing didnt. I didnt dare to look at it, instead cuddled up to my brother and hid myself under the covers.

on another occasion, while our family was driving to Poland and we just passed Frankfurt, i looked out of the window and saw a UFO hovering here, with the dark shadow of beings looking down at us from an illuminated window of a freaking UFO that was just there right beside our car, while we were driving!
I remember falling asleep in the car after that thing suddenly vanished, but my brother has seen this thing too and also remembers it vividly.

And once, my dad, me and my brother used to jog to keep ourselves fit. The boys are always faster than me, but this gave me the chance to see a shining, metallic blue ball of light above a streetlamp. I thought that it looked like the "light of an angel", but couldnt tell where this thought came from, since i am far away from religious. As soon as i thought that, this thing vanished! I laughed it off, already puting it away as a halluscination, but then my brother scream "WTF was that?", and a shiver ran down my spine!

I havent seen any UFOs yet here in Vancouver though. i thought i would have by now, i am at the west coast now, after all, and can , listen to Coast to Coast AM live, so i should see something soon.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
August 31, 2014
@Mo6B: aww, poor thing sad smiley Do you think, considering your rapport with her, she'd be receptive to a little reassurance? It's always awkward when one girlfriend gets married and the other doesn't...

@darkerthanblack: woah, cool beans! I'm envious grinning smiley
This is a little-- perhaps a lot-- off-topic, but have you ever heard any instances of those freakishly loud metallic sounds that have been recorded up there? They've allegedly been heard around the world, but seem to be more common in the higher latitudes. From what little I've read, nobody seems to know for sure what's causing them... am pretty sure it's not Gabriel's trumpet, as the thumpers would have us all believe!

(Tried to provide a link, but am having gremlin issues. Google "strange sounds vancouver")
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
September 01, 2014
@Mo6B: aww, poor thing sad smiley Do you think, considering your rapport with her, she'd be receptive to a little reassurance? It's always awkward when one girlfriend gets married and the other doesn't...

I know. I feel bad about her, because I think she's disrupted by the presence of a man in the house. I was thinking about setting up an EVP session with her and just trying to talk to her, with husband there, and even making her feel welcome by setting more cups of tea by the hat.

I don't know if she was married when she was alive, but I suspect she may have been single. I don't know why I get this sense, but I do. She may view my husband as a threat, and as a way to avoid that, I need to work on it with husband to ensure she's happy and still feels welcome in our house.
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
September 01, 2014
You wanna hear something really scary? ~

I've seen (large) displays of Halloween candy at two different stores already! :eyebrows
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
September 04, 2014
I've had one paranormal experience in my life. I don't know if it was real or a dream, but it did have an impact on me.

In 2000, after my father died, I was sleeping in my apartment and I heard footsteps on the carpet outside the bedroom. I woke up and saw him standing in my bedroom doorway. All he said was "You'll be alright" and he was gone. Not sure if was real or not, but it did gave me some relief.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
September 06, 2014
You wanna hear something really scary? ~

I've seen (large) displays of Halloween candy at two different stores already! :eyebrows

Oh Z, I'm afraid I can top that... At CVS today, I saw a four-foot inflatable Thanksgiving turkey on display, complete with pilgrim hat.

At this rate, the Christmas stuff'll be overflowing the shelves in a week, maybe two. :headbrick

I kinda grit my teeth when I see holiday stuff at the craft stores while everybody's still wearing shorts and enjoying the A/C, but that can be somewhat forgiven-- if you're making presents or decorations, you want to have time to do so, and the other merchandise just sorta follows after that line of thinking. But that bloody turkey was in a drugstore, perched above a bunch of gardening and patio stuff on clearance! Guh.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
September 08, 2014
Love this thread!
Speaking of Agnes, my Great-Grandmother Agnes appeared at my bedside on the fifty-seventh Anniversary of her death, after I had prayed for her before I fell asleep. With her was another lady I did not recognise, similarly dressed in Victorian clothes. She touched my hand then disappeared. I woke up the next day, determined to go and visit her grave. Our local cemetery is huge, but I walked straight to it. Buried in the same grave as Agnes is my beloved Great Uncle John, who died when I was four years old. I honestly believe he likes to travel to work with me; he has been a lovely, comforting presence for years.
There have been plenty of other things, but I had a very strange one a few weeks ago. I recently posted about the death of one of my wee birds. I utterly adored this wee bird and was distraught when she died. I buried her myself in the garden and literally cried for three days. The room she had been in was thoroughly cleaned and hoovered several times. Just a few days ago,I found her intact and undamaged leg ring lying on the floor. I keep in in my purse with me now.
I also believe that the Devil exists, and pray to St. Michael The Archangel every single day. I feel an immensely powerful protecting force from Him, which is very strengthening indeed.
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
November 15, 2014
mistress rotwang
I have mild empathic abilities.

I think this has more to do with the empathy a couple may develop after being together a long time, but it was still weird and a bit concerning.

Background: I work in Big City, four days a week, 100 miles from home. For those days, I have an apartment. Mainly because this is not intended to be a long term job, we decided to not sell our house and move to Big City.

So I work Sat-Tue, going home Tuesday night (I work 2nd shift that day) and returning for work Friday evening.

Well, several weeks back, on Monday, I just felt this huge, overwhelming urge to not want to work Tuesday. The very thought made me feel ill. All of Monday evening, I'm trying to work myself into a mode where I'd call my boss and just say that I didn't feel well and wouldn't be in. But I couldn't do it. Damned work ethic, plus there is a person I work with who has no qualms about giving herself a 3 day weekend by calling in on Mondays. All of us have a lot of contempt toward her. And I'm just not good at lying. I knew if I called the boss, I'd probably stutter and stammer and make myself look guilty. But the severe foreboding was never shaken. I just felt rilly-rilly bad about working that day.

So, I make myself go through all that Tuesday morning and early afternoon, puttering around until it's time to go into work. I get to work and no more than sit down when the phone rings. My coworker, who is always getting calls from someone, squawked "that's for me!" However, I recognized the number. Didn't place it at that exact time, but I knew the call was for me. It was my husband. He was in the hospital; the doctors thought he had a mild stroke. He had asked that I be called on my cell phone; there were several messages from the hospital; but - idiot me - I didn't have it turned on. This was one time that my hatred of cell phones was really a stupid prejudice.

I could tell that Dh wasn't firing on all cylinders; his voice was muddy and he couldn't put words together right; but I was able to get out of him the name of the hospital where he had been admitted.

I flew that 125 miles from where I was to the hospital. The speed limit was 55, but I knew the roads well enough to remember where the cops hung out, so I did 80.

Turns out that Dh was at home, doing his usual "Dorisan is going to be home in a few hours! Quick, get the house cleaned up!" mode when he felt himself going away. He later told me he had to sit and really concentrate to remember the numbers 911.

I just so kick myself for not following my intuition. That sense of foreboding was the Universe telling me to get home to my mate so he wouldn't be alone when he collapsed. It could have been way worse if not for my insistence that he keep his cell phone on him. Of course, it was my fault in not keeping mine turned on - something I rectified. And I will absolutely follow my gut from now on.
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
October 30, 2015
Has anyone else had experience with vibrating/shaking beds?

Yes! It's nice to know that I am not alone.

I was a teenager, we were living in a mobile home at the time. I had the room at the very front of the house and it was outfitted with a bunk bed - bed on top, foldable futon on the bottom. I had gone to bed and fallen asleep no problem. In the middle of the night I was awakened to my bed shaking. Softly at first and it quickly escalated to violently. I was so scared I just sat up in bed and burst into tears. As quickly as it started, it stopped. I think I ended up waking up mom and dad after I got up the courage to get down out of bed...

I also know there wasn't a semi or a dump truck going by because I would have heard it.

They are having children for selfish and narcissistic reasons, or are simply irresponsible. Funny... Those are the terms often used to describe the CF

~Live, Laugh, Love~
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
November 23, 2018
I guess I'm unfortunately a bit late here, but nonetheless, I'm pretty much fascinated with paranormal stories, especially involving ghosts, and have enjoyed reading those here a lot.
Actually, I can recollect a couple of events so far, that may have been ghostly presences.
Approx. 10 years ago I went to the inventory sale of an old school and found an acoustic jazz guitar from the 1950ies there, produced during GDR times, but still by an independent luthier, before the time that the musical instrument manufacture got collectivized. The instrument has a very exquisit look, with f-holes and gold glitter inlays, but was heavily damaged. I got it for free and heard that they would have thrown it away if I hadn't taken it. I took it to a professional workshop to get it fixed since I didn't own proper tools for mending such damage. After that, I had the guitar standing in my study, in my parent's house, that is also rather old, built around 1880. So, one night around 2 am, I was sitting on the floor of my study, sorting sheet music, my back turned to the instrument. And suddenly, I very clearly felt, as if someone slowly poked my back with the index finger. I turned around quickly, creeped out, but nothing was there that could have touched me. All this time before, I must say, that I felt watched when I was playing this guitar, as if someone stood behind me, listening. At times, I even heard the faint picking of a single string, which is pretty unusual. If it were just the wood flexing due to humidity difference, all of the strings would make a sound, not just one. But I gotta say, the presence wasn't feeling menacing, but rather calm. After I did some research I got to know, that the instrument belonged to the former school principal, who had died in the 90ies.
In contrast to that, I did feel a menacing presence once too. I was visiting one of my bandmates, and in one of his guest rooms, there was an electric guitar from the 70ies. I asked him permission to try it out, but all the time while playing it, I had a feeling of dread, discomfort and unusual cold, as if something gave me an angry stare to the back of my head. I asked my friend, where he got it from, and he then told me that it was given to him by a family he knew, after the previous owner had died of cancer.

Freedom & Art & Music >>>>>>>>>> human spawn

"Music is immortal. People are not."
-William Anger, "King's Story" - Thief2 FM by Zontik
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
November 26, 2018
Oooohhh, I love this thread!

I also believe that objects can retain the energy of a previous person who once owned it, especially if that owner had a special connection to that object.

I have had a few weird things happen in my house. The other day I was vacuuming, and the hallway light came on by itself. It's a regular flip switch type thing, and we have one at either end of the hall which operates that light. I was in the middle of the hall, nowhere near the switches.

I thanked the ghost for helping me by turning on the light, and kept it on for the rest of the day.

I think that beloved objects are entirely capable of retaining energy, and an instrument that was used and cherished by someone might be able to keep it.

Strange, but it's my opinion.
Anonymous User
Re: How about another PARANORMAL thread!
September 16, 2020
Loving this thread so far. I've got two, though they'll probably seem small in comparison to the rest of these.

#1. A few years ago I was talking to a friend of my mom and I asked him about this "Mary" person he kept talking about and he explained to me how when he was first started working construction when he was a teen (He's currently in his 60s) he was doing construction on a site somewhere in texas when a woman named Mary was murdered there. Ever since then her spirit followed him. I was about to scoff at his story when I heard the sound of the floorboards upstairs creaking as if someone was walking. I looked at him and he said that he heard it as well. I went upstairs to check and there was no possible reason for the floorboards to have creaked because no-one was up there and nothing had fallen.

#2. Last year I attended the funeral of a relative of mine that I hadn't met or known before (I think he was a great uncle of mine). He was an avid church-going man and was good friends with a-lot of people, including the pastor of his church. When he went to church he often wore a choker around his neck that was designed to look like an eagle. Right as his casket was being lowered into the ground everyone at the funeral heard the screech of an eagle when there were no birds whatsoever nearby and my uncle asked me if I heard it too or if he was hearing things. I told him that yes, I heard it as well. I couldn't decide if it was a sign or my deceased relative giving a final farewell.

To this day these experiences still make me wonder if there is an afterlife.
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