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Ten Things About You

Posted by peace-n-quiet 
Re: Ten Things About You
February 16, 2014
10. I think pitbullgirl1965’s avatar is the absolute shiz. grinning smiley

It's from Ms. Daisy Cutter> Feel free to yoink.

I've wondered if she's on this board.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan

Re: Ten Things About You
February 18, 2014
Here's my 10, just for the hell of it:

1. I adore animals. I currently have 7 cats (all rescues), 2 energetic little girl rats, and 1 lovely horse (she's an Egyptian Arabian with a tremendous ego). In fact, I became a vegetarian because I just couldn't stand the thought of eating animals anymore.

2. I'm Wiccan, and have been for over 20 years. My older sister "converted" to Wicca before I did, so she kind of got the family used to the idea of an alternative religion before I had to deal with it. It saved me a lot of the problems that people have with their families when they change to a different religion (particularly a pagan one).

3. I'm a huge Disney geek. Like, seriously huge. I only have 2 tattoos right now, and one of them is a Disney character (Hades, from Hercules), and I plan on getting a third this spring (Stitch). One of my best, greatest memories is of Stitch proposing to me at WDW....

4. I'm also a "regular" geek-- I love spec fic and gaming. My favorite game is Fallout: New Vegas.

5. I have a ton of toys and stuffed animals. My lovely DH is terribly patient with this and even built shelves all around our bedroom walls to hold my stuffed animal collection. It doesn't hold all of them, though (particuarly the big ones-- e.g., I have a 3' stuffed Stitch [told you I was a Disney geek ºoº]).

6. My greatest "pipe dream" goal (i.e., likely won't happen, but man, it would be so cool) is to visit every Disney park in the world. So far I've only been to the two U.S. parks, but DH and I have been talking about how nice it would be to go to one of the overseas parks. He's not a Disney geek like I am (he does love animated movies, though), but he is very tolerant of my obsession and knows it makes me so happy that he supports my mouse addiction in any way he can.

7. I obviously love animated movies, but I also have a soft spot for old classics. (We're No Angels with Humphrey Bogart is my favorite Christmas movie, even beating out Disney ones. smiling smiley )

8. I have wanted to be a published writer since I was 4, but I haven't submitted anything for publication in ages. I hope to change that this year-- you can't get published unless you collect a few rejection slips first. winking smiley

9. I wish my parents had started me in some kind of lessons when I was a kid so that I'd be proficient at something now-- riding lessons would be my first choice, followed by foreign language, with playing an instrument as my third choice. I've taken riding lessons as an adult, but learning as a child would have been so much better-- I had much better balance and coordination then.

10. My all-time favorite singer is Adam Ant, and has been since 1982. I saw him in concert last fall and wound up right in front of the stage, and he threw a scarf into my lap. I just about spazzed. XD

Did I talk about myself too much? :/
Re: Ten Things About You
February 18, 2014
I have a ton of toys and stuffed animals. My lovely DH is terribly patient with this and even built shelves all around our bedroom walls to hold my stuffed animal collection. It doesn't hold all of them, though (particuarly the big ones-- e.g., I have a 3' stuffed Stitch [told you I was a Disney geek ºoº]).

Same here! I've got two big piles of plushies on my floor and a few random stuffed animals on my bookshelves. Some of them are from my childhood - I still have the ratty old Sonic the Hedgehog doll from when I was in first grade, and I just bought a Babs Bunny doll at the thrift store last week. And I have a lot of action figures too. And vintage My Little Ponies. What can I say? I love my toys. Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I have to grow up (read: be boring). smiling smiley

I wish my parents had started me in some kind of lessons when I was a kid so that I'd be proficient at something now

Blah, me too. I never did anything as a kid, and I don't know if it was a matter of my mother couldn't afford to let me do anything or she just didn't want me to do anything outside the house where she couldn't keep an eye on me. I would have loved to play an instrument or take voice lessons... nothing that required movement because I was a fat kid, so things like tapdancing or soccer were out of the question. Even now, I wish I could sing just a teeny bit better so I don't sound like I'm just hitting puberty when I try and carry a note. Or I wish I had musical skill - I've always wanted to play the saxophone or the keytar. But I have no fucking clue how to read music and I think I'm too old to learn.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 21, 2014
I wish my parents had started me in some kind of lessons when I was a kid so that I'd be proficient at something now
Blah, me too. I never did anything as a kid, and I don't know if it was a matter of my mother couldn't afford to let me do anything or she just didn't want me to do anything outside the house where she couldn't keep an eye on me. I would have loved to play an instrument or take voice lessons... nothing that required movement because I was a fat kid, so things like tapdancing or soccer were out of the question. Even now, I wish I could sing just a teeny bit better so I don't sound like I'm just hitting puberty when I try and carry a note. Or I wish I had musical skill - I've always wanted to play the saxophone or the keytar. But I have no fucking clue how to read music and I think I'm too old to learn.

Well, I have multiple people in my life who would insist that it's never too late to learn anything, but I know the feeling. smiling smiley Plus it's just so much easier to learn new things as a child.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 22, 2014
1. I am a very sincere person who tries to do everything off a base of integrity.

2. I have close to 10 years of higher education (Sci, Applied Sci, and Biz).

3. Vast numbers of people hate my guts just because I am a Jew / where I was born / who my ancestors are.

4. ^ I pass as a "White American".

5. I'm sick of Pizza. I didn't think I'd ever 'fall out of love' - but I did.

6. I'm all about the Hot Rods and have a KICKASS Sports Car! smiling smiley

7. I fail at personal relationships. I don't know what men want. I can screw like a whore. They seem to want a Mother Figure. This confuses and upsets me. Because my relatives made me work like a scullery maid. A man who tries to shunt me into this makes me mad. And depressed.

8. I smoke weed like cigarettes.

9. I am reading this book* right now that confirms to me that time is but a function of distance. It has to do with Mathematics as applied to Philosophy. I 'get' it.

10. ^ I have a Genius level IQ.

* - for those who may be interested ~

Anonymous User
Re: Ten Things About You
February 22, 2014
This is fun!

1. I'm currently employed as a forensic psychiatric registered nurse and work on a behavioral stabilization unit with the violent criminally insane (we refer to our unit it as the 're-parenting' unit) lol.

2. I've lived in 2 countries, 5 states, 1 province, and 10 cities.

3. I have two bachelor's degrees (I received my B.A. In psychology and social behavior in 2011, and my B.S in Nursing in 2012).

4. I absolutely adore education - I'm planning on getting 2 - 3 additional degrees before I hit 40 (I'm only 28 so I still have time).

5. I am obsessed with sci-fi movies and TV shows.

6. In my free time I enjoy writing fiction stories - however I'm not so concerned with ever getting published or anything like that, I do it as a way to get out of my head for a while.

7. My favorite type of music is experimental electronic music and Industrial music (Yes, I enjoy playing around with programs like Cakewalk and Fruity Loops).

8. I absolutely love to work. I'm quite happy to pull 60+ hour work weeks. I would live in an air-stream trailer (seriously always wanted one) in the back of my hospital and work 16 hours a day, five days a week- if I could.

9. My travels been limited to Europe (England, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Italy, and France) however, I want to go everywhere!

10. I love creepy looking depressing places.I would totally jump on a chance to explore Chernobyl.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 22, 2014
I forgot to say - I am the Hipster Queen! grinning smiley

I was at the Goodwill store earlier - Oh My God! Wall to wall Hipsters. There were so many guys in there wearing skinny jeans, black pea coats, and horn rimmed glasses that I thought I was at a convention of Elvis Costello impersonators!

Zoe's Top 10 Signs - that you might be a Hipster ~

1. You bought some neon blue, low rise, skinny jeans at the Goodwill Store.

2. You have been to Poetry Slams.

3. People often ask if there is "something wrong with you".

4. You smoke Camels or American Spirit cigs. Shorts, of course.

5. You have burgundy colored hair. You'd do bright green but that won't fly at the office.

6. Said office does NOT engage in unethical biz, sniff, you wouldn't participate in such things.

7. You drink Old Style or PBR beer.

8. You are extremely cynical and jaded. You think everything is either disgusting, corrupt, conformist, or a joke.

9. You think Taco Bell is *the greatest* food, ever. (Or, you are a Vegan. And strident about it.)

10. Everywhere you go - you are surround by moar Hipsters! Which makes you jaded and disgusted so you smirk at them. And then ask them if you can bum a cig.

I hope my new jeans fit! No I didn't try them on because I'm wearing hi top, lace up, platform sneakers. Too hard to get off and on. What else would I be wearing? grinning smiley
(Correct answers: Motorcycle boots, vintage plastic granny sandals, or house slippers (preferably with stuffed animal heads or made to look like animal paws.)

thumbs upwink

If anyone needs any fashion advice - let me know.

grinning smiley
Re: Ten Things About You
February 24, 2014
1. I have a great relationship with my parents who support my childfreedom 100%. They were the first people to tell me that you didn't have to have kids and you shouldn't have them if you didn't want them and couldn't take care of them.
2. My husband and I got married at a bed and breakfast
3. I refuse to watch any documentary about plane crashes
4. My sibling is a alcoholic and drug addict
5. Part of the year, I live 2 blocks from the beach
6. I know how to scuba dive
7. I go to Mexico at least once a year
8. My husband and I have a yorkshire terrier furkid
9. We want to get another one
10. I grew up in Kentucky
Re: Ten Things About You
February 24, 2014
1. I have a great relationship with my parents who support my childfreedom 100%. They were the first people to tell me that you didn't have to have kids and you shouldn't have them if you didn't want them and couldn't take care of them.

What great parents!

7. I go to Mexico at least once a year

That's cool. smiling smiley I've never been out of the US, but I'd really love to travel out of the country. My DH's and my latest pipe dream is to visit two of the overseas Disney parks-- Paris and Hong Kong. (I'd like to see all of the overseas parks, but those two are highest on the list.) It's an utterly crazy idea because we have almost zero disposable income right now, but ya gotta dream, right? smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Ten Things About You
February 26, 2014
I really like this! I think it's so cool to learn a little bit about everyone, all you guys I see on the board all the time, learning something about you and your lives. It makes me happy.
Might as well give it a shot!

1. I'm a compulsive reader. I literally cannot go anywhere without a book or something to read or I'll start spazzing. The ability to have books on my phone was a godsend in places where normal books cannot fit, ie like, a fancy party where I can't fit a book in a bag.

2. I LOVE wacky medical shows and cool/weird medical things. I will wiki surf disorders and viruses and whatnot in my free time because it's just so fascinating. I doubt I'll ever go into the medical field, but damn, this shit is so neat.

3. I'm bipolar II and would get rid of it in a heartbeat if it were possible. My meds are good, my psychiatrist is awesome, but meds can be expensive and sometimes it makes me super mad to think of how much the bipolar has ruined my past, and pretty much made my entire college experience worthless and awful.

4. I think snakes are insanely adorable and it freaks people out.

5. I have no sense of smell. Head injury a few years ago, when I woke up, olfactory nerves were severed as well as hearing in my left ear. Still deaf in that ear, still can't smell. Lack of smell makes things awkward!

6. I consider myself a writer. I write all the time, I've done NaNo for years, and even when I'm not writing there's always a story in my head (and extensive headcanons for my various characters in video games). But I am not sure I ever want to be published because then it will be work instead of just a thing that I do.

7. I've been keeping journals since I was eight, and consistently since I was thirteen.

8. I'm twenty-six and still a virgin, but man do I read tons of porn.

9. Last year I was asked out by a twelve year old. He was wearing a backpack. That was awkward, and self-esteem depleting.

10. My cats > everything
Re: Ten Things About You
February 26, 2014
10. I love creepy looking depressing places.I would totally jump on a chance to explore Chernobyl.

Oooh, yeah. Abandoned places are fascinating, particularly ones where "something" happened....

2. I LOVE wacky medical shows and cool/weird medical things. I will wiki surf disorders and viruses and whatnot in my free time because it's just so fascinating. I doubt I'll ever go into the medical field, but damn, this shit is so neat.

My DH gave me a book on fetal pathology. It's very cool/weird. smiling smiley If you ever want to squick, google harlequin babies....

(and extensive headcanons for my various characters in video games)

You aren't alone. grinning smiley Plus, I was a virgin for longer than you, so don't feel bad. I had a long wait, but I wound up with a guy that one of my friends says "approaches sainthood." So it worked out very well. tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Ten Things About You
February 28, 2014

4. I think snakes are insanely adorable and it freaks people out.

For you. smiling smiley

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Ten Things About You
February 28, 2014

4. I think snakes are insanely adorable and it freaks people out.

For you. smiling smiley


Squeeeeeeeeee! :emoheart

(Okay...I got that out of my system, thanks!) blushing


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Ten Things About You
February 28, 2014
4. I think snakes are insanely adorable and it freaks people out.

Same. Well, not "cute" so much, but snakes have just got this intelligence and arrogance about them that I find rather appealing. It's a shame that most people have such negative views of snakes (thank you, Christianity).

2. I LOVE wacky medical shows and cool/weird medical things. I will wiki surf disorders and viruses and whatnot in my free time because it's just so fascinating. I doubt I'll ever go into the medical field, but damn, this shit is so neat.

Yeah, I was up at 3AM last night looking up congenital deformities. Iniencephaly is particularly fascinating. I've also caught myself looking up random diseases and the effects of venom and poisons.

10. I love creepy looking depressing places.I would totally jump on a chance to explore Chernobyl.

Oooh, yeah. Abandoned places are fascinating, particularly ones where "something" happened....

Thirded. Seen any photos of Auschwitz? God, I bet it's creepy actually being there...

I found this photographer's website once, and he had loads of photos of just abandoned buildings. One photo that stood out was one he'd taken in an old mental hospital - just a long corridor with a wheelchair right in the middle. It was like something from Silent Hill.

(You know, I heard that the site around Chernobyl won't be able to support life for another 2000 years. Radioactive material is terrifying, isn't it?)


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Ten Things About You
February 28, 2014
strange aeons
(You know, I heard that the site around Chernobyl won't be able to support life for another 2000 years. Radioactive material is terrifying, isn't it?)

Absolutely terrifying. Worse than that is that the concrete sarcophagus over the reactor is crumbling. Chernobyl isn't dead. It's only sleeping. And when that concrete falls in, it's going to wake up....
Re: Ten Things About You
March 02, 2014
Ten Things About Me-

1. I published my first book last month via the Kindle Platform. I am working on the sequel to that book right now.

2. I love cars! I do a lot of car-related artwork and some of it has actually sold.

3. My favorite foods include-Everything Bagel Chips by New York Bagels (I can polish off a bag in one sitting.); Sweet iced tea; cherry Coke; Twizzlers; bacon and pizza. If I could, I'd eat pizza every day.

4. I am obsessed with the Titanic. I have read, watched and studied all there is to learn about this ship. I was interested in it long before the movie came out in 1997 and the movie is in my Top 10 of Best movies ever.

5. I love Disney's 'Cars, Cars 2' and 'Planes'.

6. I have worn glasses since I was seven and they are as much a part of my body as my arm is. I have tried contacts but with my allergies and dry eye, they were more trouble than they were worth.

7. I name every car I've ever owned. My current car is called Shootie and he's a 2008 PT Cruiser.

8. I have every Herbie The Love Bug movie ever made.

9. I've written fan fiction long before there was a name for it. (Or before I was aware of a name for it.)

10. I am a fan of podcasts and have done my own as well. (Mine tend to be about cars or various things going on in my world.)

BONUS-I can burp the alphabet.
Re: Ten Things About You
March 12, 2014

4. I am obsessed with the Titanic. I have read, watched and studied all there is to learn about this ship. I was interested in it long before the movie came out in 1997 and the movie is in my Top 10 of Best movies ever.

Ooo, have you been to the Titanic artifacts exhibit? I don't know if it's still making its rounds or not (or if there's more than one), but I went last year when it was in Philadelphia. Of course I couldn't take photos, but the stuff on display was awesome! All of it was stuff salvaged from the wreckage - china, luggage, jewelry, perfume, bottles of wine, hunks of the ship, a full three-piece suit with just a couple stains, even some paper items made it in one piece and with minimal water damage. Such cool stuff.
Re: Ten Things About You
March 13, 2014
Not yet, but maybe one day I'll get to see this.
Re: Ten Things About You
March 14, 2014
Okay, my turn!
1. I'm a violist and violinist
2. Love Eric Bana moviessmile rolling left righteyes2

3. Have been married to my better half almost 25 years
4. Still prone to crushes...Oy!
5. Have a noticeable "Southern" accent (Mom was from Kentucky)
6. Love karaoke, and can carry a tune pretty well
7. Have perfect pitch
8. Love Ireland and Scotland, have been to both
9. Used to work in foster care casework right out of school
10. Want to teach private lessons again
Re: Ten Things About You
January 10, 2023
Quick, activate monster reborn! (Necroposting)
1. I like drawing(I often use mechanical and colored pencils)
2. I’m a huuuuuge fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! (Hence my username and monster reborn joke)
3. I spend most of my time watching youtube videos(When I’m not drawing, at school, or on deviantart)
4. Born and currently living in South Dakota(Liberal in a rightist state, oh joy eye rolling smiley)
5. I love J-pop, J-Rock, and K-Pop(Plus North Korean propaganda music is such a guilty pleasure of mine)
6. I own three dogs, all of the, female mix-breeds
7. I’ve been adamantly childfree since I was 17(And I don’t regret it one bit grinning smiley)
8. I’m on the autism spectrum(But I’m not one of those shrieking, shit-flinging “autards” you speak of)
9. Currently in 12th grade
10. Still a virgin and unmarried(Well, for now)
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