Any other RVers here?
July 04, 2014
Satansbitch, I think?

We just took the plunge and, 3 days later, are still going "I can't believe we did that!"

We've been talking for 20 years about getting an RV; Dh's recent major medical issue probably influenced our decision strongly as well as our age. Dh is 63 and retired, I'm 54 and hope to quit working full-time in a couple of years. I guess our ages are what inspired the salesmen to remark "how may grandkids do you folks have?" when we ooohed over the bunk beds. "None," I replied, "the bunks will come in handy for our critters." He just kind of rolled his eyes and directed the conversation to the kitchen layout.

I've been following message boards for years, but now that we actually have one, I'm nothing but agog. Any tips would be appreciated
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 04, 2014



I like the puffy blankie on the bed! I need to buy or make a new one myself - that looks like something I might be able to make.

Speaking of - it popped into my head that I want a shipping container house! Like these -

I went looking for an example and found that - had to bookmark it. Container sellers and converters are shilling their wares on their too, ha. I probably could do this ~

The biggest obstacle would be finding a locale that would allow it. Around here? No way.

And then the thought came to me - you could make an RV out of one of these too! Get a Semi truck - haul the container. DIY RV!

CONGRATS AGAIN! It looks really nice!

Re: Any other RVers here?
July 05, 2014
What a great way to travel with your fur babies without having to worry about pet friendly hotels!
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 05, 2014
That is a gorgeous RV! thumbs upwink

To the bingoing salesman: angry flipping off


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 05, 2014
I like it. Efficient kitchen, dedicated table area plus sofa seating area. That looks like at least a queen-sized bed, and lots of storage. Very nice cat/dog beds, too (okay, bunk beds) smiling smiley And even the bunks each have their own window. Nice to have two bedroom windows. And two flat screen TVs! And the "fancy" high-arching kitchen faucet! Haha, I always notice things like that. All the comforts of home for everybody.
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 05, 2014
Thanks to all. It's scary and exciting.

We don't take possession until the end of July. We're having some mods done on it, plus it has to go through an inspection where everything is totally checked out before it leaves the lot. Once it is ours, one thing I specified is that someone will drive it out of the city before we take it over. I don't want to do any busy road driving until I've had a chance to tool around the country roads and get a feel for that puppy. I've driven Big Ass Trucksâ„¢ for over 20 years, but this thing is 32 feet long doh face

An almost immediate change is going to be that squirrel poop pattern fabric. I'll be redoing it with this pattern, hopefully

I expect our traveling life will provide fodder for Bratfree since I'm sure we'll be running into "brats at campground" issues. Told Dh that I want to see about making our rig as self-sustaining as possible (deep cycle batteries, solar power) so we can do a lot of boondocking.

What a great way to travel with your fur babies without having to worry about pet friendly hotels!

That was one of the prime considerations in our choice. If it wasn't for the critters, we'd be getting something much smaller. And pet capacity seems to be an area that not many RV dealers give a priority to. Weird, considering the amount of traffic that the 'RVing with Pets' FB group gets. I've seen it at a number of shows and dealers - the salesperson would be yammering about having televisions in every damned corner of the rig (there's even a hookup for having one on the outside of ours. Jeezus wept) and be a little non-plussed when I said "yeah, yeah, whatever, those will come out, we use our laptops for that." I then motion Dh over and say "d'ya think the cat's litter box will work, being set up in the shower? It seems like the best place for it."

I was up on the roof of the thing (that'll be my domain; Dh doesn't like heights) and hollered down "hey, how much weight will we save if we take this damned tv antennae off? Can we maybe change this to an internet receiver?"

Definitely placed ourselves in some "other" category to the RV dealer. No kids, critters, no need for artificially created entertainment. smile rolling left righteyes2

Speaking of - it popped into my head that I want a shipping container house! Like these -

I went looking for an example and found that - had to bookmark it. Container sellers and converters are shilling their wares on their too, ha. I probably could do this ~

The biggest obstacle would be finding a locale that would allow it. Around here? No way.

And then the thought came to me - you could make an RV out of one of these too! Get a Semi truck - haul the container. DIY RV!

Google "tiny house movement." Seriously, there are some very imaginative people out there; they put so much artistry and talent into creating unique modes of travel

"Tiny house" is a serious consideration for us. We're about 98% sure that we'll be selling our house here in the southeast. We've just seen most of this part of the country and it doesn't make $$ sense to travel 1000s of miles to the west and north, then spend the gas money to get back home for the winter. Plus, the cost of having someone look after our place. Can't do both. However, we may want to have a winter domicile. We may find a piece of land more central to our travels, install all the utilities necessary to live in the RV, but also erect a small building that can be used as a comfortable day room for us and the critters. Give us all a place to spread out rather than deal with cabin fever in something that is hardly 200 sq ft in size
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 05, 2014
Your RV is beautiful! How exciting for you. I've dreamed of buying a smaller camper-type vehicle for a while now. It might happen in the next year or two. We also want to buy a small boat (kind of a camper we can take on the river here), so it'll probably have to be a decision between one or the other. I've seen used campers for around two or three thousand bucks, so they seem like a rather inexpensive indulgence. I just worry about the cost of fueling the thing and maintenance.
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 06, 2014
I like the Tiny Houses too! I also like those 'Hobbit Houses' that are partially underground or built into a hill.

Today I was shopping for cars. Online, I don't know what I want. I thought - get the same as I have but a newer one. I saw one which would be exactly what I want.

It's a good thing I looked at all the pix - the shift knob looks different. Doesn't look removable. Well. If I can't swap that for a skull or glow in the dark Alien head then forget it. LOL My big time 'interior beautification' plans. Oooh and those 'Beanie Balls' are on sale at Jewel for $3.50 - it is a SIGN! that I should get a new car, and some new stuffed animals to go in it!

I told this to my Mom - she said - how old are you? 15? HAHAHAHAHA. Yes. I am.

The ad said (this is a used car at a dealer) we'll pick you up at the airport! Will do all types shipping, etc. I picked up on that because I have this idea - OK my car has some 'electrical issue' - and rather than get that fixed - just tow the thing somewhere and trade it. This place could fix it, whatever it is is prolly less than $500. The car is in perfect shape otherwise. Why should I fix it, and pay tax - they could fix it and it can be written off on an internal account for them too. 'Maintenance for the inventory' or what have you. Was my idea. From what it said right there on the add - it looks like they might go for that.

I was looking at this thing - up pops a window that says Sales Exec Marissa is available to chat with me Right Now!


So yeah, they'd probably do it. Mention because others might want to keep such things in mind too. We'll pick you up at the airport! Heh.

Wait - I think this means I should take a vacation! ! It is a SIGN! grinning smiley

I can't wait to hear all your Holiday Tales Dorisan! smiling smiley
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 06, 2014
Dorisan and All ~

I was just about to stop myself from blathering on about vehicles here - I went looking for a pic of the car I'm talking about - and then was like, nah, don't bore people, don't hijack, etc.

But then I stumbled upon this ~

That is the car but this looks like some kind of ? Artistic Modeling / Rendering site? Hmmmm ~

I looked further upon noticing the site name - 'Creative Crash'? Yeah. Erg. I probably should avoid such a thing - but upon further inspection - it looks to be some kind of Visual Effects site / forum? Interesting. Art Peeps here may be interested.

It *does look like* a 'real car' doesn't it? Interesting.

Anyway, yeah, I'd get that one. Black with the Whale Tail spoiler. All lighting should be switched to purple. Yes, this can be done. Plus a bit more to accent the interior. And of course purple neon ground effect lighting. And why not Go Overboard? With some purple Fake Fur and Dingle Balls round the windshield! YEEE ESSSS!!!

My friend over here had a 'Punk Phase', she has all kinds of cool clothes! Leather things, motorcycle boots, the whole wardrobe.

I will borrow these clothes and get all dressed up. I will get a purple wig too!

And then come visit you at a camp site in my new Hot Rod. How about that? grinning smiley

Might scare the kids away! Would DRAW all the Duhs like a powerful magnet - and then the Moo's would RIOT! LOL

And those powerful batteries you're planning on getting? - yeah - I might have to borrow one of those! Or 5.

What Krazy Kars are these??? Aye aye aye. I should probably look at something else.
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 06, 2014
Yeah, sorry for rambling on here ~

I got on this from thinking about you, Dorisan, and what you could do with the new RV. I LIKE the fabric pattern! Are you planning on doing that yourself?

I also did notice, in the Doggie Bunk Beds smiling smiley - they have TVs too. Are you going to leave those there? Do Doggies like to watch TV? I've known several people who'd leave the TV on 'for the dogs'.

Some other ideas I had - First Aid Kit. For Camping or being 'out some where'. Maps, GPS, etc - does it have these things? Old Skool maps often work just as good, if not better.

These can add to the 'decor' also - have alot maps half folded and thrown haphazardly across the dashboard.

No kidding too because 'here' - there have been NUMEROUS accidents of people driving into rivers and canals because the GPS said so. There's alot of bad info out there, seriously. It sounds crazy but this does happen more often than you think. And also just plain old getting lost.

Tools. You would need tools for this. Basic repair knowledge. Hoses. All vehicles often blow hoses - have some spares, they don't cost much. Belts too. Serpentine belts? You might want to make a list of all nearby repair shops - capable of handling such vehicles - wherever you go. And 'road assist' on the insurance. Check cell phone coverage too.

I'm not overly familiar with these vehicles. I'm thinking 'Out in the middle of nowhere' type of things.
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 22, 2014
I am a RVer wannabe, and not ashamed of it.
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 26, 2014
I am a RVer wannabe, and not ashamed of it.

RVers catch flack about driving such behemoth vehicles that get poor gas mileage, which is true - they do use a honkin' lot of gas - but things balance out, IMO.

We wanted an RV to be able to travel comfortably with our critters.
I'm way to fastidious; getting worse with age, I think; to be a constant hotel resident when traveling.
RVing allows one to be more flexible about plans. Since our RV life will be a "life" and not a vacation, I don't want to be tied down to having to be at certain places at certain times - an inherent fact about vacationing.

Andy Baird, whose blog was initially quite fascinating but is now rarely updated, laid out this argument, which has a lot of merit

Saving the Earth at 8mpg
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 26, 2014
Well, it's here. These last weeks, we've been talking so much about the RV that we have decided to tag our rig with the name 'Arvee' (ar-VEE).

BIG. Parked in front, it makes our house disappear. I can't believe we bought one that big. All these years, I blithely bookmarked RV models, saying "I think 26 feet will work for us. I know that we don't want anything bigger than 28 foot." And what do we end up with? A 32 footer. doh face

We didn't get to do much with it on my weekend except get the generator started (loud) and roll out the slides, run water to make sure the lines worked (the water pump is LOUD) and explore the layout. One thing about these rigs - the mechanics are loud. The RV salesman swept his hands around and said "boy, this baby is clean!" to which I politely nodded but my OCD senses immediately caught the presence of dirt that his crew missed. First day I get that I am rested, I'm going through there with a vacuum cleaner, lemon oil, bleach spray, and Windex.

One of the first things I noted was that we'll need some sort of windshield curtain for privacy and to keep the sun from blasting through. Dh was rummaging around in the basement area and said "BONUS!" Apparently the previous owner had the same idea, leaving us the windshield bra they had purchased

One thing that was NOT a bonus was the sewer hose. The dealership gave us a $50 certificate towards purchases in their store so Dh got a top-of-the-line sewer hose. I casually said "so, I guess the old one was tossed as a sanitation measure?"

Dh: "nope, it's still in the RV."


::squawk:: "that thing better be in a bag!"

Dh: "nope, it's just lying, coiled in the basement storage."


That was Dh's first task: don a hazmat suit and get that nasty thing out of there. Both ends are capped, but still ..... I'll be going over that area with bleach and a scrub brush. Damn. Did the previous owners think we were going to reuse their old poop tube? :lips

As it typical of dealers, the front license plate is a shill for their business. That gets yanked off, toot sweet. I found a website that takes submitted pictures and turns them into plates. This will be on the front of Arvee

We are definitely heading toward a major life change. I don't think Dh is as enthusiastic about living in such a small space as I am (which is why I'm looking at the best states to provide us with a winter domicile. someplace where we can have a small-small house) but I look forward to just paring down all the crap we've accumulated over the last 30 years and having a simple travel life.
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 26, 2014
Zelda –

Yes, I’ll be doing the upholstery stuff myself. Now that we have the rig, I got a chance to really poke and prod. Unless the RV is a million dollar job, everything is done in a time=$$ fashion, ergo – git ‘er done mode. I noticed that the valances around the windows are merely fabric stapled to frame. Then the whole thing is screwed into the body. Shouldn’t be hard to redo. The back cushions for the dinette are simply sewn around the cushion and zippered. The zipper part might be hard; haven’t done one of those since Home Ec, in high school; but I’ll just take my time. The sofa is going to be replaced by two small recliners, down the line, so I’m not going to bother. But I did give them a good scrub with foamy cleaner to clear out the farts. Heh.

TVs in the bunk beds – one came out, the other is so firmly anchored that Dh was afraid of stripping the screw. Luckily, it is the top bunk, where the cat will likely have her abode. Shouldn’t be a problem. We’re still debating the pet housing issue. I think it’s going to take several trips to decide if we want to add kennels, or let them roam sort of free, cobbling together small gates to confine them to certain sections.

Maps and GPS – Dh wants GPS, but I’m Map Girl. I want to see the whole area laid out in front of me, not just listen to some droning voice telling me to make turns. GPS for me is just to let us know of upcoming road hazards/construction. I’ve always been a Rand McNally user, but reading RVSue’s blog, I got turned on to Benchmark Maps They are more detailed for back road and boondocking prospects. I ordered several of the western states (Montana – Glacier Nat’l Park, and Yellowstone are the very first real trips on our itinerary), opened the Montana map and immediately motioned Dh to check it out, saying “This map lists the locations of all the missile silos and also displays the names of the major ranches in the state. KEWL!”

Map software for my laptop is another must, I just haven’t had time to research it. I’m going to be the navigator and trip planner for this lifestyle, so I get to decide on the tools I use.

Since the RV is used (three years old/14k miles) we didn’t get a warranty, but bought extended service plans. Paid through the nose for those puppies but, given our total lack of experience and the fact that RV repairs can be way expensive, we decided to bite the bullet. We also got about 5 lbs of manuals with the rig, all jumbled into a plastic bag. It looks like my first task will be to get them sorted out. Seems to be documentation for every part of the vehicle, even the appliances. There was even the sales sheet for the previous owner. Oy, RVs depreciate fast. It’s a 2011, but we got it for almost 30k less than the first owner paid for it.

I’m on my third notepad of listing stuff that we’ll need/want to make RV life comfortable. Most of my projects (redoing the fabric) will have to wait until after the New Year, when we have all of Dh’s doctor bills paid off.
Re: Any other RVers here?
July 26, 2014
Looks great!
Re: Any other RVers here?
August 01, 2014
that looks fantastic! All the best for the new life smiling smiley I can totally see the attraction, I'm quite tempted myself.
Re: Any other RVers here?
August 02, 2014
Ooh, that looks so cool! I'm jealous, as I've always wanted an RV. The ability to leave anywhere, anytime speaks to my nomadic roots. Keep us updated on how it's going.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Any other RVers here?
August 02, 2014

Yes, I’ll be doing the upholstery stuff myself. Now that we have the rig, I got a chance to really poke and prod. Unless the RV is a million dollar job, everything is done in a time=$$ fashion, ergo – git ‘er done mode. I noticed that the valances around the windows are merely fabric stapled to frame. Then the whole thing is screwed into the body. Shouldn’t be hard to redo. The back cushions for the dinette are simply sewn around the cushion and zippered. The zipper part might be hard; haven’t done one of those since Home Ec, in high school; but I’ll just take my time. The sofa is going to be replaced by two small recliners, down the line, so I’m not going to bother. But I did give them a good scrub with foamy cleaner to clear out the farts. Heh.

TVs in the bunk beds – one came out, the other is so firmly anchored that Dh was afraid of stripping the screw. Luckily, it is the top bunk, where the cat will likely have her abode. Shouldn’t be a problem. We’re still debating the pet housing issue. I think it’s going to take several trips to decide if we want to add kennels, or let them roam sort of free, cobbling together small gates to confine them to certain sections.

thumbs upwink on the DIY upholstery - I envy your skills! I'm trying to do more (simple, home) projects - but I broke my sewing machine AGAIN! GAH! (Last time I jammed the whole bobbin race, popped the whole thing out - this time - thread is all wound up in the interior parts.) WTF? Will have to pull the entire front section of the machine off. Another Rainy Day Project for me. Sigh. How do I manage to do these things?

Stripped Screws: There's a way to work with these where you "file new grooves" into the screw head. Too many DIY's on this to link - just Google "Fixed stripped screw" and there's loads of info, videos and everything.

Now, on the latest pix - WOW! That looks like it's brand new! VERY NICE! And so big!!!

I don't know much about RVs but it looks like you picked a good one! thumbs upwink
Re: Any other RVers here?
August 02, 2014
We *might* check out this place before the end of camping season. It depends on if I can get time off from work

4 Paws Kingdom

It will be a good place to see what sort of issues might arise with the pupsters and get expert advice from other doggie campers. Plus, I am absolutely over the moon at the atmosphere of the place.


We are not a traditional “family campground” and we are not catering to families and/or campers with kids. We are very upfront about that. Four Paws Kingdom was designed as a safe and enjoyable place for all people who want to camp, play, hike, train or relax with their dogs. We do not advertise or market ourselves as a “Family Campground”, we always were and still are the first and only dog dedicated campground in the US and that’s what our guests love about us. All of our amenities and activities are specifically geared towards an adult target group. Scheduled events (whether for fun or sports) as well as functions (potlucks, catered dinners, quizzes, seminars, training sessions etc.) are directed towards a mature audience.

Somewhere else on the site, there is a stipulation that anyone over 14 or under 2 is allowed, but the overwhelming implication is that this is a campground for adults and their pets. Don't bring your kid along with the expectation that there is anything onsite for its entertainment.
Anonymous User
Re: Any other RVers here?
August 28, 2014



I like the puffy blankie on the bed! I need to buy or make a new one myself - that looks like something I might be able to make.

Speaking of - it popped into my head that I want a shipping container house! Like these -

I went looking for an example and found that - had to bookmark it. Container sellers and converters are shilling their wares on their too, ha. I probably could do this ~

The biggest obstacle would be finding a locale that would allow it. Around here? No way.


I wouldn't mind one of them though I think they can get very hot and very cold. there relativey cheap,stackable and esay to clad
Re: Any other RVers here?
September 20, 2014
Small update. Interior redecorating is underway. We visited a couple of fabric stores (one of the few times I could get Dh interested in textiles smile rolling left righteyes2 ) It's different, holding a swath of fabric to your shoulder and saying "how would this look to sit on?" We picked these two patterns for the dinette seats. The material will be repeated in the valance and panels I'm going to make for the windows. And we took down the pleated blinds. Damned things won't accordion correctly when you try and push them up, they just kind of ball up in a crooked mess. I don't think they were all that expensive, anyway. Just made of paper.

For all that the material looks a little frou-frou, it's quite sturdy upholstery fabric. I'll probably Scotch Guard it as well.

Now, when I peeled the old material off the cushions? Dammmn. I called Dh over and said "WTF is this?"

Brown spots.

Deeply embedded into the foam.

:lips :lips :lips :lips

I should have taken pictures but was intent on getting those things out of my sight by quickly dealing with that. I had laid the cushions on the floor for a few moments and watched as the dogs came up, *sniffed*, looked at me, then backed away. Even the cat --- Fiona walked up, gave 'em a smell and then looked up at me with her mouth open, as cats do when they get a whiff of strong odor. Dh thought it was funny "well, the previous owners had kids. the cushions are full of farts." I dispatched him to the backyard with disinfectant wash and the hose. Thankfully the days have been sunny and dry.
Re: Any other RVers here?
September 22, 2014
Dorisan -

I had heard that Scotchguard had been taken off the market due to dangerous chemicals. I went and looked and it looks like they have reformulated it -

So it is still available? I can't quite tell. Maybe there are other products like this that are more 'green' and 'pet friendly'? I myself would be mostly concerned for pets.

Or, you could do it the Olde Worlde Nana Way and get clear plastic slip covers made! High Style! thumbs upwink Make your own! I swear to Jah the other day I saw a TV ad for some upholsterer *making these things*.
But - it was on this one TV station that airs all the Oldies, Vintage TV and all that, and they do sometimes run Vintage Ads too. This may have been one. I hope it was. Does anyone still do this?
Re: Any other RVers here?
September 22, 2014
I had heard that Scotchguard had been taken off the market due to dangerous chemicals. I went and looked and it looks like they have reformulated it -

So it is still available? I can't quite tell.

The product is reformulated and still in business.
Re: Any other RVers here?
September 23, 2014
Scotch Guard - thanks for the updates, Zelda and Cassia

I guess I meant it as an adverb: to Scotch Guard (apply fabric protectant). I'll probably look around and see what is the best, whatever it's called.

Note to potential RVers with breathing difficulties: it's a good and bad thing, that our RV seems to be pretty airtight. Less loss of heat and cool air, depending on the temps we want, but RV construction involves formaldehyde and glues AND that's bad for someone with sensitive lungs, like me.

I've got the vents open and the ceiling fan running in the bathroom to pull clean(?) air through
Re: Any other RVers here?
September 23, 2014
Scotch Guard - thanks for the updates, Zelda and Cassia

I guess I meant it as an adverb: to Scotch Guard (apply fabric protectant). I'll probably look around and see what is the best, whatever it's called.

Note to potential RVers with breathing difficulties: it's a good and bad thing, that our RV seems to be pretty airtight. Less loss of heat and cool air, depending on the temps we want, but RV construction involves formaldehyde and glues AND that's bad for someone with sensitive lungs, like me.

I've got the vents open and the ceiling fan running in the bathroom to pull clean(?) air through

The off gassing of the main materials of newer RV's is many years,unfortunately.
I have multiple chemical sensitivities and the off gassing of those materials is a big problem for me.
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