Dealing with someone's grown awtard
August 25, 2014
I like to visit a local store every week where a bunch of other folks like to come down and hang out, often the entire day. And it was awesome until recently when I learned this grown-ass awtard has been staying all day too. Normally neither I nor anyone else would give a fuck, but this one has proven to be an asshole. Call him "Fuckbag."

The biggest problem with Fuckbag is he (and his woman) like to horf other people's food while contributing no money to its purchase. If someone orders a pizza for themselves and their buddies, Fuckbag and Fuckbagette will be the first to hustle their asses up to the box to grab a few slices each. More than once, people would order sheet pizzas and Fuckbag and Fuckbagette would pile their plates high with 7 or 8 slices each, and sometimes the folks who actually PAID for the fuckin' thing might only get a couple pieces, if that. I was told he'll load up his plate with several pizza slices and then line up several more all the way down his arm to maximize his loot load in one trip.

I think someone gave Fuckbag a talking to and now he asks permission (usually), but will take advantage of it. Someone says he can have a slice, he aims to horf as much as he wants. I got some pizza for myself and some friends to share between US and he asked if he could have a slice. That's fine, we had some leftovers and we're happy to share. But then he let me know he'd be eating the entire rest of our food, which was six or seven slices. Ummm, no. I also occasionally bring down homemade goodies for everyone and I'm concerned now that if I were to bring in a big plate of cookies or brownies or something, Fuckbag will walk away with half the plate. I admit I'm not good with confrontations, so I don't know if I'd have the balls to tell him to leave some for everyone else. And he never brings his own fuckin' food either. Hey, why would he when he can scarf other people's food?

Fuckbag is also socially awkward to say the least. And I don't mean he has a stupid laugh or has no concept of an indoor voice. He just says stupid shit. The subject of autism came up once or twice in someone's conversation - not in a bad way, just mentioned in passing - and he picked up on in while blabbering about, "Well I have Assburgers and I should be offended, but I won't be." He also decided good conversation material was telling us about how women think his cock is big, but that he just started banging Fuckbagette. I could understand maybe talking about such shit with really really close friends, but mixed company? None of us there are prudes by any stretch, but most of the rest of us also know each other. Fuckbag is a newbie, but it's just kinda... awkward. What do you say to that? Were we (a room full of mostly straight men) supposed to be impressed?

And I guess he's a Catlick because he was going on about Jesus a couple times and what would Jesus do, etc. Unfortunately, unless he starts harassing people or steals shit, I don't think the owners can bring down the banhammer, but he's definitely on everyone's shit list. Thankfully he doesn't talk to me much. I'm sure people just do their best to be nice to his ass because he's an awtard, but I kinda hope he does shit to get himself booted out for good.
Re: Dealing with someone's grown awtard
August 26, 2014
I would think the constant bumming of food is harassment.
Re: Dealing with someone's grown awtard
August 26, 2014
he (and his woman)

He has a woman? :eh??

And he's at this store all day, every day? Never buying anything? He should get kicked out for that, especially if people start complaining.
Re: Dealing with someone's grown awtard
August 27, 2014
I would suggest writing a letter expressing why you elect to eat somewhere else and try to get everyone who eats there regularly to sign it. Something about desiring to come back once the food grifting stops.

How gross and breederish! All your food are belong to me!
Re: Dealing with someone's grown awtard
August 27, 2014
Shockingly, he does have a woman and she's relatively hot too. So maybe there is something to the huge cock claims. She's obviously not with him for his looks, intellect or money.

I don't know if he's there every single day, but there's always stuff going on on the weekends at the store... some stuff during the week, but the biggest events are on Friday and Saturday. For the last couple months, he's been there every time I went and I only go for the weekend stuff. I have no idea if he actually buys stuff either. To be fair, the owners don't hassle people if they stay all day and don't buy anything... they've never hassled me, anyway. So it's not even so much that he might not be buying anything - just that he was taking food and now takes advantage of people's kindness when they give in to his begging. Do I wish the owners would ban him? Yes. But like I said, I don't think they will unless he starts fights, steals stock, gets in someone's face, etc. He's annoying, but doesn't pose a threat yet. He's on thin ice, for sure.

Also, when people get food, they usually have it delivered to the store so they can hang out and do their stuff without interruption. So it's not a matter of having to pick a new place to eat. It's just that Fuckbag would help himself to other people's delivered food. It's definitely not gonna stop me from going. I'll be damned if some tard is gonna stop me from enjoying my weekends with my friends. The owners know what a shitstain he is because he's mooched off their food before too, but like I said, I think one of them talked to his dumb ass about it and now he begs instead of just taking.

Part of me wonders if he owners are reluctant to ban him because he might tell everyone they threw him out for being an Asspie. This is a small town and I'm sure if word spread that any local business banned a tard of any kind, people would be hating on them.
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