First it was The People of Walmart, now there's People on Airplanes
November 16, 2014
Manicuring your toenails, sticking your bare feet through the gap in the seat, trashing the aisles gawd. It's like traveling in a pig sty.


There's a NSFW section that I'm not going to open, here at work, but I found the original link on Yahoo News and they showed a guy with his hands down his pants. And not in an Al Bundy sort of way :lips

Last time I flew was in 1996. It didn't seem bad then, but if air travel is now like what one sees in these pictures, I'm never flying again. Any family members die, I'm going to suggest they be put on ice until I can drive to the destination of the funeral.
Re: First it was The People of Walmart, now there's People on Airplanes
November 17, 2014
I, unfortunately, worked in those metal tubes until 2000. That behavior was normal even then. After one such flight, the cleaners were on strike, and the lead flight attendant made us clean the mess. Without gloves. I spent a week in bed with the flu. And requested to never work with that lead asshole again. This is why I was so happy to work in a boarding kennel after. It was more sanitary dealing with animal feces than human trash. smile rolling left rightsmile openmouthed shock
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