Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
December 20, 2014
The past few months, on the first night or two of my period, I have had dreams that not only am I as knocked up as a tick, but most all of the time, I'm popping the little being out. It is a VERY bizarre thing, because the dreams are not nightmares. In them, I'm some sort of pod person of myself, and actually happy about it all. Wake up thinking "what in the actual FUCK was THAT all about"??!! Even though I wake up more in a puzzled state than a horrified state, they have not served to sway my CF-ness in the LEAST BIT! Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2

Has/does this happen to anyone else?
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
December 20, 2014
Has/does this happen to anyone else?

Nuh uh.

But, along with bloating and general discomfort, my PMS days were often accompanied by a vast burst of energy and a compulsion to clean and organize. Mentioning that to some of the women in my family who were mothers, they said "oh, that's just your hormones triggering a nesting instinct. (stab/) If you had ever had kids, you'd understand that better (/stab)"

Yeah, whatever. The "nesting instinct" must have been the last time of their lives that those women ever did do housework, most of their homes were dirty and covered in kid crap. My house has always been relatively neat and tidy, it's just that one or two days a month when I turned into a cleaning dervish.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
December 20, 2014
No. I have never had a dream like that. I've never dreamed I was pregnant, let alone happy about it.

Shrieking babbies are the most effective birth control on earth.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
February 25, 2015
I've had those, but in my dreams I was always extremely upset about being... infested. The last one I had was a few years ago, and I distinctly remember thinking, "Well, shit. That's it. My life's officially over now."

It's horrible, too, 'cause the dreams are always so realistic. I actually woken up and checked my stomach in a panic, thinking it was all really happening.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
February 26, 2015
strange aeons
It's horrible, too, 'cause the dreams are always so realistic.

Mine are super-realistic too, which really leaves me waking up with the WHUUUUT THA FUUUUCK thoughts. In the dreams, I'm just some sort of ditzy-happy thing, when in real life, I'd probably kill myself.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
March 28, 2015
Not so much a pregnancy dream, but a nightmare.

I dreamt that I had a tard for a grown son and he was violent and tried to kill me. This was last night. It was absolutely horrifying. I had NO idea where he came from, but people were telling me he was my son, even though I had no memory of raising him or anything. Every time I was left alone with him, he would grunt, growl and then go for my throat.

I know that some people have experienced this in real life with their adult tards. It is a life that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. I just had a taste of it in a nightmare last night, and I must say, it was fucking awful.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 01, 2015
Happened to me once. I dreamt that a friend of mine came over with papers from a doctor that said I was pregnant with triplets. Then I looked down and realized I had an enormous loaf bump all of a sudden. I started bawling and he tried to console me by saying "Look at the bright side, imagine the amount of pretty clothes you'll get to buy them!", which made me cry even harder.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 09, 2015
I never had one in my life...until last night. I went to the doctor's office for some unrelated blood test and while I was there he told me I was pregnant. I immediately asked to schedule an appointment to take care of it, and he said if I was that sure of it, he might as well take care of it immediately.

So he got out this implement that looked like salad tongs and I was afraid it was going to hurt. The tongs get stuck in me and he grips something and starts pulling at it, meanwhile pulling me all over the office floor and the ground (it was a dream, so somehow I was outside for part of this). I remember I was glad he was dragging me fast enough that I was elevated and thus not dragging through the dog shit that was on the ground. I was also pleasantly surprized that it didn't hurt that much, and remarked that it hurt less than sterilization. At this point the tongs fly free and he pricks my ear and gets a blood sample and says that it's good it didn't hurt much, because it didn't work and he's got to do it again. So once again he starts the procedure.

Then the doctor started saying that it wasn't really any of his business if someone goes on vacation without her partner and comes back pregnant, but that must be why I want the abortion. He's saying this in front of an audience of two guys I don't know who happen to be walking around outside while he's dragging me around, who he does appear to know. At this point I get mad and tell him I'd get an abortion no matter what, because I'm sterilized and there's a reason I'm sterilized, and it's none of his business who I have sex with. I also get very worried about this point because a pregnancy means that the sterilization didn't work and now I'm going to have to undergo it again. I'm furious with my current doctor for his slut shaming and the doctor who sterilized me for failing at it.

At this point the tongs come free and I have this sort of popping feeling in my uterus of something coming free. I know it worked, and I woke up feeling utter relief.

Since I'm having my period the dream didn't leave any lingering fears, also because I behaved as I expect I would. It's more WTF kind of abortion did I imagine? I haven't had one, but I'm pretty sure they don't go like that!
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 10, 2015
The closest thing I had to a pregnancy dream was actually a dream of a good friend deciding he wanted me to have his baby. Long story short, we met at a writing group and he told me that he and his wife were CF. Cool, I thought, as openly CF is uncommon in the south. We became good friends quickly and about 4 months into our friendship his wife got baby rabies, to the point of threatening divorce. He was upset when he told me this because he did love her, they married with the agreement be CF and he had just had his consultation for a vasectomy and scheduled it for a few weeks later. He texted me upset his wife was now opposed to the vasectomy (it was a lengthy text chat) and I told him I thought he should go ahead with the V but continue to be honest with his wife.
So the day he goes to get snipped, his wife has a supposed change of heart and announces she wants to have another man's baby. So she takes friend to get snipped and he is loopy from Valium but still awake and texting me lots of goofy stuff during his vasectomy. No big deal.
Then I fall asleep right after that text and dream he has convinced me to have his baby since his wife is now 8 months pregnant. To my dismay, I look down to find myself with a 6 month baby bump and no chance to abort.
Thank god I woke up, and no, I was then and am still only platonic friends with this man, and my husband got snipped the month after we married.
I guess it doesn't say much for me (or maybe it does) that I inspire men to get snipped.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 10, 2015
I wasn't going to say anything about this - because it's OT / not a pregnancy dream. However - things that came to light today made me rethink this. I am thinking this may be an example of why we should pay attention to dreams because they might mean something. And of course if you have a pregnancy dream and there are specifics - you should *watch* for such things.

I believe I have said before that I have had some "prophetic dreams". Pretty sure I had another one Wednesday night.

This is what it was ~

Picture 'sliding into bed' with someone. OK, you sit on the edge of the bed, put the covers back, and 'slide in' / lie down, etc. In the dream I had I was doing this with my exH. Except we weren't sliding into a bed - we were sliding into a *pond* - the way one would 'get into bed'. We sat at the edge of the pond and then lied down on the pebbles, scooted under the water - as if going to sleep. ???

Then the water was much darker, black really, and I saw twisted dead (no leaves) trees.

The next thing I know I'm in some kind of an office (not where I work) or - not sure? it had 'half doors'. Old time banks had those, I've never seen such things in person. Me and other people were running around this office - because there was a Lion in there. I slammed one of these half doors to block the Lion, it just came round the other way lol. And then I woke up.

It was oddly disturbing and I thought - what the hell could this mean? I never dream about my exH either.

Thursday - I told my friend about this and then remarked - maybe it's something to do with the storms that are supposed to come? Bad storms had been predicted, water and dead trees could be connected to that. But what about the Lion? That doesn't fit. Unless the storms strike a nearby zoo and there will be Lions running around.

Well, normally lazy me decided to take precautions against these incoming storms - just in case. I got the pumps, generator, and storm windows ready.

And at apx 6 pm last night (Thursday) - the storms hit. BAD. HUGE Tornados caused very bad damage, killing two, injuring many, and literally flattening a small town NW of here. All TV channels went to storm coverage by 8 pm. last night, it was *extremely bad*.

Here's a story about it, with videos of the monster Tornados -

Today (Fri) there were more pix and TV people could get more video of the damage. One thing I saw - looked exactly like the blackened pond and twisted trees I had seen in my dream.

It occurred to me - my exH has relatives that live out that way ~
So that maybe accounts for him.

But what about the Lion? I am most familiar with 'this area' and the two zoos that are here. I was reading a story about these storms, here -

Where I saw this -

The Summerfield Zoo in Belvidere, in Boone County, said it was also hit by a tornado, and two animals were killed. The zoo said no employees were hurt, and the remaining animals were accounted for and noted that the facility was severely damaged.

A Zoo. I am not familiar with that area and had no idea there was a zoo there. I looked it up and they call it a "Zoo and Farm".

A farm would have half doors.

There is no doubt in my mind that this *absolutely was* a prophetic dream - it all lines up, and some of the damage pix I saw today exactly matched what I saw in the dream.

So why I am telling you all this is - if you have a pregnancy dream that is very detailed - you should REMEMBER those details - just in case. It might mean nothing - or - it could be a WARNING and you should pay attention. In fact a friend of mine told me once that she had a dream when young where she was given a name and warned away from that person because he would make her pregnant. And years later she met a guy with an almost exact match of the name - so she steered way clear of him.

You should pay attention to dreams. They might mean something. Let's consider Yurble's dream here. Sure it sounds crazy - salad tongs? But it might me something. You should remember this, Yurble. It could mean something like - you will get a new SO, who might be a vegetarian. Were they like the 'old style' salad tongs that were connected together and made of a brown 'Tortoise shell' type plastic? However they looked - you should keep your eyes out for men who may own such a thing. Maybe your sterilization *did fail* - and the salad tongs mean something about who you may meet. I have also seen over sized forks and spoons meant to be hung up in a kitchen as decorations. Keep that in mind too, if you should meet anyone who has such things or even see such things in a restaurant or something.

Vivid and disturbing dreams may mean something. Pay attention. Keep the details in the back of your mind - just in case. As we can see here - this dream I had Wednesday night was obviously a portent of the storms to come. In fact it inspired me to prepare for the storms, otherwise I might've been lazy and thought - eh, they never come 'here'. And it wasn't that bad here but I thought I'd better prepare - just in case.

It makes you wonder about the nature of reality - having such prophetic dreams. How can one know the future? What does this mean about time and existence then? As well as the spirit world? I read a story about musician Johnny Cash once, that both him and his mother had a 'very bad feeling' about his one brother going to work one day, they even begged him to stay home. He was killed on the job that day.

Pay attention to dreams and hunches. They may mean something.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 11, 2015
You should pay attention to dreams. They might mean something. Let's consider Yurble's dream here. Sure it sounds crazy - salad tongs? But it might me something. You should remember this, Yurble. It could mean something like - you will get a new SO, who might be a vegetarian. Were they like the 'old style' salad tongs that were connected together and made of a brown 'Tortoise shell' type plastic? However they looked - you should keep your eyes out for men who may own such a thing. Maybe your sterilization *did fail* - and the salad tongs mean something about who you may meet. I have also seen over sized forks and spoons meant to be hung up in a kitchen as decorations. Keep that in mind too, if you should meet anyone who has such things or even see such things in a restaurant or something.

Connected style but metal, I guess also similar to BBQ tongs. I'm not in the market for a new SO and I'm not really worried about the sterilization failing. I'm an atheist so I think the most likely explanation for prophetic dreams is our natural desire to see connections. It's like when you think of someone and then that person calls, you might be impressed by the coincidence but you're also discounting the previous times you thought of the person and they didn't immediately call you.

But I'll let you know if oversized kitchen utensils figure in to my future. I hope not: they don't seem like something that would be popular with anyone in the age group I'd be interested in.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 11, 2015
Mumof6birds - That is just a horrible dream. I would probably jerk awake scared to death.

Yurble & Evilchildlessbitch - Very bizarre. Isn't it funny how dreams can be that way?

Zzelda - Very unsettling.

Awesominatrix - Sort of funny, not being knocked up with triplets, but that the friend would find something as trivial as clothing to be a cheering up point.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 12, 2015
Meh. Personally I think prophetic dreams are nonsense and it's more a case of self-fulfilling prophecy than anything else. You want/expect it to happen, so you subconsciously do things that will make it happen, or you give significance to real events which are purely coincidental out of a desire to see a connection.

There's a rational explanation for everything (prophecies, psychics, ghost sightings, etc.) but most people just can't be bothered looking for it.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
April 12, 2015
strange aeons
Meh. Personally I think prophetic dreams are nonsense and it's more a case of self-fulfilling prophecy than anything else. You want/expect it to happen, so you subconsciously do things that will make it happen, or you give significance to real events which are purely coincidental out of a desire to see a connection.

There's a rational explanation for everything (prophecies, psychics, ghost sightings, etc.) but most people just can't be bothered looking for it.

I do believe in these things and do know of others with similar experiences. However, IMO, that doesn't mean it's "the spirit world". It could have something to do with magnetism, electricity, perhaps even some kind of a 'time slip'.

The brain does have 'electrical' features also, people can get epilepsy, and etc.

Therefor - I would like *an actual scientific answer* to these things.

I have some friends who are big into 'mystical' and 'new age' type of things. Or, maybe not 'big into' but they read enough about and will forward me some things. I told them I draw the line at any 'indigo child' type of BS so don't be sending me no crazy crap. They are also skeptical of such things.

I will read about some of it myself, too.

Here's an interesting thing I found -

A Yale paper I will give a bit more credence to. I found the date of this interesting as well.

Who knows what's going on? What if - someone does know?*

Or, maybe it is The Spirit World ~
The truth is out there ~

grinning smiley

*Actually, back on a serious note - many of the 'mystical bs' may be a smoke screen. Red herrings meant to throw you off. This is done with other things such as "secret societies" - many of those, esp. in EU during various wars were 'fronts' for subversive and resistance groups. Any 'mysticism' was meant to throw people off / write them off as kooks. And of course this tactic can be used in other ways.

Hence - I'm always looking for more 'solid' info. It's too bad that there isn't like a simple manual or textbook explaining it all. I wish. Do you think they may have something like that on Amazon? I also need to know the history of everything and how the entire Universe works. You would think somebody like Chilton's (publishes auto repair manuals) would have something like this. Ha.
Hey - what if they do?

That would be funny, huh? They're maybe shaking their heads thinking - all you people, chasing your tails, we got the manual right here! LOL

I think it's all fascinating stuff, in any case. And I try to keep an open mind about most of it.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams :wtf
May 21, 2015
I know the last post on this was a month ago, but I also recently had a horrifying nightmare about being suddenly pregnant, and going immediately to perant planing to try and get an abortion, I don't even know if they do that there, but I remember the worst part was engorged lactational breasts that squirted when I squeazed them.two faces puking

I was so mortified when I woke up, I couldn't eat till dinner, wanted to take a pregnancy test (even though I know I haven't any reason to be concerned), and just felt very uncomfterble with my body, perticually my breasts after what I'd viewed vividly in my nightmare, cool thing was Mr exile was happy about the abortion in the dream, although admitidly disturbed by my sudden pregnancy dream in real life.

We figured out why I had it though. We ran out of condoms, so sex had still happened but just not penatration, in my mind the idea of sexual acts without a condom must have caused my brain to freak out, thinking I'll get pregnant, even though its not possible the way we compromised.

Sure as shit won't be letting the condom box run out again, if safe alternative forms of sex means mentally scaring nightmares.
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