I went to my Niece's wedding, which contributed to the death of one of my pupsters. Honestly, I'm having a hard time getting past this. I haven't been to the board much because of being absorbed in all the fer shit things that have happened this past year. This was one of the worst things to ever happen and someone is going to get jumped if I don't find a way to cope.
Late September, my niece was getting married in my family's home state, 1000 miles from us. Her mother, my older sister,
begggged me and Dh to come. The groom's side of the family who planned to attend was enormous. The bride's side - be lucky to get a dozen family members there. So, I said "yes." For one, my older sister is the main caretaker to our mother, which is huge burden that I've been spared. Two: I've never been involved in any major life events of my family. We simply lived too far away and didn't want to use vacation time while we were working. I figured I owed my sister this.
We packed up most of the dogs in the RV and headed out. I say "most" because we left Dori behind to be boarded at the vet's. She had just had a large malignancy removed from her hip and still had the staples holding together the incision. I didn't want to put her through the rigors of a long trip. I should have also left Anjin behind. She had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure a few weeks before, and we were trying to get her adjusted to the diuretic and heart medicine the doctor prescribed. Yoshi was already on both kinds of pills because of COPD; getting their systems used to the strong stuff prescribed is quite onerous. We had her checked with the vet before leaving. He gave Anjin a tentative OK, telling us to make sure she is comfortable and not stressed. We thought it best she be with us rather than at the vet because of her anxiety issues when around strange people. So, one dog down, one we were very worried about, another who has a chronic health condition. Our trip did not start out well.
We take it slow; more than a week of traveling was done to get to Wedding Town. By the time we got there, Anjin was starting to fail. She stopped eating and was becoming lethargic and having trouble getting in an out of the RV on her own. To say we were worried was an understatement.
So, we attended the wedding. I think we were the attendees who had truly made the most effort to get there. I also helped get the wedding venue ready on the morning of the event. Niece didn't speak a word to us. No greeting at the wedding, no thank you for coming. She just hung out with her fellow Millennial friends after the ceremony. Meanwhile, Dh and I decided not to stick around for a family visit. We wanted to get Anjin home, so we rose at dawn the next morning, packed up and left. I sent Older Sister a text message to not expect to see us.
It took us four days to get home. I was healing up from a busted wrist and couldn't help drive, Dh couldn't drive much more than 200 miles/day (RV driving can be strenuous, especially getting over the Appalachians). As we were heading home, I was trying everything the vet recommended to keep Anjin going. Karo syrup for the calories, a dog supplement for the protein. It got to the point where I was having to force feed her with a dropper.
Friday we were home; I rushed her to the vet. He force fed her prescription food, gave us more to take home, and said to call if she started to get worse. Saturday, she seemed to rally, but by Sunday night, she was going downhill. I was up all night, listening to her cries as she struggled for breath. Monday morning seemed like it would never get there. Around 6am, Dh and I started to get dressed because we wanted to be at the vet's by the 7:30 opening. I checked the crate where we had settled her and shrieked Dh's name when I saw that she wasn't breathing.
She was gone.
I don't think anything ever struck my heart so hard. I'm starting to blubber, even typing this out almost three months later. Dh and I both held on to one another and cried; I was actually wailing. Never did that before. Seeing Anjin lifeless and sprawled on the pillow just sent me over the edge.
I'm thinking this is a lot of transference to my older sister and her wretch of a daughter; I need a target to lash out in pain and grief; but their behavior was insufferable. I asked Sister if Niece got her wedding gift; it had been sent by mail two months before. Sister goes "yes. Didn't you get a thank you card?" When I told her "no," Sister blithely replied "oh well, I'll pass the thanks to you for her." And, like I said, it was a hard drive to get there. Very expensive for us, considering I had thousands in doctor bills piling up because of my broken wrist; physically demanding with the RV as transportation; I was constantly worried about Dori and falling into a frantic state about Anjin. And the self-absorbed little cunt couldn't even take 2 minutes away from the ceremony to thank us for coming. We haven't even heard anything since. I checked etiquette sites to make sure I wasn't feeling entitled, but it is commonly held that a "thank you for attending" card is a proper thing to do.
Sister saw my tribute to Anjin on FB. Her attitude when we told her we weren't going to stick around and visit family because of Anjin was off-putting, but I guess she believed me when I made the announcement that Anjin died. I got an "oh, I'm so sorry" call from her, but haven't heard anything since. She may have picked up on my anger and decided to let time take care of the estrangement. I really don't know if I ever will let this go.
I so wish I hadn't made that trip. Odds are that Anjin would likely still be alive if we had kept her home, in her own comfortable environment, as her body adjusted to the harsh medicine. I can't get those final hours of her life out of my head. The gasping for breath, the crying, closing her eyes and washing her down with a face cloth as Dh made the arrangements to have her collected by the company who would cremate her and send her ashes back to us in an urn.
This morning I see a wedding picture of Niece and the groom heading back up the aisle, holding hands and grinning. I'm having a hard time not having a go at her on that. Sure, you self-absorbed little bitch, you and new hubby are grinning inanely while 2 miles away at the campground, my beloved dog is dying. She babbles on about being happy, while I continue to grieve over losing Anjin. Since Niece is a Friend on FB, I know she could see the pictures I posted and video of Anjin having a rumble with two other dogs, but not a peep. Not a condolence or anything.
I have a lot of hate in my heart for Niece and am quite pissed at my sister. She should have prodded her daughter to be polite to guests, maybe even point out to her that the trip was onerous and tragic for us, we deserved a special thanks and condolence. But nuthin'. Fucking nothing from either of them. I don't know how to get past this. I've been sitting here, white knuckles grasping the PC mouse, telling myself "don't type anything on her page. It'll just start a shitfest with the family." But I don't care. I really want to smack her, at least virtually.