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The (un)official Doctor Who thread

Posted by mistress rotwang 
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 10, 2017
I read a theory that the costume is a confused Doctor trying to figure out what a woman wears, which would make sense only if he didn't have almost exclusively female companions. If the Doctor always has period-accurate costumes in the TARDIS for both men and women, then why wouldn't the Doctor know how women dress in 2017?

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 11, 2017
paragon schnitzophonic
I read a theory that the costume is a confused Doctor trying to figure out what a woman wears, which would make sense only if he didn't have almost exclusively female companions. If the Doctor always has period-accurate costumes in the TARDIS for both men and women, then why wouldn't the Doctor know how women dress in 2017?

My personal theory is that the Doctor was born without a fashion sense. Once in a while they are lucky and get it right (like 9) but most of the time the Doctor thinks that rainbow factory explosion coats and decorative vegetables are a thing. Honestly, for the Doctor 13’s outfit is pretty normal and not too out there. The Doctor has ceased to give a fuck what people think of thier clothing, so they wear whatever ridiculous thing they find in the TARDIS or steal from a random hospital.

I am not convinced that the Doctor is too attached to thier own gender. They come from a species where changing gender seems to be a common occurrence so outside of a few areas (sex, and dealings with non- Gallifreyians/ Time Lords) I don’t see gender and gender expression as being as much of a concern as with humans and other gender binary species. Also, my headcannon is that most Time Lords reproduce asexually (looms) so gender roles aren’t a thing (I could write pages on my theories about Time Lord sexuality and intimacy, and how telepathy fits into that shit sandwich). The Doctor is not going to try to fit into someone’s stereotypical ideal of how a woman is going to dress because yellow suspenders and god awful blue pants are much more fun.

As an aside, in one of the Big Finish audio plays the 6th Doctor once stopped a battle became his god awful coat literally hurt some of the participants eyes.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 15, 2017
As an aside, in one of the Big Finish audio plays the 6th Doctor once stopped a battle became his god awful coat literally hurt some of the participants eyes.

grinning smiley This made my morning.

I think The Doctor has very little fashion sense and really doesn't worry about it too much. Too busy with running away from monsters, saving planets, offering Jelly Babies, repairing the Tardis, etc. Might try a few different things for a bit (like Eleven did for a short while), but eventually says "Meh" and wears whatever.

If the Doctor always has period-accurate costumes in the TARDIS for both men and women, then why wouldn't the Doctor know how women dress in 2017?
This is a good point. Every companion has been able to find things to suit them, so clearly the Doctor has noticed that clothing changes over time, and even keeps things for every period, so that does point to having a clue about how people dress...and just not particularly caring too much about how that applies to their own fashion choices.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 15, 2017
@randomcfchick, I just think that sometimes the Doctor just wants to troll thier companions by wearing something completely god awful. That is the only logical explanation for some of thier shitty fashion choices. That, and ceasing to give a fuck if they ever gave a fuck.

Except for 3. 3 was a bit of a dandy.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 15, 2017
Fashion trolling. Good point.

I finally have the last couple of discs of Capaldi coming via Netflix!! FINALLY. Sheesh.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 17, 2017
Fashion trolling. Good point.

I finally have the last couple of discs of Capaldi coming via Netflix!! FINALLY. Sheesh.

Especially 11. He perfected the art of fashion trolling with fezzes, bow ties, and Stetsons.

You haven’t seen all of Capaldi’s last season? I would get a box of tissues ready for the season finale. It took me a few days and writing a piece on toxic vs healthy masculinity involving the finale to get over it. Hell, I was sad until 13 was announced.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 17, 2017
Link to my piece on toxic vs healthy masculinity in the series 10 finale.

Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 17, 2017
Will keep Kleenex handy when the discs arrive, thanks.

Didn't follow your link because I assume there may well be spoilers. I'll be sure to look at it later, though.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 18, 2017
Will keep Kleenex handy when the discs arrive, thanks.

Didn't follow your link because I assume there may well be spoilers. I'll be sure to look at it later, though.

Yeah, it is totally spoiler city. Just wanted to link to it while I remember. I am very scatterbrained at times.

The finale is amazing but I sort of don’t want to watch it again for a long time. It is exceptional but heartbreaking all at the same time.

I already have my tickets to see the Christmas special in theaters. I am extremely excited that the Doctor is finally going to become a woman. I have wanted that for years, and it deserves big screen treatment.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 19, 2017
My husband got us tickets for the big-screen Christmas special, so I'm making sure I'm all caught up by then.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 19, 2017
My husband got us tickets for the big-screen Christmas special, so I'm making sure I'm all caught up by then.

I can’t wait. I am going to have to avoid the internet for a few days until I can see it.

My only problem is that the friend that I was going with has to deal with annoying family bullshit on that day so I am going with my dad. He is only part way through series 7 so he will not be caught up. I got him into Doctor Who as my revenge for getting me into Star Trek as a kid.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 23, 2017
GAH! The last discs won't be here before the movie. Oh well. Seeing it anyway. I'll watch 'em when they get here. Guess a lot of people did the same as me...requested the discs so they could catch up before the movie...so there's a huge demand.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
December 31, 2017
Damn it. I am going to miss Capaldi. For some reason when I left the theater there was mascara running down my face, and I have no clue how that happened.

That has to be one of the best, if not the best pre regeneration speech in the series (Pertwee’s and McGann’s come close). It was also like he was trying to influence his next self to be a more positive version. And the double meaning of “Doctor, I let you go” ie the most obvious being that he is letting go of being the Doctor, and the interpretation that I prefer where he is releasing his next self after holding back his regeneration for so long.

And Jodie Whittaker’s smile was completely adorable. And she continued the Nu Who tradition of completely trashing the TARDIS within a minute of regenerating. Can’t wait for the next season.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
January 03, 2018
Yeah I've noticed that NuWho pattern as well. Right after Thirteen did it, I thought that it could be a Bad Luck Brian-style meme: "Regenerates. Trashes tardis with one button." Someone should do a screen grab and make that.

Capaldi's pre-regeneration monologue was pretty fucking good. Paul McGann's is one of my faves as well. Eleven dragged on his regeneration monologue too long for my taste...but I may be biased against the guy, as he always struck me as a bit try-hard in everything he did.

Aside from adorability (yes, spell check, that's a word. Shut up.), I also like how about four different emotions crossed her face in such a short time before she even said anything.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
January 04, 2018
I always thought that Eleven sounds really drunk during a lot of his speeches. Especially the Pandorica one. Fezzes do kind of look like lampshades...

I love 13’s reaction when she sees her face. It is one of the few times that the Doctor doesn’t have anything bad to say about thier new face. Jodie Whittaker does have a very expressive face, and from what little we have seen of her she is going to be excellent. I just hope that the writers don’t drop the ball because if the next season goes sideways she is going to be the one blamed.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
January 04, 2018
If I remember correctly, Twelve didn't say anything bad about his face right after regenerating, just about the color of his new kidneys. beating with a lol hammer

I hope they trade out some of the writers. I don't remember who wrote what, but I've noticed that some can't write for female characters to save their lives. And yep, if the season sux, everyone will dog-pile on the fact that the Doctor's a woman. Bleah.

Wonder if she'll re-do the interior of the Tardis (since it looks like she burned it down on her way out).
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
January 14, 2018
Finished the last of the Capaldi discs. Damn. Was sad to see Bill go. She was great.

I did think of something later on: Bill showed genuine respect, affection, and love for the Doctor. I think she would have every reason to be seriously hot for Thirteen, and they likely wanted to avoid that whole romantic-tension-with-the-companion biz. I have no idea of the circumstances around Pearl Mackie's departure...if she wanted to continue or not...but they may have written her out because they didn't want a repeat of the whole Martha Crush.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
January 15, 2018
@randomcfchick, I am a bit disappointed that this is the end of Bill. She is one of my favorite NuWho companions. I was under the impression that Mofffat wanted to give Chibnall a blank slate for 13.

Yeah, I could definitely see Bill crushing on 13 a lot, and having 13 be oblivious to the whole situation (or confused). I am sort of glad that they won’t have another companion completely fall in love with the Doctor thing with Bill because I feel like that would cheapen her as a character. I am not fond of Doctor/companion ships and there are only a few that make sense to me (4/ Romana 2 because they are both Time Lords and because Baker and Lalla Ward were actually married in real life, 3/Liz Shaw because she was his intellectual equal and would not have been lovesick and annoying, and I put up with 10/Rose because it is cannon even though I hate it and why don’t people realize that she is just a midlife crisis for him instead of romanticizing it). However, that is coming from a Doctor/ Master shipper so my opinion on that matter is biased (except for Simm!Master because I fucking hate that regeneration of the Master because he is literally the worst and The Doctor Falls just confirms my shitty opinion of him). It is so much more entertaining watching some of Classic Who (especially 3 and the Delgado!Master because they bicker like an old married couple) and imagining them arguing about who gets the good recliner after the divorce. I also like the collision of two powerful, near godlike beings and all of the fuckery that goes along with that.

I liked the friendship between Bill and the Doctor. It seems like he was one of the first people in her life to accept her for who she is and help her to realize her potential. I like seeing the Doctor in more of a mentor role to thier companions.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
January 16, 2018
Looks like it's gonna be another "lots of planets have a north"...they're not requiring that Jodie Whittaker use RP in the role. Cool.

I think Nine was the first Doctor to keep his own accent...all the old-school Doctors were in the era where RP was standard practice.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
February 18, 2018
Eh, I'm not happy about a female doctor. Ten years ago, I would have been delighted. But after a decade of gender fluid and trans BS jammed down my throat, I'm hoping it bombs.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
February 25, 2018
Eh, I'm not happy about a female doctor. Ten years ago, I would have been delighted. But after a decade of gender fluid and trans BS jammed down my throat, I'm hoping it bombs.

And after having a fucking lifetime of having mostly male main characters shoved down my throat to the point of disengaging with the majority of most forms of entertainment I want it to succeed. Just in the hope that it will expand the types of female characters portrayed from fucking endless “girlfriend”/ other support type roles that are boring as fuck. If I look at the cast for a TV show and the first three or four names listed are male I refuse to watch it just for that reason. I also refuse to watch it if the female characters do not have the same level of depth as the male characters. It has greatly reduced my tv watching.

Doesn’t mean that I have stopped side eyeing the shit out of the BBC considering this should have happened in 1982. In a world were Joanna Lumley and Lalla Ward exist there is no excuse for it to take until 2017 for a woman to be cast as the Doctor.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread
March 03, 2018
We switched cable packages (company was running a special deal) and now we have BBC America! I'll be able to watch Thirteen's debut!
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