Does anyone out there know someone who is a transcriptionist
October 03, 2017
Hey guys,

I'm in correspondence school right now, getting my degree in medical transcription. So far, I've been getting good grades.

I'm wondering if anyone out there knows someone who does this for a living? I'm hoping to find someone who does this, where I can learn the pros and cons of the business.

If you know someone and feel comfortable about passing on my name, please PM me. I won't say where I met you, I promise.

Re: Does anyone out there know someone who is a transcriptionist
October 07, 2017
Depending on what system Canada goes to, it may not be worth you doing. We recently went with the computer automatically transcribing the doctors notes as they are speaking and the hospitals let their transcriptionists go. If they haven't done that yet, I would continue with it because one was making 25 cents a line. If you can swing it, I would add on medical coding once you become a transcriptionist to broaden out where you can go.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Re: Does anyone out there know someone who is a transcriptionist
October 08, 2017
I was actually thinking of adding on medical coding and editing as part of my schooling. I did some research about the job beforehand, and they are saying that it is growing again. I'm not sure about the States, but there seems to be some work available in Canada.

My sister also knows two people who do it for a living, so it could be promising, depending on how I can expand on it. I don't expect to make a lot of money, but something to help out after my husband retires.

We are also looking at selling our house and buying something further out in the country. If we buy a reno property, we could buy one outright and get rid of our mortgage, and just take out a loan for the reno work. We've been tossing around some ideas, mainly so my husband can retire and we can have a small income.

Thank you for posting, I appreciate hearing from someone who works in the medical field, and who can help me make a decision on whether or not to further my schooling. I still have some time to go on my transcription program, but so far things are going quite well.
Re: Does anyone out there know someone who is a transcriptionist
October 08, 2017
Def look in to medical coding. Many jobs here in California require it.

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Re: Does anyone out there know someone who is a transcriptionist
October 13, 2017
Another vote for coding. Not a transcriptionist myself, but a friend of mine did pretty much what you're doing...changed careers, went to school for it, and added coding later on. It gave her more job and pay options, and later on she commented that she was glad she added coding, because transcription is changing and shrinking. She's been working steadily since she finished her schooling, and seems to be doing fine.
Re: Does anyone out there know someone who is a transcriptionist
December 02, 2017
Here in California, you definitely need coding.

Shrieking babbies are the most effective birth control on earth.
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