Kate Spade
June 05, 2018
I remember seeing media reports at one time that her marriage was troubled and on the verge of splitting because her husband wanted kids and she did not.

She ended up having one child.

She was found in her apartment, apparently a suicide-by-hanging. She left a note.

If someone is depressed enough to kill himself/herself, there are obviously many factors involved, but I wonder...……….
Re: Kate Spade
June 06, 2018
I read she left a note that basically just said "ask daddy"
Re: Kate Spade
June 06, 2018
Her older sister is saying that KS suffered from major mental illness and had contemplated suicide before. The sister attributes the mental illness to KS's inability to handle stardom.
Re: Kate Spade
June 06, 2018
Her older sister is saying that KS suffered from major mental illness and had contemplated suicide before. The sister attributes the mental illness to KS's inability to handle stardom.

I think it has less to do with stardom and more to do with being a meat puppet for her husband - I'll never understand why someone would do something as life-changing as having a kid to please someone else.

Dunno how old the kid is but if she left a note saying 'ask daddy' then there's a good chance the kid is at least old enough to read. I also don't know how long post natal depression lasts, but if KS developed PND on top of an already major depressive disorder, then she was a ticking time bomb.
Re: Kate Spade
June 06, 2018
if KS developed PND on top of an already major depressive disorder, then she was a ticking time bomb.

Sure sounds like she was. Apparent Robin Williams' suicide really shook her.
Re: Kate Spade
June 06, 2018
None of us have any way to know why she killed herself. It's a tragedy and has nothing to do with CF issues. I find it to be in extremely poor taste to assume that her mental illness has anything to do with her child. This thread should be locked and the poor woman should RIP.
Re: Kate Spade
June 06, 2018
Whoa. Obviously I should have been more clear in my original post and added some context.

I did not mean to suggest her mental illness is due to her child. When the story first broke, I was remembering her difficulties with her husband. IMO, the definition of "unsupportive spouse" is someone who badgers his/her partner to have a child when they aren't sure or don't want to. The humane thing to do is break up. If she had mental issues, perhaps he was not the most supportive partner given their past struggles to stay married.

Granted, this is all speculation. And I have baggage on this subject, having divorced a WannaBreed. I can't see how a relationship where one person compromises on the child issue can have long-term happiness, but Hell what do I know? Lard knows, I see it happen all the time so some people must get past it.

Even if they were able to build a good marriage and support each other, sadly, it's not always enough. Mental illness sucks. It's a shame that she felt this was her only option and I'm sorry to see another human suffer. And having lost a parent when I was in elementary school, I feel nothing but sorrow for her kid. I hope she has people in her life who love her because she is going to need them.

Perhaps this topic should be moved to the Patio.

P.S. Nobody ever said this place was a bastion of good taste. That's one of the reasons I like it.
Re: Kate Spade
June 06, 2018
Her kid is 13
Re: Kate Spade
June 07, 2018
Her husband has confirmed they were separated for the past 10 months but says they had not talked about divorce.
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