Hi, I finally got a working mouse so that I can quit trying to type on a tablet keyboard. Well, she told me I insulted her parents by calling them "breeders". I've gotten to the point I consider all who have children that are not adopted to be breeders. She says I hate children...I certainly don't care for them but wouldn't harm them or tolerate their being harmed. I don't know why she's so fucking upset as she's never wanted children--probably because my slaggy SIL has a couple. They're pretty good kids, but I'm just not comfortable around them,
Also, right now, the political situation isn't the firmest for LGBT people, so I am concerned about that. She's just basically stuck her head in the ground and refuses to engage. It's like she's walking around in this self-imposed bubble. I realize that if I am to have any hope of her returning, I will simply have to accept not discussing it with her.
And well, I guess she can't deal with unvarnished truth. Also she was going to school and working. She was working to get her CNA and then wanted to go on to nursing school. If she cannot deal with working and studying to get through a CNA class, how is she going to work and get through nursing school?
So now I am working with my counsellor to see what I can do on my end. And thus it stands for the moment.
PS I'm 65 and my wife will be 42 in a few weeks. I don't know if she could deal with a pet. I know they have wolfdogs at her parents' but that's way too big for our little place. And cats are out because she is severely allergic to them.