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Extreme climate change is already here

Posted by ondinette 
Extreme climate change is already here
May 09, 2020

Many places are seeing temperatures too hot to survive, which were not expected until the middle of the century. The article does not mention overpopulation, but we all know that is the ultimate cause.
Re: Extreme climate change is already here
May 09, 2020
I am rather tired of hearing that it is only a matter of consumption. It is a matter of consumption AND population. If we wanted to have the lowest ecological footprint, we'd live as hunters and gatherers...and then there would only be room for a few million of us.

When I talk about overpopulation, I'm talking about all of us, in every country. It cannot be denied that if there were only 1 billion people, even consuming at the rate of, say, western Europe, the world would not be in such dire shape. Of course it would be in even better shape if the same billion people were consuming at a much lower rate.

It's not an either/or. It's a both.
Re: Extreme climate change is already here
May 09, 2020

Many places are seeing temperatures too hot to survive, which were not expected until the middle of the century. The article does not mention overpopulation, but we all know that is the ultimate cause.

Meanwhile, this morning in western PA it is Snowing! Weather is just messed up and all know its because of too many kids.
Re: Extreme climate change is already here
May 09, 2020
I work with a fair amount of right wingers and unfortunately I hear a lot of them say, how about that Global Warming? when things get cold. Nobody ever said it wouldn't be cold again in some places, but global warming in particular means more weather fluctuations and weather extremes: more tornados, more hurricanes, more fluctuations and drastic changes, which we are certainly seeing already.

ETA: And I'm also tired seeing it's a matter of consumption. Even most environmentalists cannot seem to restrain themselves from mindlessly sprogging, which makes them look like extreme hypocrites, which of course they ARE. You know, hypocrisy is the universal human trait we can all count on: do as I say, not as I do; I'm exempt from the rules everyone else should follow; the only moral abortion is my abortion, etc.
Re: Extreme climate change is already here
May 11, 2020
I am rather tired of hearing that it is only a matter of consumption. It is a matter of consumption AND population. If we wanted to have the lowest ecological footprint, we'd live as hunters and gatherers...and then there would only be room for a few million of us.

When I talk about overpopulation, I'm talking about all of us, in every country. It cannot be denied that if there were only 1 billion people, even consuming at the rate of, say, western Europe, the world would not be in such dire shape. Of course it would be in even better shape if the same billion people were consuming at a much lower rate.

It's not an either/or. It's a both.

For a long time, the population was held at about a billion due to limitations of farming. Crop yield couldn't support more. As technology improved, there was enough food to support more people. About a hundred years ago farming really took off thanks to Fritz Haber figuring out nitrogen fixation used in modern fertilizer...population about a hundred years ago was about 1.8 billion.

Consumption is totally part of the question, but more than anything it's people having more children, and more of those children living to adulthood.

NO ONE wants to talk about the fact that there are too fucking many of us, and that avoidance of the elephant in the room pisses me off.
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