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Should I watch Bones (TV show)?

Posted by cfuter 
Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
October 31, 2022
OK, I didn't seen a forum for TV so here I am.

I'm watching Bones for the first time. And there seems to be at least 2 CF women on there, Sure they are treated like women w/ horns coming out of their heads or dysfunctional bcuz they don't want kids. Now, I got to the part where Cam adopts a stepchild she used to know and Bones suddenly wants a kid out of the fucking blue. I also saw a Halloween one where suddenly Bones is domesticated, and you can tell she had a babyee IRL becuz here face looks matronly and puffy suddenly. Is this show worth watching anymore? Or, will I just be aggravated by the typical TV Tropes and did they ruin yet another show w/ introducing a fucking kid...actually two from some spoilers I read? I figure the only ppl who would understand my plight is my BF buddies here.

Let me know if I should continue w/ this show, or maybe just fast forward thru any of the future sickening kids stuff when I get to it. I was so excited to see a show which initially had treated two CF women in a good light, until they didn't. argh!
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 01, 2022
Is that the one where Zooey Deschanel's sister plays the main character?

I didn't watch it myself, but I believe I heard people complaining how Breederific the show became as it went on.

Hopefully someone who actually watched it can fill us in.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 01, 2022
No, don't!

Bones becomes a total breeder with Booth. They end up having 2 brats. And her character changes completely. Very disappointing.

And I honestly don't even remember what happened with Cam.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 01, 2022
I finally found info in the Childfree subred. There is total aggravation w/ the character, same tropes as babyees change your personality and make you a nicer happier prsn! (All I've seen is the SOS dumb trickling down of same ol' fears and dumb attitudes in parents, nothing better high and mighty like they believe) One person did say there is still a lot of science and catching bad guys and you can just fast forward and ignore much of the babyee boredom. IDK what I'll do. I might very well just dump out of it. I'm a bit addicted, but I guess I could try the fast forward method just once and see how it works out.

Goddamn, when will hollywood try something totally new and let some lady and/or man just be childfree and NORMAL and maybe even a bit superior and show how it can be done 'correctly' w/o remorse or regret. They just refuse to entertain the idea.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 03, 2022
Goddamn, when will hollywood try something totally new and let some lady and/or man just be childfree and NORMAL and maybe even a bit superior and show how it can be done 'correctly' w/o remorse or regret. They just refuse to entertain the idea.

Frak, they ended X-Files with Scully knocked up even though she was like 54!
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 06, 2022
I feel like some of it is that the actors who play the characters get pregnant, and then the writers basically have the option of only showing the character from the shoulders up, or writing in the character getting pregnant. Maybe the breeder who said that women without children shouldn't play mothers was onto something, in that women who aren't CF shouldn't play CF characters. There's more of an argument for that, because it isn't a commentary on their acting ability, but on their ability to continue to meet the visual requirements of the character.

However there's no way to enforce that, or even requirements like "don't carry a pregnancy to term during the show". Personally, I think shows should be more willing to swap out actors when someone is no longer doing a good job in the role. You do have long-running shows where the main character is replaced, but I'm talking about simply hiring someone else to play the same character. If you can dress up actors to play real historic people, why can't you hire someone who looks kind of like the person who previously played the character? Or just say fuck the continuity of appearance, keeping the character's character true is more important than what they look like. After all, we now have historic people being portrayed by people who look nothing like the actual person, so I think all but pea brains can handle a change of a character's appearance between seasons.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 07, 2022
I'm reminded of that breeder beyotch from "Six Feet Under" who completely fucked up the show because she got knocked up and refused to accept the fact that her character was supposed to miscarry. Rachel something? They had to change the entire storyline in the last season because of her and it sucked.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 07, 2022
On Homeland when Mrs Brody got preggo IRL, they just CGI'd it out. I was sooo happy about that. You could tell she was In Pig tho, her boobs were bigger in a broodsow kinda way and her face was fuller, even just the top half looked so much more matronly, but I'm glad the story line didnt change, even for a somewhat minor character.

I'm still watching Bones waiting for the ep she announces the pignasty....I'm getting really attached to the show as it 'was', and the other shoe should drop soon and depress me, especially since they ruined the character too per other message boards.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 26, 2022
I'm watching now after her having the kid. I'm just half paying attention becuz it is pretty bad. I fast forward thru much of it.
But even the writing is bad now. It is chit-chat about baby wipes and diapers, and maternal fweelings. It pretty much is non-stop, intergrated throughout even the crime investigating scenes. It is pretty typical fare and nothing to grab your interest. I mean super mundane. If I was a glutton for punishment, I would pay more attention and actually count how many times they bring up the baby crap.

Most of all tho, they cheated the fans regarding the romance on the show b/t Bones and Booth. The fans waited and waited for them to get together, and they dont show even the nite they got preggo. Fine, do something unique and dont show it, keep everyone in suspense of the usual roll in the hay. But fans endured seasons and seasons of their building friendship and attraction. Now that they are a couple, it is nothing but stress, sorta bickering constantly about baby and maternal stuff. And, how all mothers are right and in charge and the men should just be dragged around by the nose I guess and like it. The fans don't get to enjoy the love story that could/should have developed. Dont get to enjoy the journey and their discovery of a deeper love. Now we watch them bicker about chores, baby needs, and groceries. frowning

And, since there are two couples w/ babeees now and Cam w/ her teen/college kid, I'd venture to say that up to 75% of the show is moomie crap. All it has done is convinced me I made the right choice staying CF bcuz kids do nothing but bring stress and aggravation to the parunts. I guess the underlying message is tho they love stressing about the kids bcuz they care about them. And, BTW, I'd love to clock the teen kid and her attitude and the whole time Cam is worried about what SHE says to the teen. More be a understanding friend than parental leader, and kid is snotty and somewhat outta control. Great from a woman who supposed to be educated and smart and the boss at work.

So we see if I bail totally, especially becuz they just snuck in the dialogue how they are going to eat lunch, then pump for the babeees, fuck, just lets have some crime-solving!
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 27, 2022
I actually skipped a couple of seasons (because urgh) and only watched the last two after the show ended. Pretty sure Angela gets knocked up too. And I think Cam ends up marrying one of the interns? It's all a sucky blur.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
November 27, 2022
I used to watch Bones back in the day and loved the sexual tension with Bones and Booth. But once she got pregnant and had a kid, that all just died off. I stopped watching because I was so turned off. I don't mind a lead actress getting preg in real life. But when the show writers take a winning show and then turn into dogshit due to this, then I mind a lot.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
January 15, 2023
The show is winding down in the eps I'm in, most breederific show. Every woman will be childed, one way or another. Now Cam, who has an "adopted" college kid from her ex who died, now she's marrying her employee and they suddenly want to adopt, so she doesn't have to affect her job and be physically pregnant? IDK. I would've been nice, since we have at least 4 highly educated female scientists here, that at least ONE just one might want to remain CF, but no, TV networks just can't do that for us. And, all these men just always dreamed of "being a father". Bleck.

BTW, Bones' kids is so sappy sweet saccharin it is hard to watch, I relish in the fast forward button. But how Hodges and his wife keep calling their kid, "michael vincent" instead of just Michael or Mikey or Mike is very annoying.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
January 17, 2023
Getting even closer to the end of series and YES ANOTHER PREGNASTY is in the works! oh boyhitting head against a brick wall

Plus, the main character looks like she never ever even tried to lose the baby weight after her 2nd. I know I know body shaming. But TV is fantasy, and they start these shows looking nice and then boom the bait and switch.

Needless to say, I will never do a re-watch of this show like I have of Monk easily 10x by now.
Re: Should I watch Bones (TV show)?
January 18, 2023
OKAY they squeezed in a triple adoption in the last ep. Cam got married and within the week (where they were almost killed by bad guy) they are picking up kids. Great way to start a brand new marriage.

I guess looking back at this show one day, they will announce how is was a renegade show for women's rights. Becuz look at all these high-powered women living their best life and reproducing their little hearts out. What a great life work balance!.

Watched Ep one that I missed and Bones was totally rocking it and normal, for her at least. What a transition to whatever she became in the end. If the show was flip flopped, she never woulda got the job and no one woulda watched and no seasons woulda been renewed.

Absolutely no re-watch of this show will be happening.
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