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Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?

Posted by Cambion 
Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 20, 2023
I have NEVER been musically inclined. Never played an instrument in school, I don't know how to read music, you get the idea. But part of me always wanted to learn to play the saxophone. Always loved sax solos in songs, and recently learned that the saxophone is considered a relatively easy wind instrument to learn and that it's good for people with short fingers, which I have on my small mutant baby hands.

Mind you, I don't want to play professionally or anything like that. I want to try to learn to play saxophone covers of cartoon theme songs. I just worry that I might invest a lot in an instrument that I get tired of, can't play, or have no energy to play. Plus just about every single thing I see about learning to play recommends lessons, and with my unpredictable work schedule, I don't know if I could commit to lessons, not to mention the cost.

I know we have at least a couple musically-inclined folks on here. What say you? Am I reaching for something I can't possibly achieve? shrug
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 21, 2023
The thing with being an adult is you can always try things out. I know people who have started music lessons or learning instruments as adults. The odds that you'll ever be great are very, very low, but on the other hand, if you only want to please yourself, why not?

I have played the sax, it is not that difficult to learn the basics.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 21, 2023
It really doesn’t matter. It’s never too late to try and learn something.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 21, 2023
You mention that you are too tired or don't have the energy to play the instrument. I play or try to play a guitar and the piano (I had some instruction when I was younger) and the biggest "excuse" I have to not practice is I am too tired. So practice in the morning before you do any tiring activities and set aside time for it then. It helps your performance if you are well rested too.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 21, 2023
Unfortunately, I am pretty tired in the morning and in order to practice in the morning, I'd have to wake up much earlier than normal to do it before work and would likely wake up my maternal unit if I started blowing a horn at 6am. I already don't get enough sleep, so reducing my nightly rest wouldn't do me any favors. I would ideally play at night, after I come home from work and after I've gone back to sleep to recharge, but due to working a bunch of overtime, I sometimes don't get much time to myself.

It's nothing I was super gung-ho about pursuing, but just kind of a "maybe" thing.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 22, 2023
A musician friend gave me a good tip: keep it out in view. It's easier with say, a mandolin or guitar, but if you put it next to your desk or a place in your house where you frequently are, you are much more likely to take a break and pick it up and use it. I don't know how that would work with a sax, but I thought I'd put it out there.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 25, 2023
Cam, it's never too late to try something new. I took piano lessons as an adult for a few years and enjoyed it. So if the saxophone intrigues you, go for it.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 26, 2023
I went to a music-oriented school for 5 years and I still suck. Piano, violin, flute - I just have zero talent, even though I love music.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
January 28, 2023
I think the extent of my musical expertise is playing the Pink Panther theme on the ocarina in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I'd love to learn the keytar too, but I don't know if I have the dexterity to make my hands do two different things. My buddy insists that if I can type, I can play an instrument, but I think it's a little more involved than that. Drums were another one I kinda wanted to learn, but I have no arm strength, and I don't think I could make my hands and feet work at the same time the way a drummer does.

From what I'm seeing, there are beginner saxophones that don't cost a fortune, not to mention I'm sure I could find a second-hand one on eBay or in a thrift store if I look enough. So if the flame grows stronger, I could shop around a bit. I say this like I have tons of money to throw around, but hey daydreaming is still free. smiling smiley
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
February 14, 2023
Was asking a buddy of mine if he played an instrument ever, and it turns out he used to play the saxophone in high school. So hearing that I'm thinking about learning has him all gung-ho about helping me shop for a horn. I'm happy he feels so eager to help since he's been kinda down lately, but this is kind of on the same level for me right now as a first grader who wants to grow up to be an astronaut.

But after listening to the different kinds of saxophones and learning the differences between the sounds and the levels of difficulty in playing them, I'm thinking I want a tenor sax if I ever do shop for one. It's good for beginners, it's not super heavy and I like the sound more than the alto, soprano or baritone horns.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
February 17, 2023
After nearly 30 years of playing the piano very, very little, I returned to it back in 2018 at age 55. I gradually added songs to my playlist, it is up to 8 now. It took a lot of work to resurrect a decent amount of my playing skill, not to mention tuning up the piano and cleaning it up. I can't say I play often, about once every 2 weeks, just enough to keep my skill at an adequate level. All of this came after I considered getting rid of the piano because it was taking up valuable space in my small apartment.

I will probably add a few more songs (all Scott Joplin ragtime, like those scores from The Sting movie) later this year, coming close to the full playlist I had during my piano heyday of the 1980s.
Re: Is it ever too late to try to learn to play an instrument?
February 24, 2023
I did try guitar a couple of times and I was much slower than other younger adults in my class. Of course I really didnt have as much time to practice w/ an over 40 hr a week job w/ commute and trying to workout at least 4-5x a week, and keeping up a house etc. When I did practice I did enjoy it and looked forward to it, but it still didnt come as fast to me to pick up. But, you'd never know until you try. You might have less distractions than I did.

If youre tired, you can try practicing just 15 mins, and see if it perks you up or just tires you out more. Every little bit helps.
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