Childfree FAQ
February 08, 2014
If you can't find the answer here you aren't looking hard enough.

If you're here do do a homework assingment or write a journal article we are not lab rats. Try reading these instead.
Re: Childfree FAQ
December 15, 2014

Note to researchers, journalists, students

If you're here do do a homework assignment, research paper or write a journal article we are not lab rats. Try reading these instead.

We aren't interested in being interviewed or taking a survey. We have not had one single positive interaction or positive report on the childfree choice or our board. Go away. If you're found you're bounced no questions asked. You aren't here to do us any favors so go away.

Your accounts will be blocked, your posts deleted and your IP banned.

We do not need or seek any parent posters head pats and faux support. We will not be test subjects or lab rats or set ourselves up for the usual journalist misquotes and twists to meet big medias pro family agenda.

Don't waste your time
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