Anonymous User
November 01, 2005
A lot of these disposable didys are disposed out car windows. They will fine truckers who throw milk jugs full of piss out their windows, but for some reason, sacred moos and duhs who throw used diapers out windows aren't treated as severely.

Re: #567
November 01, 2005
The other thing that's particularly gross is that, of necessity, the dirty diapers are filled with shit and/or piss. Much hand-wringing and money and planning and legislation deal with treatment of sewage from our toilets, and yet people can just carelessly toss out contamination bombs (read: dirty diapers) like nothing, with little to no ramifications. It's offensive and disgusting!!

Apparently, at least in my state, there's a 1-800 number you can call to report people who toss cigarette butts out their windows. I would hope that if you called on someone tossing a diaper, the highway patrol would be able to trace the vehicle and slap a fine on moomy/duhdee, as well.
Re: #567
November 02, 2005
Come on...parents and truckers can't possibly be expected to keep their excrement in a containment device until they can make it to a garbage can. They're all SOOOOOOO BUSY!
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