fetal fun
November 02, 2005
That's pretty uh, sick, but funnier than hell!
Re: fetal fun
November 03, 2005
Check out Cloty.

Perhaps they could have a play date.
Re: fetal fun
November 03, 2005
Hilarity at it's finest! I hope every breeder that trolls this board is scarred for life!
Re: fetal fun
November 03, 2005
I think I'm scarred for life! I was eating spaghetti when I clicked on that link!
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005
Wow. That site is just keen as all heck. The pica-tures were my favorite. I just loooove seeing dead unborn babies, gosh do I. Makes me want to run out and get pregnant just so I can do the same, I wonder if they would let me take it home in a jar, that would sure be neat.
If you couldn't figure it out by now, yes I'm a troll. Living under a bridge actually with my 15 children, broke and living on your hard earned tax money. No, seriously though. I'm not a breeder, I'm a parent, a responsible one with a partner that takes responsibility for our child.
Oh yeah, about that whole abortion thing....I was obviously kidding, but it's a shame that your mom didn't choose the same thing....what a waste of DNA. I'm sure you would have tasted better going down.
I never knew trolling could feel so good.
Love ya guys, you're just all cun-teriffic!!
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005
No, really, you are a troll. Why don't you go back to the breeder boards? That's right- BREEDER!!! Parents usually have enough brains, and maturity, to use screen names other than "Snatch." You just let everyone know- in no uncertain terms- that you are an idiot. Do you see any of us trolling your pathetic Moo boards? No. I actually feel sorry for your kids. The poor bastards are being raised by a vulgar, ignorant, pig. Go back to your doublewide, sell your food stamps for booze & cigarettes, and beat your kids. I wouldn't know, but isn't that what unhappy, regretful, trailer- trash Moos,do? Where's your baby's daddy? Do you even know who it is?
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005
Umm....I know you can write so I must assume that you can read. I said I have a partner, a husband who can afford to have a family...so there's no trailer in our neighborhood I can guarantee you that. Do I really care what you think of me though? Well by-golly NO I don't. I have ONE child you fucking retard, read my post again or are you too busy playing with yourself or your playstation to pay attention? tee hee...and you talk about my screen name and you don't have the fucking balls (or ovaries) to sign on as anything but Guest. Um, let's see here, since I am in med school I highly doubt that anyone else but a fucking no good loser (whose mom should have aborted) would consider me an idiot. Oh, but that's what happens when a wittle boy (girl) gets their feewings hurt. I'm vulgar, yes indeed. But not in front of my child. Only sewer rats like yourself are deserving of that kind of language. And until I get banned I will troll here as long as I want because to answer your first question, yes I do see your no-good hateful (probably racist too) kind on other parenting boards. Oops, but I wouldn't know if it was you..."Guest".
You're a god-damn retard.
I can't wait to take our 2 month old baby out to public places just to piss off scum like you. Can't wait!!!
Leaning toward childfree
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005
Um, Snatch,

I'm not going to insult you, but since you're in medical school and have a baby, why take time to insult people who made a choice that does not effect you in any way?

And, what makes any of us racist? I have seen nothing on this board that would make me think racism.

I'm not insulting you, I'm just curious.
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005

I am assuming that because you think I'm in medical school and have a child I also don't have a life. Well you would be wrong. Since this is a *2* parent household we both have time to spend with our child as well as doing things that contribute to a "normal" life.
But people who are "childfree" would never know that, they just assume.
The reason I was being inflammatory and insulting the very offensive posters on this particular thread is because I was disgusted. As I am disgusted by the people on this website that *do* troll over at my parenting boards and come back here to flame them to all their little friends. If you want proof of this I can most certainly provide it.
I didn't say any one *was* racist....just made a simple ascertation to the fact that since so many people on here are so hateful when it comes to babies and small children (who are the innocent by the way) that it would not be too far off base to assume that they are hateful towards many different people.
I did not say any one person was *in fact* racist, please point it out to me if I did.
I didn't take any offense and did not feel insulted. What does insult me are the people on this website in particular who have such slanted and narrow points of view of people who lovingly raise good, well mannered and bright children who have the potential to bring a lot of good into this world and much joy to their parents. After all, none of you would be here if your parents didn't feel the same way.
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005
So predictable.

Sure, show us some proof. Just for shits and giggles and to keep the board interesting.

Humour is something that is unique to individuals. People poke fun at tragedy all the time. Why is it so taboo to poke at children or miscarriage?
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005
Ok, here you go. Post #507 on the rant page.

And this one....

<~ The reason I no longer post @ "normal" woman's boards.... entry 467 Date: 08-27-05 14:12

Found this at a board where I have been lurking for a long time. I no longer post there because the woman who wrote this is ass-kissed by all the members. She's considered to be a Sage and Wise One.

It's obvious why any attempt to start a "childless by choice" thread has been a miserable failure. It's because this bitch and others are allowed to endlessly bingo us. Listen to the advice she's giving some woman who is wondering about starting a family:

"Please get straight into trying for a baby, don't leave it until later if you are over 35. Get right into it, the statistics I keep hearing are getting scarier and scarier. Careers and jobs can come and go, and I know your husband is well able to keep you and a couple of babies. One woman didn't start trying until she was 37, and then she had two miscarriages which destroyed her health. She said she honestly hadn't heard that the risk of miscarriage goes up, the older you get. The quality of the eggs decreases with age - she hadn't heard that, either. Also there is the greater increase of multiple births with increasing age, making for a higher risk pregnancy. I now think I was crazy to wait until I was 30 to have my son, I should have been having babies at 22, which is apparently the best time, according to an article I read in the paper this week, LOL! Pay great attention to what XXXX is saying, she has really researched this area well. "

WTF? She wished she had babyees at age 22? Because that always works out so well, right?

Woe to all of us when women swallow the Media Hype hook, line and sinker. >

If it's so predictable why do you feel the urge to respond?

And your sense of humor slays me dah-ling, it really does. Please, spare me your diatribe and lame excuses. You're just as pathetic as the rest of the lemings on this board.
I would love to know your personal angst and turmoils you've endured that are close to miscarriage? Abuse? Ever been abused? Ever been raped? How about discrimination? Ever lose someone you loved? Parents or Grandparents dead?
Give me your worst tragedy and I'll just see how my sense of humor can make light of any one of these things.
I can make it fun, really.
You are a gross misconception of life and not worth my time. The previous poster however, was decent enough to ask a real question and in turn got a real answer.

Leaning toward childfree
Re: fetal fun
November 05, 2005
Thank you for your real answer.

I myself have been privy to some people giving birth whom, quite frankly, should have been sterilized. Of course, their kids are absolutely horrible.

I was bullied as a child and know how mean kids can be. MANY (not all) let their kids hurt others. Some parents even encourage it.

I have anxiety, depression, and OCD. I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) that, while silly to many people, does fill me with terror and we all know what kids do.

I admire that you are still following your dream of becoming a doctor, and that your husband is obviously supportive and loving. It's just that with my dreams, and with the chances of marriage today, I'm not sure I'll be as lucky as you.
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
Hey, Snatch? I have a question for you. If you're a med student, parent, and loving wife, why do you care what we do, or say? Just curious. It would appear to make more sense to care for your baby, or study, right?
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
Look Sprogless, now I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here and assuming that you're smart enough to read.
Look at my above post and you will see that this is a *2* parent household. I can take care of my child, spend quality time with my husband and still have time to do the things I need (or want) to do.
And I care what you (the collective you) do because you are in essence a hate group. Towards children no less and I find it seriously disturbing. It's one thing to not want children because, well you don't want to add to the "overpopulation of the world" or because you want money (wah, we have lots of money and a baby and many nice things...that's how it goes when you're smart enough to make a living and know how to handle money) any of these reasons are fine. But to make fun of people that do want children and are able to take care of them, well Sprogless, I have to ask you the same question. Why do you care what *we* do or say?
Just curious.
You guys are rather sickening, like the KKK. Sure they have their right to believe what they want and have their little rallies, but that doesn't make them very human now does it?
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
That's just it, Snatch. I don't care what the childed do. I don't hate children, either. My bitch is with people that have kids, can't afford them, or simply think that once they popped them out, their job is done and over with. I don't believe for a minute, that it's anyone else's responsibility to raise these kids. I resent the hell out of these so- called parents that don't bother to teach their kids any manners, or self control. Parents deserve respect, but breeders do not. Now, let's talk welfare. As an aspiring doctor, certainly you'll agree that bringing children into the world with no means of support is a very selfish thing to do. That kid had no say in the matter, and will be forced to live a life of poverty. They usually lack proper nutrition, a decent upbringing, etc. Their parents are too lazy to support them, or raise them to be productive adults. Or, they're too drugged out to care. One way or another, the kid suffers. All the parent cares about is the check. So, there it is. My beef is with irresponsible breeders who take advantage of everyone to support their own lifestyles, whatever they may be. Parents, on the other hand, don't fall into that category, to me, anyway.
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
****I would love to know your personal angst and turmoils you've endured that are close to miscarriage? Abuse? Ever been abused? Ever been raped? How about discrimination? Ever lose someone you loved? Parents or Grandparents dead?
Give me your worst tragedy and I'll just see how my sense of humor can make light of any one of these things.
I can make it fun, really. ******

That is exactly what I have been getting at. It has already been done.

Look, you put the shit out there, people are going to read and respond. Don't like what they say about you? Don't read it.

Personally, I never read teh rants about the infertility board because as I have stated here before, the Ranter has too much time on their hands and are a little scary obsessive about it IMO. So, the same thing applies to them. Don't like what you see, don't read it. Shit, don't we have to deal with breeders enough in real life? Why go out actively seeking things to be pissed off? I never could understand why someone would go read a parent board or TTC board, just like I can't understand why a parent would want to read a CF board. Regardless, you are the one choosing to read and be pissed off. Your problem.
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
Ok, Sprogless, your beef is entirely justified, in fact I agree with you. I see far too many "breeders" living off of our government, which in itself is disgusting but the fact that they bring children into that kind of environment and lifestyle is beyond my understanding.
It just appeared to me (and many of the *parents* at some of the sites I go to that this entire site is filled with nothing but haters. And in my opinion, it's just not right to hate an innocent child. The parents who don't take care of them, that's another story.
Having said all that (and basically agreeing with you) I just don't get how any of that is relevant to the website that is mentioned on this post. You see, this is what I don't understand. Your level of anger towards the lazy and welfare sucking breeders does not really constitute the glorification of websites like that. Still, it tells me that you also hate innocent children. But you've told me that isn't the case, and I'm sure others will tell me the same about themselves, however your actions speak a different story.
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
Snatch Wrote:
> Why do you care
> what *we* do or say?
> Just curious.

OK, I'll bite. Here's why I care. First of all, let me state I AM already a doctor, if that counts for anything with you (since you keep throwing the medical-school issue around, I figured you might be impressed by my degree.) Second of all, in general, I happen to like kids. If anything, I tend to feel a little sorry for, and defensive of, them because we're passing down a pretty messed-up world to them.

I don't visit this board because I "hate kids". I visit, and occasionally post to, this board because it's like a refuge from this heavily pronatalist world we're all forced to live in. Consider it the one place where I may vent freely about my problems with the breeder mentality. It means a lot to me. Breeders have plenty of places they can feel at home. This is one of few places where I can feel that way. Please respect that.

I could go into an extensive diatribe right now about all of the ways in which the childfree subsidize the lifestyle CHOICES of the childed in our culture (and therefore I DO care about your choice to breed, because it unfortunately DIRECTLY affects me), but I'll just give you a quick list of the items that mean the most to me.

- You guys get child tax credits for the children you chose to have. Since we don't have access to such a credit, we're essentially paying you for your choice to have kids. Dig? If you, Snatch, have chosen to forgo your tax credit because you realize how unfair it is, then I commend you. I suspect however, that you have not/will not.

- A substantial portion of my taxes also go to support public schools. I actually don't have a major problem with this for two reasons: 1.) I did benefit from a public eduction myself, as a youngster, and 2.) I have so little faith in the mass of breeders at large, that I suspect that if Uncle Sam didn't step in, a lot of innocent kids would be S.O.L. as regards a meaningful education. Still, you have to admit, the childfree bear a very disproportionate burden of the cost of educating other people's kids.

- We tend to get the short shrift at work. We are frequently inconvenienced, or outright exploited, in ways that stem directly from our co-workers' choices to have kids, and the family-friendly agendas of our government and many places of employment. I could give you example after example of this.

- Overpopulation affects us all. Whether you're stuck in a traffic jam, worrying about the next epidemic exacerbated by the dense population of Homo sapiens on this planet (avian flu would be a good one to cite right now), the burgeoning crime rate, the depletion of natural resources, or the contamination of our environment, it's all ultimately attributable to overpopulation. EVERYONE who breeds is somewhat responsible for the mess we're in, albeit in proportion to the number of kids they produce and their lifestyle. I don't care about what county a breeder is in. Overpopulation is a systemic problem that knows no borders.

- Not everyone who is born is necessarily glad they were born. I, for one, genuinely would rather not have been brought into this world. My parents didn't ask my consent. They couldn't have. For that reason, I don't think breeding is a genuinely benevolent thing to do. You can't be sure your child will be glad to have had life foisted upon him/her. Think about it, "Snatch", if only for a minute, before launching into your next attack.
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
Snatch, if you are really interested in having a dialogue with CF people, and actually understanding them instead of having a knee jerk reaction to one side, a RANT board, then visit Tanglewood. Something tells me though that you are not interested in that. You are only interested in shit stirring. If not, I will see you at Tanglewood. This board is not the place for discussion between the two groups.
mercurior 1
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
as guiltfree has said, most of their reasons are most of ours.

and you have said about my parents if they got rid of me, my mum who is totally accepting thats right accepting, of my right not to bring a child into this world, its my decision, mum loved having kids of her own, but she dislikes other peoples kids, for several reasons, one a few are nice and good, but more and more are entitlement brought up, they are the ones who's parents have to be their best friends, and let them run wild in restaurants, i have seen young kids runnin around in public, wearing just a nappy, i have seen 6 year olds wearing clothes that would look skimpy on hookers.

i dont want kids, i dont like most kids, you obviously like yours, thats your choice, and i respect your choice, why cant you respect mine and the rest of us on this board.

LTC, i too have a disgust of other peoples bodily fluids, i suffer from sympathetic vomiting, i have trouble dealing with dog mess let alone another humans..

back to snatch, would you want us people who some hate kids, some like them some who are neither haters or likers, would you want us to have children, and we would resent them, and take it out on them.. i dont think you would.

this site is to get rid of stresses and strains of a pronatalistic, world, if we didnt have this to get rid of our anger, then where would we get rid of it.. yes the kids who cause the havoc.. so this site saves our sanity, saves your kids(talking generically i know you only have 1, btw, did you consider having a kid while doing your degree in medicine, work, study, and a child, even with a partner must be a lot of work, just imagine if you had waited till you had passed to have a child)..

Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
Ok GuiltFree here is my response.
First of all, I am not "throwing around" the fact that I am in med school, I think I mentioned it once and it was brought up again by another poster. Besides, it's just school, and I'm not a doctor yet so I guess I'm not understanding why I would be arrogant about something like that.
And I hope that you don't think because you're a doctor that your opinions will be validated for me, because that's not the case. While I'm impressed you took the time to achieve your career goals, I am not impressed with you personally in the least bit.
Your first argument means nothing at all to me, in fact I did forgo the child tax credit. And I will continue to do so. I don't need help or hand outs from the government. Having a child does not mean that I am due for government assistance like the breeders that you speak of.
Your second argument regarding public schools? It's not even worth responding to, yet here I am doing it. You went to school, correct? Your friends, family, other devoted members of the childfree club have all gone to school (I'm assuming) so that isn't even a fair argument. We all have to pay those same taxes, elderly people who have raised their kids, they still have to pay those taxes, people like me who have children who are not yet in school have to pay those taxes. It's a fact of life, get over it. Not to mention the fact that all these children that you are against will have to go to school to someday in some fashion take care of all of your sorry lives, whether it's being your doctor, your lawyer, your politicians, whatever the case may be. Now do we really want them to be uneducated? Not to mention the fact that without education these kids might end up just like the people you hate: Breeders, with no money, no education and no way of making a life for themselves without government assistance, which you will have to pay for anyway. So I say again, get over it.
As far as you getting the short shrift at work, I can't possibly begin to imagine why childless employees would get exploited. I have actually found the opposite to be true, but I guess you'll have situations that are on both sides of the coin to be true no matter where you go, it's inevitable. So as far as this is concerned, I'll take your word for it but I'm still hesitant to believe that it's so bad to warrant joining a hate group (yes, this is exactly what I consider a hate group.)
Overpopulation, I totally agree with you. However I'm not having 6.5 kids. I know I'm not the norm, but there are people that do understand that they don't have to have a billion children just because they can. We have one, we could have more but we just want one. That's good enough for us, and I have to say that I wish more people would have the same thinking. But they don't, and we can't control it.
And for your last comment about kids not having the choice to be born, I don't even know how to respond to something like that. Do you think that there haven't been times in my life I wish I wasn't born? I have been through a lot of terrible shit in my life, in fact have actually attempted suicide. But did I blame my parents? No. I was able to see that life can be rewarding if you know what you want and have the means and capabilities to do it. That's why I am where I am at now.
Life is opportunity and while I don't agree that *everyone* should have children (I certainly don't) I don't think that 100% of people would agree with you that it isn't "fair" that they were born. It sounds like a big pity party to me. I was unhappy for a million reasons, but I had the best childhood and I had everything that I (thought) I wanted. But did it ensure happiness? Nope, nothing does. Only you can do that for yourself.
I will be sure to do whatever it takes to make sure that my daughter knows that she is responsible for her own happiness, that I will be supportive of her decisions and guide her in the right direction. Will I be succeed in having the happiest child in the universe? Probably not, but she sure as hell won't be feeling sorry for herself that her parents were soooo selfish to have her. Give me a break.

Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
I absolutely hope none of you have kids, I don't think I have to worry myself about that though. I just don't understand why *many* of the people on this board are so very hateful to children, that's my point.
I realize that not everyone who is child free is full of hate, but I have seen some, and that is what I was upset about. That and they come over to the places where I do get together with other parents and bash on us for our decisions to raise a family.
You have your beliefs, I have mine. Not a big deal unless the two cross paths, which they have.
I'm glad you have a place to vent your frustrations, however a lot of what I'm seeing on here goes far beyond that. I think most everyone on here needs some type of counseling or needs to be under the care of a good psychiatrist because frankly I think I've seen some pretty ill people.
And as far as attaining my degree and raising a family, I didn't say it wasn't difficult, but it's worth it. It was nothing that was planned, I was on birth control when I got pregnant. So I knew it would be a challenge but I knew no one would suffer in the process. Besides if you think that the "busy" time ends when medical school is over, you're wrong. And if I ever had to postpone getting my degree for any reason for my family I would, in a heartbeat.
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
All my arguments were lost on you. Too bad you're so defensive, you didn't take a moment to consider carefully anything I wrote. (As promised, however, I do commend you for not taking the tax break. I'm sure your accountant was very disappointed.)

Best wishes with med school, Snatch.
mercurior 1
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005
you are taking as gospel a few people who you dont know , and who you dont know whats happened in their lives, or even today, you are judging all CF, by a few people who hate kids, do you say all muslims are evil coz of a few people who have extreme points of view.. no i dont think you do. so why are us CF so different in your mind. a few parents have told us i am sure i speak for some of us on this board, that they wished they had our nerve to be free, to have a life other than their children.

i post every few days, or weeks, so do others here, if you would only check the dayes people post you will see, its not every day for everyone..

you ventured into our place, and argued with us about our "faith" beleif, and you expect us to accept your arguments, if you have a problem with a CF on a breeders board, why dont you have a go at them there, and leave us to our own place. do you have a go at parents who visit this board and other like this, i dont think so. if you dislike some of the more extreme childfree, then why are you still here reading this.. maybe subconciously you are jealous that we decided not to have children, and you were "forced" into having a child, due to a faulty birth control.

see i am glad i met all these people on here, ok some are a bit extreme but thats ok, we are a community. and we cant all be stepford mom's and dad's can we..
Re: fetal fun
November 06, 2005

...just in case you missed it the first time I posted it.
And about your miscalculated guess that I am jealous that I am not child free, you couldn't be more wrong. I'm just here because I wanted to tell some of you how dispicable I think some of the words here spoken of children and families are. That's all. And I wasn't forced into anything at all. In fact I feel that my life is better off now than before I had my daughter. I was exploiting my youth and not putting into action what I needed to do for my future.
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