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Abortion: Merged Cluster-Fuck thread

Posted by cassia 
Abby Johnson Joins Live Action
February 21, 2011

A Match Made in Heaven? Abby Johnson Joins Live Action
posted by: Robin Marty 4 days ago

What do you get when you cross a woman who says she "converted" to the pro-life movement after seeing a fetus "cringe" during an abortion even though there have been some serious questions with her story, with a group that edits videos to attempt to discredit reproductive health clinics that act as primary health care to millions of women?

Why, you get the biggest publicity seekers all under one roof.

Via Fox News:

Live Action announced Wednesday that it had hired Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director in Texas, as its chief research strategist. Johnson made national headlines in 2009 when she quit her job after having a "change of heart" upon watching an abortion being performed on ultrasound.

In her new capacity, Johnson immediately got on board with Live Action's sting operation targeting Planned Parenthood. Live Action has, since the beginning of the month, released more than a half-dozen videos in which undercover actors posing as a pimp and prostitute solicited advice from Planned Parenthood employees on how to obtain services for underage sex workers.

Johnson said in a statement that the incidents in the Live Action videos are "not a rare occurrence."

"I can tell you from experience that Planned Parenthood often turns a blind eye to sexual abuse and trafficking," she said. "But ignorance is no defense, especially when it has turned their clinics into a safe haven for those who sexually exploit women and girls."

Johnson said she was "eager" to help Live Action "expose" the group.

The addition of Johnson makes a huge amount of sense for the vigilante anti-choice organization. Johnson has a new book to push, and Live Action has a bunch of doctored videos to try and get in front of more news organizations.

Now the two can work together to maximize their ceaseless promotional efforts.
Anonymous User
Re: Abby Johnson Joins Live Action
February 22, 2011
That story sounds fishier than a trout migration. I'm wondering if she defected due to something not mentioned here...perhaps 'an offer you can't refuse' like "join us or have your house picketed until the day you die" from the anti-abortion movement.

Hell - doctors are shying away even before any of them have showed up!
Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011

Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
posted by: Robin Marty 8 hours ago

Do we need to have a full investigation when a woman miscarries to ensure she did not actually purposefully induce an abortion? If you're Bobby Franklin, a Georgia Representative, your answer would be "yes."

Via JoeMyGod:
Not only does whackadoodle Georgia state Rep. Bobby Franklin want abortion classified as murder, according to his latest bill, the police will have to investigate all miscarriages to ensure that they were "spontaneous." Here's the complete bill. Via Daily Kos:

Franklin wants to create a Uterus Police to investigate miscarriages, and requires that any time a miscarriage occurs, whether in a hospital or without medical assistance, it must be reported and a fetal death certificate issued. If the cause of death is unknown, it must be investigated. If the woman can't tell how it happened, than those Uterus Police can ask family members and friends how it happened. Hospitals are required to keep records of anyone who has a spontaneous abortion and report it. Yup, we've been waiting for someone to suggest this--and Franklin has. Needless to say, there are no exceptions allowed. Not for rape victims. Not for incest victims. Not to save the life and health of the mother (the fetus must get equal care).

One in three pregnancies end in miscarriage. As a woman who miscarried in the fall of 2009, I cannot tell you how utterly disgusted by the thought that someone would even consider proposing such a bill. Many women after miscarriage already blame themselves, wondering if they had done something wrong that accidentally caused them to lose a very wanted child.

This bill would treat every woman as a potential criminal at a time when they are already at their most emotionally vulnerable. But that's just another day in the war against women for the country's Republican party.

Sometimes I wonder if our Religious Right hate the Mulsim Middle Eastern countries so much because they are secretly jealous of how they treat their women....
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
Love this comment:

GOD said it is better to tie a mill stone around your own neck and cast yourself in the sea rather than to harm one of his little ones.

Except of course when HE is the one doing a killing. What a loving caring God. No wonder people are turning away from Christianity if these are its representatives.

This makes me completely sick. I'm actually fucking shedding a tear for American women right now. When these dickheads who propose the bills can get pregnant (because most of them seem to be men) I'll listen to what they have to say (maybe). Until then they can FOAD.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
This does not surprise me. Anti-abortion movement has been gaining the momentum like no other. Even here on Bratfree, anti-choice is running wild and free.

Prohibition of abortions is not where this is all going to stop at. Investigation of all miscarriages is just a next strike against women. It will continue on. I just do not know where it will end. Just the fact that such bills are even proposed is scary. But, the scariest thing is that such bills have a chance of passing and are likely to receive wide public support.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
Love this comment:

GOD said it is better to tie a mill stone around your own neck and cast yourself in the sea rather than to harm one of his little ones.

Except of course when HE is the one doing a killing. What a loving caring God. No wonder people are turning away from Christianity if these are its representatives.

This makes me completely sick. I'm actually fucking shedding a tear for American women right now. When these dickheads who propose the bills can get pregnant (because most of them seem to be men) I'll listen to what they have to say (maybe). Until then they can FOAD.

No dictatorship has ever survived or existed without the overwhelming support of it's own people. American women are their own worst enemy.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
And what if someone doesn't report their spontaneous/induced abortion? What if they just let it happen naturally? Will women need to chart their periods each month and report back to the state so these women-haters can make sure their cycles are consistent? Will allsales of pregnancy tests be recorded and the information used to buy them traced back to the women who buy the damn things so someone can "investigate" and find out if the test was positive? Make all women take a pregnancy test in-store before they're allowed to buy abortifacents like vitamin C, black/blue cohosh, motherwort, parsley, ginger, and so on (even though many abortifacents are also used in late pregnancy to help with labor)?

A lot of miscarriages happen before a woman even knows she's knocked up, and she might think it's just a heavy period until an egg sac or what-not falls out. These assholes are way too bored for their own good. They ought to be made to go around picking up trash on the highway with ski poles so they leave the sane people's lives alone.

I am sad to say that I agree...this is not going to be the end. Some people want women to have no rights, no value, no opinion, no choice...no nothing. They'd want to make it legal to assault women (physically or sexually) and turn them into property again. I think all these men should have kidney stones intentionally induced in their bodies and should be forced to pass them, and any form of treatment besides that they they seek would be "investigated." That's the closest they'd get to being pregnant and giving birth.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
Good point, it would cost an absolute fortune to do properly and would turn the state into a "Big Brother" state if done properly.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
This is beyond insulting.

Are we really turning into the middle east where pretty soon women won't be able to do anything but incubate babies, teach kids or be pediatric nurses....

Then again this is one of those states where I believe blow jobs and sex toys are still illegal.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
This is beyond insulting.

Are we really turning into the middle east where pretty soon women won't be able to do anything but incubate babies, teach kids or be pediatric nurses....

Then again this is one of those states where I believe blow jobs and sex toys are still illegal.

Sadly, that is what gaining support of the general public.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
And to think they also cut education....

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
What is there to investigate? A cramp comes on, a clot falls out and then? Will they scrape for remnants of coat hanger metal? WTF.

I've never heard of anything so absurd and it will go nowhere.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
I hope he won't mind if I sift through his discarded kleenex and socks to make sure he's not wasting life-giving baby batter.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
I'm pretty sure Bobby Franklin's fucked up karma will produce a healthy and virulent case of testicular cancer. I'm actually shocked this twunt hasn't tried introducing a bill forcing women to wear burkas. You know we have to do something about women who dress like whores!
Has this jackass wondered what he's going to do if his bill actually gets passed? Abortion is still legal, determining if a woman caused her miscarriage isn't going to do anything to her. That is, other than traumatize her more if she actually wanted the kid.

Why in the world does he think women are still drinking nasty mixes or using coathangers in their kitchens to pretend it's a spontaneous abortion rather than run down to the local clinic and get a regular abortion?
I'd like to see them enforce it.
Re: Georgia Representative Wants To Investigate All Miscarriages
February 21, 2011
Suddenly, I have empathy for women in many developing countries. A country's economic state deteriorates, and religious monsters like this nut come of nowhere to fulfill their misogynistic desires. I'm afraid we're only seeing the beginning of women's rights' erosion. Us CF women will soon be a very legitimate target too.
Golly, we should send him all our used tampax and pads so he can investigate personally.
Suddenly, I have empathy for women in many developing countries. A country's economic state deteriorates, and religious monsters like this nut come of nowhere to fulfill their misogynistic desires.


Take a closer look at the videos from Egypt...notice the distinct lack of women involved.

Where are they? Back home - beaten, barefoot, pregnant, and under a black body tent.
Why not just hook all of us up to a fucking milking machine, strapped spread-eagle onto a table to be impregnated by any male who fancies a turn? Just fucking keep us all permanently pregnant and lactating. Sow our mouths shut while you're at it, so that we can't say one iota about it.

When it boils down to it, this seems to be what freaks like Mr. Bobby Franklin Godbrain seems to want. Fucking misogynistic creep.
Florida Candidate Jokes About Bombing Abortion Clinics
March 02, 2011

Florida Candidate Jokes About Bombing Abortion Clinics
posted by: Jessica Pieklo

"The level of comfort the right displays with violence and off-handed political threats has reached the tipping point. This is especially true in the context of the assault on women's rights as numerous states try to amend their laws to call the premeditated murder of an abortion doctor "justified" because of a personal, religious opposition to abortion.

That these efforts seem normal let alone acceptable is perfectly illustrated with the example of Jacksonville, Florida mayoral candidate Mike Hogan. Hogan was participating in a candidate forum at a Catholic church when he joked about bombing an abortion clinic. The "joke" was to underscore Hogan's vehement opposition to Roe v. Wade and somehow, this seemed an appropriate way to do so.

Sadly enough his audience thought so too.

As if that were not bad enough, in a follow-up interview with the Florida Times-Union Hogan insisted that his comments shouldn't be taken seriously because, after all, he was merely pandering to his audience. "That was a joke" Hogan said of the abortion bombing comment. "This was an audience for this. This is a Catholic Church. I guarantee you they are 110 percent pro-life.""

(more article in the above link)
This is not dissimilar to the "Save the Heartbeat" (or whatever it's called; "heartbeat" figures in there somewhere) bill circling the cloaca that is the Georgia legislature. What we have to do is start a movement to shift the focus from heartbeats to brainwaves. The second the leaders of the Catholic church and their toady Bible-bangers believed that a fetus was capable of thought (or-- maybe even worse than that-- God forbid!-- independent thought), the party line would flip from "SAVE IT! SAVE IT!" to "KILL IT! FOR GOD'S SAKE, KILL IT!" right quick.
Re: Florida Candidate Jokes About Bombing Abortion Clinics
March 02, 2011
I was going to go on this guy's facebook page and write "The only thing I wouldn't do is bomb Mike Hogan's house, but it may cross my mind," but a comment like that would probably get me arrested. Funny how that works.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Americans United For Life - The "Kill The Abortion Provider" People?
March 02, 2011

Americans United For Life - The "Kill The Abortion Provider" People?
posted by: Robin Marty

"A recent rash of "justifiable homicide" expansion bills in various state legislatures have revealed the operations of a pro-life group intent on seeding anti-abortion legislation across the country. But is the group itself the one advocating for laws that some say could put abortion providers in physical danger, or are sponsoring legislators simply taking those model laws one step further?

First South Dakota, then Iowa and Nebraska have each introduced a bill that allows people to commit "justifiable homicide" in defense of an endangered fetus. Every lawmaker proposing the bill claimed he had no intention of having it apply to a woman seeking out an abortion -- yet each bill purposely avoids narrowing the circumstances so that would not be included.

But is opening the door for murdering abortion providers really the intent of the original seed legislation?"

(more article in the above link)
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