See, it's not just American children who have breeders instead of parents. Russians have breeders too. My friend has a daughter who is a gymnast. She constantly brags about how her daughter is a future Olympic champion and complains that her daughter's coach is holding her back. Now some context. The girl did reasonably well in children's competitions, finishing top 3 in many events. However, her results have lately begun to suck. The coach, btw, is a former world champion and Olympic medalist who is known to be a bit eccentric and moody but like many eccentric and moody coaches, is acknowledged to be a fantastic coach.

Now my friend constantly complains that her daughter's coach ignores her little brat, concentrating on another girl who is in the same age group and who, believe it or not is the best in the country in her age group. In one instance, the coach apparently was devoting all her time to two of her students and ignoring her daughter completely. The thing was that within a week, those two students were competing at the national championships and her daughter was not.

Anyway, she sent me a video of her sprog once and needless to say, I was completely unimpressed. She asked me what I thought and I said "It's a damn shame the coach doesn't work with her" even though I was tempted to say "If this is the future of the sport in Russia, then I weep for the future." But now my friend keeps sending me pictures and bragging about how her daughter won this one competition (even though the other gymnasts she competed against sucked). How do I tell her kindly and bring her back down to earth and say "look, your brat seems like a nice girl but she'd be very lucky to be on the national team let alone be an Olympic Champion

I don't think I could continue a friendship with someone who spent all of their time talking, and bragging, about their kid. This sounds as bad as a woman I work with who constantly has her brat in pagents. This kid is really not very attractive, and is kind of pudgy compared to other children her age, but moo spends tons of money on custom made dresses, and entry fees. She's continually having professional photos taken of her daughter and showing them to us. It seems like such a waste of money, and time.
New to the board. Came over from the ezboard CF board! A big hello to everybody and I will pass the virtual martinis around.

I am very straightforward person, and since I work in public relations and marketig in the healthcare business, and I have never been shy about giving my opinion.

We worked on one project involving an advertising video to be used at a medical convention. The company did not want to use a real pediatric patient, so we used a child actor. We interviewed and auditioned hundreds of little brats for the part, and every stage moo in the greater LA basin thought their brat was the be-all, end-all. 99.999% of the brats were horrible, and I had no compunction whatsoever about telling them their brats were not what we wanted. Most of them read the lines like they were screaming for junk food or whining about some toy. I have never seen so many untalented little shitbags in my life. After those auditions, I had such a bad migraine that I needed a few hundred Vicodin!

With few and very rare exceptions, most brats have zero talent and would be better off not being pushed by the fucking stage moos.
This thread has reminded me why I'm so glad I have my OWN accomplishments so I don't have to vicariously live my shattered dreams through a sprog.
Waving to CFBFLA! :beer

My feeling is that most of these brats don't WANT to be pushed into whatever the stage moos are pushing. In the case of the Russian girl, if she was truly enjoying gymnastics, perhaps she would have been making the effort to do better. The coaches see this all the time, no doubt, and they can pick out who will be dedicated and who is there only because Moomy is paying big bucks for the lessons.

Kids should only be doing this stuff for as long as it is fun for them, and that they are getting something out of it. If the kid really doesn't want to be a gymnat, it is time for Moomy to cut her losses and let the kid move on.

Sherz...don't even get me going about those pageant moos! In addition to the fact that they make the kids look like minature whores, with all of the makeup and whatnot, they send a bad message to girls. They are teaching them that the most important part of being female is looking pretty, and eventually snagging a MAYUN. These pageants take up so much time and money, that there is none of either for anything else.

Parents have NO BUSINESS trying to push kids into some sort of career, especially if it is for the gain of said parents. Let the kids decide what they want to do when they are old enough to decide. Let them feel free to explore lots of interests, and discover what they like to do, and are good at.
Re: Stage Breeders: How do you kindly tell them their kid sucks
August 13, 2006
Sadly, when I was 8, as I was leaving one of my gymnastics classes, I notice that some girl obviously had broken her arm, (something that happens quite often in gymnastics) and her mother was yelling at her. How sad. Hypothetically speaking, if that was my daughter, I would have been consoling her, not berating her. Breeders suck.

lab mom
Thanks for the advice. My parents paid for tennis lessons (which aren't necessarily cheap) and encouraged my endevours without any expectation that I'd become chris evert. I think they just wanted me to find a hobby and get exercise.

One thing that constantly amazes me is how many breeders think they know better than the experts. The coach in my earlier example was an olympic medalist, was a world champion, had coached national and world champions. Stage moo, on the other hand, thinks she knows better, has her own ideas of how her sprog should perform, how her sprog's routines should look, and how often her sprog should compete. I think I guess that's probably why crazy coach ignores my friend's sprog. She probably got so fed up with her "coaching" that she just figured the mom should be the one coaching.
Re: Stage Breeders: How do you kindly tell them their kid sucks
August 13, 2006
I hope this doesn't trail too far off topic, but I also wonder why the hell some parents push their kids to do sports, dancing, or anything else extra-curricular, especially when the kids do not want to do it. I recall something I saw on television about this couple that would constantly enter their young daughter (10-12 ish) in beauty contests, and all the money they'd win would be put toward the next competition - the couple didn't have very much money, so in order for their kid to continue, they had to put up the prize money for clothes, fuel, air fare, whatever for the next contest. Yeah, the kid got some trophies, but geez. It also showed the girl's younger sister (maybe 5-7) being put in competitions, and a video clip showed one particular contest where the younger girl was doing a dance routine and she broke down and cried and ran offstage halfway through because she never wanted to be in the competition in the first place.

I know some parents like to try and live through their kids, but when you're forcing your kids to do something so you can be proud of yourself...I mean them, there's a fucking problem.

Matush, the story you told of the woman doing the 'co-coaching', so to speak, sounds kind of like the scenario of the American breeder who goes to parent-teacher conferences and screams at Junior's teacher for not giving him the highest grades under any circumstances and just overall telling Teacher how to do their jobs. *sigh* I fuckin' hate breeders.
Cambion said:

Matush, the story you told of the woman doing the 'co-coaching', so to speak, sounds kind of like the scenario of the American breeder who goes to parent-teacher conferences and screams at Junior's teacher for not giving him the highest grades under any circumstances and just overall telling Teacher how to do their jobs. *sigh* I fuckin' hate breeders.

Welcome to my world! I've had students who couldn't read by the time they were in third grade that I've wanted to refer for testing for learning disabilities to get them extra help. You wouldnt believe the number of parents who refuse testing because, "There ain't nothing wrong with their kid, it's the school systems fault." I remember one mother who bragged to me about how proud she was to be off of drugs for the past 4 years, but couldn't understand why her ADHD drug baby 8 year old couldn't read. I hate parunts, and most of their children!

One of the differences between a breeder and a parent is the breederish desire to constantly live vicariously through their brats or subject them to unrealistic expectations.

A moo or duhd that was a klutz might expect their brat to be athletic or have some kind of physical prowess denied to them. A brat that is only of normal or less intelligence may be pushed to get an ADHD diagnosis on the mistaken belief that CNS stimulants might somehow make the little snots smarter. Then there is the case of the untalented moo or duhd that push their brat to perform publicly when the brat might be talent-free.

Everyone things of the Mama Rose stage moo from "Gypsy" as being the perfect model of the pushy, vicarious-lived breeder. I think the reality is far worse, and the more insidious and passive-aggressive pandering of breeders that their lesser than normal brats are spayshul is concretely more damaging to them over the long haul.

When we get down to brass tacks, very few, if any, of today's brats are smarter than an earlier generation. If anything, the brats seem stupider, lazier and more pathetic in their cult of self-esteem and entitlement poisoning.
A big hello to CFbitch!!! Have any of you seen that show called Showbiz Mom and Dads? That pagent moo and grandmoo make me wanna puke! The only really cute one I remember was the 12 year old boy Justin. He seems talented and he likes horses. (I am a sucker for any kid or adult who loves animals.)
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