Childed Neighbor Moving
August 23, 2006
Good morning! Maybe a little unususal post for a militant childfree'er like myself, but my neighbor, single mother of three, is moving. She has been widowed once, remarried, and divorced in the past 7 years. I could not believe when this 40-something decided to procreate with husband number 2. But that was her business. We are not all that close, waving mostly because she gets up extremely early and is gone nearly all day.

Anyway, I must say we have NO SHOT of getting three better children to move in. They have lived across from us for 7 years now and I have never hardly heard a peep out of them, Their ages are now 3-15 and I have to commend K on their upbringing. I will actually miss them,
Re: Childed Neighbor Moving
August 23, 2006
That's a bummer. I have 2 nice kids living next to me and 2 across the street. I will be sorry if they'd ever move.

The ones behind me catty-corner though, could rot in hell for all I care. Loud, bratty, ride bikes down the hill into my yard, etc.
Re: Childed Neighbor Moving
August 24, 2006
Well, children can be fun at times as well as being a little bit bratty and mischevious. Considering this, children are supposed to be cherished and adored.
As for me, I really love children and if I were in the writer's shoes, I will also miss the children that even though I do not have them as neighbours nor a family that has a child.

Re: Childed Neighbor Moving
August 24, 2006
Children can be cherished and adored all they want - BY THEIR PAHRUNTS.

I don't want to see, hear, or have to deal with them.
Re: Childed Neighbor Moving
August 26, 2006
Same here KFLL! I have 1 neighbor with nice children. The rest of the people in my Godforsaken neighbor have horrendous, criminal children from hell. There is one in particular that I would love to see move! He's a little bad assed shit from hell that loves to get in the middle of the road to watch drivers slow down, then the little fuck monkey laughs at them!! I hate him and will not call 911 one the day that someone doesn't slow down for him!
Re: Childed Neighbor Moving
August 26, 2006
All of my neighbors kids are under sevenish. They're all toadlers for the most part, and scream constantly. I would KILL for some decent kids in the neighborhood!
Re: Childed Neighbor Moving
August 26, 2006
Lately, there have been some break-ins and minor vandalism in my neighborhood. We haven't been hit, thankfully. But some little nine-year-old punk got caught and admitted he'd been one of the culprits. WTF? They sure do start young, don't they?

Keeping fingers crossed--and doors locked!
Re: Childed Neighbor Moving
August 27, 2006
Good neighbours are always missed...and hard to come by in this entitlement-minded society. A lady has lived across from me for a few years with her young son. The boy is very well-mannered and enjoyable to be around...even though I am far from being a "kid person".
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