1793-Brats Trash Office
August 27, 2006
Stories like this make my blood boil. I hate parents that don't teach their children to respect property that doesn't directly belong to them. I say "directly" because moo would say that everything in the office was paid for by her tax money, and therefore it is perfectly acceptable for her brats to trash the place. Wrong, I'm a tax payer and I don't like to see things wasted!!

Another thing that I find annoying about this story is that the office staff sat back and allowed the brats to trash the place. This is because many people who work in the school system are sooooo afraid of pissing off the parents, and causing problems with them. I'm not one of those people, and I hate to watch my namby pamby coworkers cater to these swine. If a parunt is in my classroom for a conference, party, or whatever and their child, or the extra children they usually bring with them, is acting up I will correct them if the parent doesn't. In most cases he parent then becomes embarrassed and reinforces me. I also don't let the parent leave until their child has cleaned up whatever mess they have made. I don't care who I piss off! Whatever happened to the basic principle of being responsible for one's actions?

I don't mean to go on, but on Friday a famblie with 8 unruley children visited our school to register their oldest, who happened to be 8! (Just imagine being in pig for 8 years of your life like this moo!) Anyway these parents let the kids run all over the school, assuming that the rest of us would watch them. Several of them were litterally climbing up the sides of the door jams. No one in the office said a thing to them. I could have cared less if they were chewing on electrical wires, kids this bad are expendable. One of the girl sprog entered my classroom and I told her she needed to go find her mommy, that I was busy. She left, and I later saw her playing outside in the parkinglot completely unattended. I walked on by. School is not in session yet, and I wasn't responsible for that child's safety or its parunts lack of responsibility. Our county gives us only one paid day to prepare for the start of school the rest of the time is spent in ridiculous meetings, and I'm not a baby sitter.

Sorry for the ranting, I needed to! smiling smiley
Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 27, 2006
Remember when those brats would have been paddled in the principal's office instead of trashing it with Post-Its?

I think the moo needs a good spanking too.
Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 28, 2006
SO and I were in Boston this past weekend. We were waiting in the lobby for the car observing 3 kids running through the lobby yodeling like banshees, UNTIL one of the kids plowed right into a big table and busted himself open. It was classic and I was in heaven.

The moo was giving dirty looks to everyone nearby because I guess she thought we should have been keeping an eye on Shitford. We made sure she saw us snickering. She sat him down on the couch, cooing and babbling to the little idiot. It was a very minor injury but he screamed and wailed like he'd just been beheaded. I heard her snap to the Walking Wallet, "There's enough people around here, you'd think someone could have prevented this, and why do they have this big table here anyway? I think they need to move it before somebody really gets hurt." W-W stood there looking blank.

WTF? What SHOULD the hotel have in it's lobby? Sorry lady, but the hotel lobby is NOT a place for your 3 brats to run around. I'm sure she bitched to the hotel management about the table being in an inconvenient place
Anonymous User
Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 28, 2006
Stupid cow KFLL! Amazing that breeders think everyone else is supposte d to watch their crochrockets. I hate stuff like that. Oh well, at least she saw you guys laughing!
Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 29, 2006
KFLL, moos expect that the entire world is their nursery. Everyone is supposed to watch their sprogs. At work, one moo dropped off her son in the security office when she said she forgot something in the call center. Rules state that employees cannot bring their kids in the building. I made it very clear to Mommy that I was not responsible for her child and then I stepped out of my boss' office. I wonder if she would have done the same had both guards on duty had been male?
Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 29, 2006
I will never, ever, ever again watch an unattended child without being asked. It's not my business, it's not my problem, it's not my job. If I wanted to watch kids all day, don't you think I'd have some of my own, or at least have a job where I would have to do that? If they fall out a window and get hit by a steam roller is of no concern of mine, their guardians should be watching them, not some random stranger. And no, I don't feel bad about it at all...I don't want to be a part of the village required to raise the children of others.

Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 29, 2006
I make the same comments to my co-workers when a moo tries to drop off a brat at the security desk. If I wanted to look after the little darlings so badly, I would have popped out my own or got a horrible job in a daycare. I work evenings so I escape the lunacy of Post #2 - the human resources area where job applicants are seated until the testing and interview. Many moos bring their diapered sprogs in strollers. Once when giving the guard a break when I came in, I was asked by Moo to watch her bay-bee during her test, which takes about two hours. I curtly replied that I could not be responsible for her infant. I got a dirty look from Moomie. I don't care if the d@mned thing needs it's bottle or cries -- as long as the crying is not near my ears. Oh well, it sucks to be her! As you mention Feh, I did not sign up to be part of that village.

eye rolling smiley
Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 30, 2006
I'm sorry to hear about that. Friggen brats.

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: 1793-Brats Trash Office
August 30, 2006
"As you mention Feh, I did not sign up to be part of that village."


What p!sses me off most is that they're not happy if you do parenting for them when they're NOT watching their child, which is when junior is most likely to get the Darwin Award, but when it is clearly not your job to do so, and they ask you to babysit and you tell them "that's not my job", they get offended as well.
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