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Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.

Posted by Melanie 
Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
This thread about not letting kids use handheld games at restaurants and the like (a practice I abhor, along with DVDs in minivans -- let them develop their fucking minds so we don't have to support them for life!) generated a number of increasingly defensive posts from lazyass moos who don't want to be "judged" -- they state that it's wrong to judge "parenting choices.." blah blah low low.


But minutes later this thread ballooned to four pages -- with the bizzy moos out in full force judging in the most derogatory terms some parents who are attempting an interesting experiment; they are not revealing the sex of their infant in an attempt to protect it from gender bias. The eHell moos are going ballistic -- they can't stand the thought of any nonconformists performing any sort of intellectual exercise, they just label it as dumb, flaky, stupid, etc. Sooo, I guess turning your kids' minds into mush with Gameboys so you don't have to bother to converse with them, or multiple DVD players in the minivans so you don't have to teach them proper travel behavior, is stellar parenting, but attempting to give your kid an interesting start to life without having it slotted into ballet dancer/fireman stereotypes its first few months is just wacko. I love it!

Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
What an interesting juxtaposition! Has anyone from the first thread, who was anti-judging, posted in the second? (Note: second link is the same as the first--the thread about electronics.) I hope someone else mentions what you've observed in the second thread. It's especially funny that the OP's friend wants to avoid confrontation, and doesn't want to appear to be judging, while still standing by her own parenting methods. The only thing that would be better would be if the first thread was about prostitots, and someone objecting to judging parents who dress their infants in heels!

There was some story, wasn't there, about a kid whose parents were raising it without people knowing the sex? From the 70s or something. It sounded like a cool idea to me. A child's sex should be completely irrelevant.
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
Oh, sorry about the bad link; here's the real one to the genderless kid thread; it's now up to eight pages.


I didn't notice overlap but was reading while on the phone; may check for it later. What strikes me is the fear in the second thread -- they are so frightened of anything that challenges their narrow, maudlin "the important thing is to just love the child" view of parenting.

Also they don't seem to understand that the parents aren't trying to de-sex the kid, they are merely trying to remove gender bias from the way the rest of the world interacts with the child, for the time being. The eHell dolts are equating this interesting approach to depriving the kid of knowing which bathroom to use, et.c
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
You know, as much as some people don't like it there is a difference between men and women. I am not saying one is better than the other or that girls can't do math and boys can't knit or stupid shit like that. But there are inherent differences. There are tomboys and dudes who are not testosterone monsters.

Those morons over at ehell should read this warped, horrible experiment on trying to raise a male as female. That asshole John Money used that poor kid for his experiment. I feel bad that guy got mutilated. That was horrible. But those jackasses compounded the horror by trying to make him think he was a girl, a decision that ultimate lead to his suicide. He always knew in spite of the way the world tried to tell him he was a girl.

Yeah, go ahead people, experiment on your kids in your stupid attempts for "equality." You'll likely just end up with a kid confused and fucked up.

It's funny. My husband and I went to a paintball field yesterday. We were talking about the day on the way home and the topic of guns came up. Through time I've known parents who absolutely forbade any toy guns in the house because they didn't want their sons to grow up violent. But as a kid with friends with no toy gun parents and an adult seeing those kids, I LMAO at all those boys using their thumbs and index fingers as guns trying to shoot each other as soon as they were old enough to run around in spite of their parents. I'm not saying all boys/men are like this, but hell it sure looked like most of them enjoyed trying to beat each other up and shoot one another. Why is that? As a kid (and a girl) I thought it was stupid, but figured it was guys being guys. It's not all society and sexism creating people with gender bias.
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
Not too long ago I was in a BAR that happened to serve brunch. Brat son was gaming, Brat daughter was on the phone. HELLLOOOOO famblee time.
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
Scenes like that make me wonder why they had the kids in the first place. I've noticed other tables where the dad is fucking around with his phone the whole time and the kids are just fidgeting around being ignored. I've seen kids not interacting because they are constantly on a GameBoy or iPhone. Sad.

Rose Red
Not too long ago I was in a BAR that happened to serve brunch. Brat son was gaming, Brat daughter was on the phone. HELLLOOOOO famblee time.
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
Well the gender thread has been not only locked but vaporized by the moderators; guess it really challenged their notion of lifescript parenting. LOL!
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
I haven't read the thread about electronics because, frankly, I don't care about their opinions. As for the gender secret, sorry, that strikes me as weird. If you have kids once they're born you don't "experiment" with them in terms of gender identity. They are what they are, and let them make their own choices. If a boy wants to play w/dolls or a girl wants trucks, so be it.

I was a hybrid. I played with dolls but, since I lived in a newish neighborhood where there were always new houses being built, I played in the construction when the workers went home. I was also raised with the belief that I needed to be responsible for myself, financially, because relying on a man to support me was absurd.

Just what society needs, more fucked up people because their parents wanted to be "different." Different, my ass. They're just morons.
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
I don't think it's that weird. No one said they were going to try to trick the baby; just that they didn't want others approaching it early in its life with preconceived notions/behaviors. Sounds kind of interesting to me and in any event, no worse parenting than using electronic anesthesia 7 hours a day on kids so moo and duhd don't have to interact with them. Or brainwashing kids with religion or "the union mentality" or other bullshit that is going to warp them for life.
Has no one brought up that maybe the baby was born intersex and the parents are waiting to see if it leans one way or the other towards daintiness/rough play?

If the above is the case, I applaud them for waiting... Other than that, meh. What's one more messed up kid in this day and age?
Re: Moo hypocrisy on eHell. They are so predictable and timid.
May 23, 2011
Personally, I think that yak yak yakking on a cell phone, reading, playing with a hand held anything, working cross word puzzles, etc......is RUDE while dining with guests regardless of where the meal is being held or the age of the guests. In this case, the moo didn't appear to be pushing her etiquette on others and didn't even say anything until pressed. Kids need to learn how to share meals with others and actually converse, rather than having every single minute occupied with a game or toy.IMHO.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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