Not surprised
I can't believe it
November 11, 2005
This takes the cake. This woman actually pictures herself as PERSECUTED? Has this woman ever heard of the gestapo? Of the holocaust? Help us all, we live in a nation full of spoiled brats. Does she really think that the fact that biological forces, the same forces that brought her into the world, are wrong? If she can't procreate, might it not be a good thing? Judging from this whiny post, I personally am quite happy to know her fertility treatments were for naught.

As grandma used to say, she had no trouble giving birth to 7 kids, 2 of which died. But she always envied the saloon-keeper's wife, who had none. "She always seemed younger and seemed to get so much more done."

Take it as a gift, whiner. Stop being such a martyr.
Re: I can't believe it
November 12, 2005
If you're going to link to an infertility blog, don't be surprised when the infertiles bop on over here ripping y'all new ones.

Why are you reading infertility blogs anyway?

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